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St Jim

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Everything posted by St Jim

  1. 2nd June as far as I am aware. 39 days and counting!
  2. Oh dear. You team has been relegated in one of the biggest falls from grace, they're on a verge of liquidation after years of cheating and over-spending, they still have not paid back charities, schools, local business and the tax payer, their fiercest rivals have been on the rise, overteaken them as the best team in Hampshire and are guarenteed a top 3 finish ........ ........ are you not a little embarrassed that is the best you have come up with?
  3. What owners are the league meant to be keeping tabs on?
  4. So from reading hte comments Chaplow's touch, passing and technical ability are not necessarily great but he's a work horse, tracks back and tackles fantastily, gives the team shape etc. Are you CMFG in disguise?
  5. How amusing is it when they bleat on about upholding 'integrity' in the game yet these decissions just s*** in the face of integrity. The FA should review the Balotelli incedent and at the minimum take theses three actions - 1. not ban him becuase that would be breaking their own rules; 2. sack the referee for not giving a red card, or even a yellow, or even a free kick, especially after he reported that he saw the incident; 3. change the rule for the coming season to allow the FA to retrospectively issue fines and bans for incidents that the referee has seen but did not take the appropriate action.
  6. As and when you are on these shores, drop me a PM if you're passing through Adelaide
  7. This article is old and I can not recall anything in the news over here about this speech. It also does not sound like a Gillard speech. There is just something about it which says to me it may not entirely be a proper quote from her (in fact it sounds more like something John Howard would have said or even Tony Abbott)
  8. Maybe you should try POL, they're experts in caravans.
  9. Which is what I questioned a few pages back. I don't think there's an obligation to buy on some, if not all the deals. They were only loaned out as a short term measure to ensure the club makes it to the end of the season. Come the end of May I can see some high earners back at Krap Nottarf crippling the club.
  10. Seen it already mentioned on another thread on here but thought it should have it's own thread. For all you Saints fans out there living in Australia you there is a FB page called Southampton Australian Supporters. It is there to bring together all saints fans living in Oz with events (such as for televised games) regularly organised and a great way for people to find other Saints fans living locally, catching up for televised games and talking 5h1te on all things SFC. (I live in Adleaide and I only know of 1 other Saints fan in South Australia).
  11. Oh that moment!! very very fond memories there! My last ever Pahars goal I witnessed and to top it off I was at the game, sat next to my mother's other son who is a skate. I didn't get much out of him all game, can't understand why!
  12. At least there's one club on Hampshire debt free http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/17547804
  13. I think it's our duty to help educate the those that are blissfully unaware. I think of it as providing a service to the football community.
  14. Yep word for word from the second paragraph on as the response as I have just received in my inbox
  15. There's a few posts on the Cov forum that have questioned the signings and I have asked for their general thoughts on it. I also dropped the pending CVA payments (or lack of) in there to give them more of hte picture.
  16. yes, probably after they lost to Cov and the likelihood of staying up is getting less so maybe it's dawning on them they should have loaned out more players. They've loaned out numerous players but what happens at the end of the season? I understand these players are on a loan with a view to buy deal but what if any clubs pull out of buying (because the players have serve their purpose for them but are not in next seasons plans). Is this a possibility and if so P****y will be left with the same over paid heroes that they had a few weeks back.
  17. Dear oh dear. Who the f*** is laughing now?
  18. Try Section 17 http://www.football-league.co.uk/regulations/20110629/section-4-clubs_2293633_2125725 Also Coventry are subject to Transfer Embargo because they have failed to submit Accounts (Section 16) http://www.football-league.co.uk/championship/news/20120302/transfer-embargo-for-sky-blues_2293322_2630650 There is one for Brum as well http://www.football-league.co.uk/championship/news/20120302/birmingham-under-transfer-embargo_2293322_2630756 The CHEATS have not shown "committed funding for next season" therefore they are subject to a Transfer Embargo. I am also waiting to hear back from the Football League on the subject of the Cheats and their Transfer Embargo. From the FL website I can not see what constitutes a "Default Event" (it's not in the definition of terms in the 'General' section) other than a default on the terms of a 'Time to Pay Agreement' which is an agreement between club and HMRC, in writing, in relation to repayment of arrears. If PFC have not agreed a Time to Pay Agreement with HMRC then they may not have suffered a Default Event as such. Who know and this is certainly an area I will be questioning this with the FL once I receive my imminent stock-standard reply from them. Do you know where the regulations state that 'committed funding' is a condition precedent for allowing player registrations because I don't think it is. To me it looks like the FL are interpreting the rules as they see fit. It certainly seems very unfair to all that Cov get a registration embargo for late submission of accounts yet PFC seem to be allowed to sign players when they still owe the public purse, local businesses, charities etc.
  19. and there's my point proved
  20. I guess it depends on the thoughts of the people going. If I was in old blighty I'd take my lads to the Donny game, purchasing 3 tickets but would not let them go to the Pimpley game for their own safety (they're too young) and would only buy 1 ticket for myself. I reckon there may be a few who will be doing this, plus some that may not go at all because they'd not feel safe enough (which wouldn't surprise me as they seem a lot more bitter and intent on causing trouble than when we played them in the EPL games). Either way it's up to them and I'm not going to judge people for turning up to the cheap Lambrusco game like Donny and but not the Champagne game.
  21. I have emailed the FL regarding this. Can not locate anything under their regulations that talk about registration embargo's on clubs in administration, only clubs that default on payments to other clubs. Also asked about the missing a CVA payment. Not expecting to get anything of interest (I fully expect to get back the cut and paste answer) but will post the response once I get it.
  22. My apologies Doctoroncall, you are correct 8 max in any one season. You are allowed a maximum of 4 players under 23 years of age and a further 4 players over 23 years of age during any one season (it didn't stipulate how many 23 yearolds you are allowed ), so in essence you are only allowed a max of 8 players (clause 53.1.3) Furthermore, you are allowed no more than 2 players over 23 years of age on loan from another club in any one season. (clause 53.1.4) Also all these rules are for standard loans, not emergency or youth loans.
  23. Couldn't see any restrictions in the regulations on the Football League website regarding how many loan players a club may have at any one time. The only thin I noted was that any club can have a maximum of 4 loan player from a single other team (an emergency keeper can be added to this total) and 5 in any team sheet for a single match. (clauses 52.3.1 and 52.3.2) Also with regards to the transfer embargo on clubs in administration, I could not find anything regarding this, only that if a club defaults on a payment to another club then a transfer embargo is put in place. (clause 49.2.3). Are there any others out there that can clarify this because the way I read the regulations on the FL website if PFC have paid up all debts to other clubs then they may be free to register more players (not that it's morally right but it's the rules as far as I can tell)
  24. Tom Williams is the player - looks like the type of quality signing I'd expected the rabble to sign. He's played for many (I can not stress the word 'many' enough!) clubs but none of any real note - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Williams_(footballer)
  25. Don't know how to upload photos to the forum but he'd commented about a drive to Cov so I put out a small hook and maggot by commenting that I hoped his drive back was a miserable one and that I was looking forward to a couple of weeks. No response so I took out a bigger hook and am now using ragworm. I asked him if we was embarrassed by wanting the club to sign more players when they can't afford the ones they have and still owe charities, local businesses & the British public. I still await a bite.
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