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St Jim

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Everything posted by St Jim

  1. Do you have to go to such "extremes" to make your point ?
  2. Exactly, or Shilton for going to Derby after serving 5 years with Saints?
  3. There's a lot of talk of Koemen, Moyes and Yakin and to some extent McLaren and Gross but one person who's hardly been mentioned but has made some moves in the betting market (odds have shortened in the past 48 hrs and is now second or third fave at some bookies) is Sean Dyche. Just curious as to why the bookies would shorten the odds or why there'd be a fair amoit of cash being put on him given he's been one of the names hardly talked abou and haven't seen any links with him to the job.
  4. Realistically he's only got 2 more years left in his career. I would call that the twilight of his playing career. The only reason he's just played his first games for England is because he'd always played in the lower leagues until 2 years ago when Roy sat up and took notice of us.
  5. Tell me how the board are incompetent?
  6. How dare you come onto this thread with your sensible, reasoned arguments. Bed-wetting negativity only please.
  7. That's right he's not Gross, going by you very own words he's a worse manager........ Gross has a 58% win percentage at Basel. Thems pretty big apples in the only stat that counts.
  8. To be fair to Gross his record is good and is even better that Yakin's at the same club and yoi were keen on Yakin.
  9. Latest odds Koemen - Evens McLaren - 3/1 Gross - 6/1 Yakin - 6/1 Moyes - 8/1
  10. Koeman odds are getting ridiculously short (6/4) with every other candidate widening (next one is Yakin at 8/1). Whilst this may just be down to the number of people placing bets on Koeman more often than not when this happens there some substance to it so I cant help thinking it is looking very likely Koeman will be announced in the next week.
  11. I actually wouldn't be surprised if that happened
  12. Completely disagree. He will accomplish what is porobably his life dream of playing for his hometown club that he grew up supporting and after having played in a world cup. Likeley he will end his career in a Liverpool shirt. 6 years (and even 6 month ago) that would have been unthinkable for him This is a a personal and emotional move for him and that will far out weigh anything he could achieve here. Good luck to him I say. He's been a legend for us and I'll be forever grateful for his goals that propelled us to the Premier league and gave us some of the most positive few years I've experienced as a Saints fan.
  13. That would be f-ing awesome and would link nicely with our history. Like you say, it's a shame we're not with Nike.
  14. No chance but yes please!
  15. Statisticaly he has a better managerial record than MoPo
  16. Not quite sure where all this anti Mclaren is coming from. Statistically he's a proven performer. Of the 7 teams he's maanged statistically 2 were poor (Forest & Wolfsberg), one OK (Boro) and the other 4 pretty good. Steve McClaren Managerial Stats Comparing to MoPo on paper it would appear McLaren to be the better maanger but we know that Stats don't show the full picture Mo Po Managerial Stats
  17. He was a coach under Saggychops for the early part of the season just finished. QPR's form was great for the time he was coaching there but dipped after he left. Could be a coincendence but by all accounts from what I have seen he is a super coach. Whether that translates into a good manager, I don't know. His managerial career has been a bit hit and miss.
  18. Grobbelaar won with liverpool as well
  19. I'm sure he'll be delighted to be offered the job by the default of all their real choices turning them down.
  20. Personally I think its a load of b0110cks. Why on earth would he take his sons along to meet with them?
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