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Everything posted by St Jim
Is this thread about Billy Sharp to Saints or about Billy Sharp to Reading.?......... I'm confused, either that or I'm on the wrong forum.
despite its name HSBC is a British multinational bank with its HQ in London
Why do you think not liking HSBC is racist?
When he gets sent down, unless he has soap-on-a-rope he may have to review how he classifies himself
can I have some of what you have been sniffing?
He's tolerated because of the comedy value Rosie gives us.
Now there is a great shout! We should start a thread!!!
I wonder if it is genuinely legit as he was manager of a Premier League club which is governed by the FA and not the FL Maybe per the rules you are allowed to have a joint interest in one PL and one FL club. Ofcourse I do hope I'm wrong!
I think this sketch was really about Corpse conversing with us..................... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjxY9rZwNGU CORPSE.............know your limits!
25 more days and counting
Is that the land owned by Gaydamak? As you have stated so the max PFC would generate from from selling land is 3/4m but that is land the ground is on. Any land Gaydamak owns is Gaydamaks not PFC's. Tell me what land are you talking about that will generate PFC 20m? Also if they have land to that value why have they not previously sold it and paid its creditors?
Your argument about the players doesn't hold. Simple answer - because they are earning more money now than they would if they moved. Earning up to say, 10k more for one year is worth the risk of missing out on a 2-3 year contract because someone will be willing to pick them up in a years time, probably on a 1-2 year contract. Also there are currently no guarantees that any of the high earners will be offered a contract elsewhere (partly because their over inflated wages puts many clubs off) . Also what makes you think that these players will get guaranteed contracts now but not in 6-12 months?
That's only relevant if you intend to pay it
Can your running costs be reduced easily? If so why has this not happened before now? You mention releasing players with a year left on their contracts but the club would still have to pay out the remaining value of the contract and for each 20k per week that's 1m payout for the year remaining. If you can't pay 800k to HMRC how the hell could you afford to payout the contract for some of your highest earners. Also some of the high earners are earning more than they would else where and the know it so unless they get their payouts what incentive is there for them to move to another club when they can just sit on their a7ses being paid over the odds. You mention developing the infrastructure, that's all well and good to buy a club and enhance what they have but give P****y have none it would be starting from scratch which is going to be a hell of an outlay and not a lot of return.
they are always good comedy value
The fact that they are wanting this JoCa to take over takes desperation to new depths. Have they not learnt anything from the past 3 years?
And there I was thinking FIFA has issues with government meddling in football affairs
unless Chinny is ready to cut his losses, wind the club up and make as much from players sales as possible while he can
Insolvency rules are secured creditors first then unsecured? so if they sell any players the proceeds will be lining Chinny's pockets
Thanks but the way I read it Pompey have not met the criteria for an insolvency event because they have not yet been issued a Winding Up Order although come Feb 20 this may change because unless they have a buyer they will either be liquidiated or put into VA. only 26 more days to go..........tick tock
What do the FL interpret Insolvency Event to mean? A single late payment, administration, a WUP? I would imagine that a WUP would constitute an insolvency.
Just reading the PFC statement - So from what I read of it (and let me know if I'm missing something with where I'm going with this) he's telling us is that to fund player acquisitions, salaries legacy expenses and a working capital backlog they needed 10.8m from CSI to ensure break even / relatively minor loss. Other than the player purchases (which can be avoided by a club) all these items will form part of the unavoidable operational P&L of the football club. Excluding the player purchases from the 10.8, as they are avoidable, (at my high end estimate upto 3.8m was spent upfront last summer), it means out of the 10.8m CSI lent the clu,b since they took over 7m has been spent on the operational running of the club. In effect the club has run at an unavoidable 7m loss (and that doesn't take into account that the player purchases will have been less than 3.8m I've estimated as deals are never structured with the whole amount upfront, which only increases the defict that CSI has stumped in for unavoidable expenses). I know it's a bit simplistic as the WC backlog may have been a one off expense to bring their working capital back to normal levels but still doesn't paint a rosie picture for the club if they needed 7m extra just to cover unavoidable operational expenses. Very concerning for them!
Was trying to locate Harry Redknapp on social media but only came across this .............. http://www.twitcher.com/ I'm sure I've made a spelling mistake somewhere but can't see where.....
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/16711526.stm After seeing the footage I hope he does quit. Football has no place for what he did to Scott Parker. I'm gob-smacked his agent is defending him (OK I Know it's his job to protect him and portray him in the best light but he's better not saying anything as he comes across as a right whinging pr1ck trying to defend his client). I'm also surprised Lescott didn't receive a charge by teh FA.
LOL that is gold!!!!