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Everything posted by FSF

  1. The Football Supporters’ Federation awards are back for their third year, and will be held on 16th December at the Emirates stadium. We’re after nominations from fans of all clubs across a range of categories detailed below. Categories: * Away Day of the Year * Blogger of the Year * Commentator of the Year * Fanzine of the Year * Independent Website of the Year * Newspaper of the Year * Player of the Year (from your club) * Podcast of the Year * Pundit of the Year * Writer of the Year You can nominate up to three entries to be shortlisted in any category, apart from Player of the Year. This is the first time that we have included a Player of the Year award in the FSF awards, so we’re keen to see whose performances you thought most stood out for your side in 2013. Unfortunately, you are restricted to just one nomination from your team for this award, so choose wisely. All nominated entries will be considered by the shortlisting panel, whether they have been nominated once or a hundred times. Nominations should be sent to awards@fsf.org.uk no later than 9am on 28th October. Shortlisting will take place once nominations close, and the winners will be decided by a public vote in November. For more details, visit http://www.fsf.org.uk
  2. The Football Supporters' Federation needs your support to help bring down the price of tickets, with our Twenty's Plenty for Away Tickets Petition – http://www.fsf.org.uk/20plenty We're calling upon football clubs at all levels of the game to recognise and reward the amazing contribution of away fans by getting together to agree an across the board price cap on away match tickets of £20 (£15 for concessions). What’s the point in a petition, you might ask? Each signature on the Twenty’s Plenty petition triggers an email to your club, telling them you want to see something done about the cost of attending football, as well as an email to the Premier League telling them the same. In a little over a week more than 5,000 fans have already signed the petition to let their clubs know their feelings on the matter - please spare 30 seconds of your time and join them today – http://www.fsf.org.uk/20plenty We understand that football is unaffordable for many and this is especially true for away fans who, aside from match tickets, must contend with spiralling food, drink and travel costs. There has been a tremendous groundswell of opinion lately with campaigns popping up across the country and Twenty’s Plenty will try to harness that energy and discontent. For more on why you should back the campaign check out this pdf - http://bit.ly/14ic58h - or visit our website - http://www.fsf.org.uk Thanks, The FSF
  3. Noted and thanks for pointing it out. Of course I won't question your reasons for highlighting it and am sure we can find something current and suitable to replace it with but thanks anyway for the kind offer
  4. Hello all My first post on here. I'm Amanda Jacks and work as a case worker for the FSF. My role includes providing legal advice to fans who may have found themselves arrested and helping supporters who may need to make a complaint to either the police or football clubs. I also work with the police to help improve match day policing and while balancing the two roles can sometimes be tricky, my work with fans is in no way compromised by my work with the police. I've recently compiled a survey into matchday policing and stewarding to help me better undertand the views of supporters and also assist in deciding where best to focus my efforts next season. It's 40 questions long and entirely anonymous. I'd be very grateful if you could spend 10/15 minutes filling it in: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PremiershipFans Any questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you. Amanda www.fsf.org.uk
  5. Thanks for the comments. I would though really appreciate them by email as it makes it easier to manage rather than cutting and pasting accounts from the forum. And drinking alcohol on coaches to football is illegal! Amanda
  6. Also, would be grateful if a forum mod/administrator could contact me? I've looked for contact details on the site, but can't find them but that may just be me being thick!
  7. I'm Amanda Jacks and I work full time as a case worker for the FSF. I am carrying out research into the impact on supporters when police & clubs impose 'bubble' matches and would be keen to hear directly by email from any Saints fans with their opinions - either way! - on the arrangements for this game. I'm particularly keen to hear from those who will be especially inconvenienced. Please contact me at amanda.jacks@fsf.org.uk if you're interested in assisting in our research. Your details will not be shared with anybody.
  8. Last chance - competition closes at 5pm today
  9. Last chance - competition closes in just over 3 hours
  10. There's just over 24 hours left to win 2 FREE tickets courtesy of the Football Supporters' Federation's competition. Either check them out on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/thefsf) or visit http://fsf.org.uk/news/win-tickets-to-johnstones-paint-trophy-final.php for full details. Free to enter, but you must do so by 5pm tomorrow (Wednesday) to be in with a shout. Good luck!
  11. If you want a pair for nothing, just go here.
  12. The Football Supporters' Federation have got 2 FREE tickets to the Johnstone's Paint Trophy Final to give away. Either check out their Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/thefsf, or visit http://www.fsf.org.uk/news/win-tickets-to-johnstones-paint-trophy-final.php for full details!
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