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St Jim

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Everything posted by St Jim

  1. Any of these please - I need a good reason to crack open my bottle of Grange!
  2. What's the latest prediction on Birch's fees now? I'm starting to get the feeling that TB is one of us!
  3. This always makes me laugh. IF the FL had taken a stricter stance then the club would have gone out of existence long ago and the idiots down the M27 would be moaning about it.
  4. Amended it for you.
  5. I actually like it. Just got mine in the post and think it looks really good, well apart from the sponsor which should not have been done on the white background. Although I really like it, I would prefer the Rank Xerox style of the sash!
  6. No there isn't. They are both violent assaults and both not acceptable.
  7. Let's get this straight then, it's a disgrace to see 2 Eastern Europeans take a hiding but OK to see a ManUre fan given a slapping? http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?39870-Manc-Fan-punched-in-the-corporates
  8. Promising to pay and actually having the funds to do so are surely mutually exclusive events with Pompey
  9. He'll fit right back in then.......
  10. Given the turnaround of fortunes it all smacks of -
  11. maybe not but it appears anyone providing a service to the DFCSB's is running a charity......after all they haven't yet been paid for said service.
  12. Had to look hard but at least there are some sensible posts on this thread!
  13. anyone else think this could just be Bagpus slutting himself in the media again to raise his profile for another job?
  14. I'm not even sure why this is relevant to this thread for 2 reasons: 1 This thread is about Benayoun 2 Carroll was always going to be a good player for WHU based on their style of play. If you are lobbing high balls into the penalty box a player of Carroll's stature, strength and heading ability will dominate many defences. He however would have been a terrible signing for us given our style. Anyway back to Benayoun, I wonder how long it'll take him to get a neck injury from constantly look up at the ball flying over his head.
  15. Just woken up, checked the net and I now think I've let out a little bit of wee. Very exciting signing!
  16. Mark Bryans ‏@MarkyBryans Adkins carefully making sure not to talk of Ramirez as a #SaintsFC player, deal should be done but not in time to face #MUFC
  17. Mark Bryans ‏@MarkyBryans Ramirez is not yet a #SaintsFC player according to boss Nigel Adkins, wide man still a priority, cards close to chest in presser #pasoccer
  18. From the Press conference: Mark Bryans ‏@MarkyBryans Adam Lallana talking before the boss. Up for challenge of #MUFC.
  19. Mark Bryans ‏@MarkyBryans Late start here at St Mary's, Adkins busy with late transfer dealings...? #pasoccer #SaintsFC
  20. Totti & DiNatale I reckon
  21. Would he improve the team? Without a doubt! Anyone who doesn't want him at the club needs a reality check - our team isn't top 6 material yet.
  22. To the tune of 'I love you baby' - Manu Mayuka And he's quick alright He's gonna beat ya Day and night Manu Mayuka Scores the goals we all love........ (repeat over and over)
  23. Would be interesting to see how many of those would still be out of contract if Bagpuss was managing a club
  24. he'd better be a half decent player after all this!
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