1,309 -
Everything posted by tony13579
Whilst you are at it tax exercise bikes and running machines. Push chairs! Those shopping bags on wheels. Skate boards. Roller skates. Wheels bins! That would make millions
R. I. P. George Michael. Sadly George was hit by kids throwing stuff around in a London tower block. Apparently a chocolate bar flew out an open window and hit George 13 floors below. It was a Careless Wisper.
I can't defend the spending madness. I recall Alan Whitehead personally telling me that they needed to reform civil service pensions back in 1992. They were too scared to make a small adjustment that would have prevented massive pain today. The spending madness on shiny schools and universities is shameful started by labour, continued by that pointless sheep Cameron. HS2, say no more. Cameron has surrounded him self with people he admires from the media. Then attacked the media. And now he wonders why he is caught up in the crossfire? Doh! Labour praised the banks for the income and ingenious products that they didn't understand. When the crash happened somehow they persuaded Lloyds and coop, well run banks to buy banks with huge toxic debts. Ruining the two good banks. Then there is green energy taxes. Wasted on solar panels for the rich. Paid for by the poor. Huge wasteful schemes for council buildings One million quid wasted collecting rainwater on a school! Water worth £10k. Solar panels down the motorway? That need five trucks with flashing lights to maintain them. Wind farms. How much per unit does each folly cost? They won't tell us because its too much! Because they have both wasted money we now have the madness of bedroom tax. Retirement at 67. Increasing domestic and road fuel. I am both a socialist and a capitalist. We should look after the old and sick, not the skivers. Work and investing should pay. We need tougher treatment of company bosses who take criminally insane gambles,with investors money and safety. The get payoffs rather than prison.
As I know 3 David smiths I would imagine it is one of the hardest names to track and check!
Hants police. Twitter Roads blocked due to flooding/trees down - A3057 Romsey, A337 Brockenhurst, A338 Ringwood, A32 &A272 West Meon Hut, A334 Wickham, A339 Beech
I wish I had become financially astute at a younger age. I missed out on cracking share saves at work. I should have bought some buy to let's about 15 years ago. My inner radar on shares has been good, I should have followed more of my hunches. I wish I had seen Thin Lizzy and seen more of Ian Dury
The universities are spending a HUGE amount of borrowed money. We were expecting the universities to spend £3,000 x 3 years on most degrees and have it paid back with the rest of the student loan in 15 years. The universities have claimed every degree costs £9000 per year. Therefore most degrees will take 25 years to be paid back if at all? All this is BORROWED money. Much of this will not be paid back as people drop out of their chosen career..
And another thing.... The more you earn (and spend) the more you f,ck the planet. The first 10k buys food and rent Second10k buys a cheap holiday, maybe your own modest home 40k imported white goods, car, bigger home, more gas , throwaway society 100k 3 holidays a year, heated garage, big cars luxury items, second home
I am afraid brand didn't get it. If you redistributed wealth the way he wanted it we would all starve! Profit is not bad, it is essential. Unreasonable profit that is bad. Especially on things that are basic essentials. You don't necessarily have to vote to change things. 10 protesters or 1 ex-newsreader can get the law changed. A twitter campaign.. ( or even terrorism ? ) Brand only said what was wrong, he only gave the vaguest outline of what was right , which in fact would spell disaster. Equal distribution of wealth.... So the feckless would be running farms, oil power, roads, shops.... Brand didn't know much beyond a mantra. Profit bad, MP's going to eu to protect bonuses, equal distribution of wealth, I don't vote because it won't change anything.
If you are day trading in small-ish amounts every quid saved is important. Because I am investing for the long term and I like the Hargreves & lansdown tools, investing ideas, comment. Their charges are cheap but not £5.00. Usually £12.50 on large trades. And I want a paper record. ( Incase I peg it) I feel I get good value. Great support. Dealing charges on the corporate bonds are £50 because you have to use a stockbroker (?)
Travis Perkins and Hargreves & landsdown shares are continuing to climb. I am £5k up on about 18k investment bought since June ;-)
Back in March I bought a basket of bonds which will secure my capital and give a 5.7% return over their term. Well the bonds have begun to pay and I have not needed the cash as I have done a little maintance work so I reinvested the earnings in shares which have good 5 year growth in value, supported by turnover growth. 1 HL. Hargreves and lansdown FTSE 100 self invested pensions and investments. I use them my self and they are discounting the cost of buying trusts, shares bonds etc. they aim to answer the phone in under 10 seconds. The people answering the phone are educated, helpfully and respectful of a duffer learning how to do buy complex bonds etc. excellent iPhone/iPad tools with a dedicated iPad app due soon. Steady strong growth in customer base and share price. 10% of my portfolio 2. HWDN Howden Joinery. They bought many of the assets of MFI and supply kitchens to the building trade. They have renegotiated the rents and disposed of many of the unneeded MFI properties. They have a long term growth strategy and the share price and turnovers show substantial steady growth. It is a good time to look at firms who supply the house building trade. 5% of my portfolio 3 Travis Perkins. I haven't bought these yet, however they are looking strong (max 5% of portfolio, same sector as HWDN) 4. APC slow growth over the last year 1-4 but the last 12 months 400%. Tiny company supplying LED lighting. A bit of a punt 1% (max3% of portfolio)
I receive benefits, I don't claim them as I am entitled. It is interesting that for 35 hour minimum work I get a mere £59.75 as a carers allowance. A measley £1:71 per hour.
Southampton has a very rich history, however tiddly places like Iron bridge have more of it on display
My iPhone 3gs is 3.5 years old still happy. It has still got a working battery. It's running its 3rd? iOS it costs me £10 a month pay and go,which I can't use so I text the spare credit to the Air Ambulance etc It has been dropped, had a full glass of wine poured over it, been gloss paint splattered and cleaned with meths been to about 20 countries including Greenland & Barbados
We went to the Morgan factory tour. It's a bit of a distance but well worth it. Malvern just off the m5
One day a week with this crew would be a fair way to justify benefits http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-24275092
http://www.verveine.co.uk/ exceptional, experimental Black rat , Winchester ... Interesting menu, Keats Ampfield , Itialian home cooking. Excellent I like Ranchos. Carnivores delight. Never had room for a pud! I wasn't impressed by the Chessil rectory. Portions were very hit and miss. Two of our group well fed, two needed a sandwich when they got home! Same applies for langstone house at Sparsholt. The roast is HUGE. The fish.. About one fish finger! And a bundle of asparagus.... For a good low cost meal New Forest Hotel at Ashurst is trying hard.
Freakanomics, it's a thinking mans program. Totally addicted
http://casabrasilrestaurants.co.uk/ I haven't been there yet... But it is planned
One thing I have found being on a reduced income as a carer is I spend a fair amount of my time trying to cut costs, fill forms etc. if you are only receiving about £500 a month you shop around, you spend time fixing something. You spend time trying to source the cheapest fuel, phone. Etc. you spend time getting a small refund you would not bother with. You spend time cooking. I fix my own car, fence, I could not cut my costs as much if I was doing 30 hours per week job hunting. Then there is the cost of lunch. It's not just transport. Although 70% of the unemployed get a free bus pass.( If I was un employed I would get no bus pass or benifits as I own another property.. People who own a buy to let as a "pension fund" will find that if they get sick or unemployed they will be forced to spend thier "pension fund" before they get any help.
A burglar spots an open window. He scales the drainpipe and within seconds he is in. He goes through the house to the living room. All of a sudden from a dark corner a voice says "Jesus is watching you"..... He pauses and again..... Jesus is watching you"..... he swivels his tiny torch to the corner to a parrot... Jesus is watching you"......" shut up you stupid parrot!". "I am warning you.... Jesus is watching you"..... The burglar swears at the parrot. "I don"t know who you think you are, but I am not listening to a stupid parrot" the parrot replies " my name is Moses" The burglar replies "who on earth callers a parrot Moses?" The parrot replies " The sort of people who name a rottweiler Jesus"
He must have tried really hard to get reviews that bad....
Especially if you can pay with Lunchon Vouchers