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Everything posted by tony13579

  1. Sunday's were optional, some people were on call out rotas . some had shift patterns. No special contract was required. I imaging most council highways contracts were like that then got tupe'd out
  2. Until about 10 years ago Sundays were pensionable in BT. Sadly the union signed that away in a pay deal. Pension was based on best of last 3 years basic pay +Sunday's and if I remember if you did excessive overtime or shifts some of that counted.
  3. tony13579


    I've sold 17k of HL. Today taking a 6k profit. I will buy back 11k in my ISA next month. Spent the balance on HIK STJ & WTB Firms with 60%+ growth in 1 year 300%+ in 5year Not gold or oil prospectors!
  4. What ever you are offered , up to 30k is tax free. Don't forget unused leave or pay in luie of notice. All adds up. On the down side over 16k prevents you claiming means tested benifits. So you would need to get a job ASAP or pay off some capital on the mortgage or similar.
  5. Any one know their email address? I've got a few investment schemes that I would like to show them. Poor sods
  6. If you are astute with your pension it's a good budget. If you are a fool, desperate etc you could pay loads of tax, blow the cash and end up destitute and the state would end up keeping you in old age. Draw your whole pension out, blow it on a dream house, boat , holidays, leave less than16k in the bank, hide the rest in gold. Claim benefits, pension credits, cheap fuel, reduced council tax.
  7. tony13579


    I told you HL. Shares were good. Up 14.5% today on budget news ;-). ... £3710 gain . I'm selling £17k so I can take the Capital gain and buy them back in our ISAs next month. Broadly self invested pensions firms up, annuity sellers down ....
  8. Go Torquay!
  9. If nationalising the banks was mad, how mad was it to leave it in the hands of the fools who Mis-sold PPI, packaged junk mortgages as prime, manipulated the Libor rate, sold 125% LTV mortgages, lent huge amounts to the feckless on self certified mortgages. And then when all this foolishness was known kept giving them money as quantitive easing on the promise they would lend to businesses (which they didn't do). I have met him, he knows what he is talking about. He knew the back story, and the history behind the back story. If Cameron wasn't too busy having "date nights" and playing "fruit ninja" he might have time to notice the Somerset levels flooding six weeks earlier and remember to take his kids home from the pub! There are very few politicians with the depth and insight today.
  10. I met him at The Dome in Feb 2000. I had a lengthy discussion with him about this new Nokia phone with email and a qwerty keyboard. I got a mention in his journal. Seriously nice bloke. He was one of the few politicians who stayed on the benches till the early hours to get policy right.
  11. WHAT IS AN AUSTRALIAN KISS? A: It's the same as a French kiss, but 'downunder'. Q: WHAT DO YOU DO WITH 365 USED CONDOMS? A: Melt them down, make a tyre, and call it a Goodyear . Q: WHY WERE HURRICANES ORIGINALLY NAMED AFTER WOMEN? A: Because when they come, they're wet and wild, and when they go, they take your house and car with them. Q: WHY DO GIRLS RUB THEIR EYES WHEN THEY GET UP IN THE MORNING? A: Because they don't have any balls to scratch...
  12. My Nan used to say that she was never bothered by the blitz. She used to say that if a bomb had your name on it there was nothing you could do. Mr & Mrs Doodlebug in number 6 used to crap themselves!
  13. I read somewhere they had had 100 players in the last two years. 100 two year contracts?...
  14. Do the works pension, let the boss and the tax man contribute. Also do a SIPP. Invest the SIPP in shares and funds and learn how to invest with smaller sums. Hopefully you can transfer your works pension in later and manage it yourself. If you are lucky enough to hit the 40% tax bracket invest your highly taxed earnings rather than pay off your mortgage. You should build up enough tax free lump sum to pay the mortgage off.
  15. They were using it to find their way home when the Tom-Tom battery died?
  16. Come on chesterfield! Sort it out!!!
  17. Personally I "set" my post in 20mm gravel... No cement! One bag of gravel per post lets the water drain and not pool rotting the post.
  18. Make sure you get the Correct Insurance for the sex you are having Please find a list of companies below catering for most tastes: Sex with your wife - Legal & General Sex on the telephone - Direct Line Sex with your Partner - Standard Life Sex with someone Different - Go Compare Sex with a lady of generous proportions - More Than Sex On the back seat of a car - Sheila's Wheels Sex while on the move - Swift cover Sex with a posh bird - Privileged Sex with a prostitute- Commercial Union Sex with your maid- Employer's Liability Sex with an O.A.P - Saga Sex resulting in pregnancy- General Accident and finally Sex with a transvestite - Confused.com
  19. In this eBay ad you can see her pussy! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SOUTH-AFRICA-RUGBY-UNION-SHIRT-/261401705365?pt=UK_Rugby_Shirts&hash=item3cdcc17b95
  20. Something went wrong with the dictation. The cash injection was to install a ring fence around Fratton Park......
  21. Behind the blue block at the rear of the petrol station?
  22. I love the way the Tesco entrance faces away with shame from PFC.
  23. I don't know what return you are expecting from this Holliday let. But when I tried to set up a buy to let I found that the best I could expect was about 6% return. However, I could get 5.7 return on corporate bonds, and I invested in some share and have had 12% return or buy funds. You can shelter the money in an ISA fund and share account making it tax free (you can put in 11,800 a year each) so as a couple you could shelter 47k by the end of April . You can buy and sell shares and have the money in about 10 days. You can't liquidate a house that fast. You will have responsibilities to let a safe property. During the winter you would need empty property insurance. You would have all your equity invested in one property. If it got trashed or affected by a near by development you have no diversity. If you bought 10 different shares or bonds you would be better protected from risk. I find it a pain to drive to Calshot to repair our beach hut. Thats a darn site easier than getting a ferry, only to find you have the wrong tools. You will find it takes much more of your personal time up then you imagined. Everything takes longer on the island. In my humble opinion, do the house up if it costs in, but as a holiday let don't do it unless you are going to earn at least 15% return after all costs.
  24. I disagree, they had plenty of opportunities to rescue themselves. They should have cut thier costs earlier, they should not have tried to stay in the prem at any cost, or buy a 4-1 win at SMS. They pinned their hopes on buyers who had shady history, they chose an administrator known for wringing every penny out of clubs, they let the land go, they tossed aside their academy and youth players, they toured the USA. And bought journeymen rather than used a youth team. They also hurt the community breaking promises to pay local businesses and of course stole from charities. They also chose to buy players they couldn't afford rather than pay their bills for local training facilities. They blew their parachute payments on gambling to be promoted back to the prem and unaffordable contracts. All these decisions were AFTER their first first high court visit for a mere 12? Million. The only things that were before the FA cup win were the Peter Storie and Harry Redknap contracts for big players.
  25. I fear for the future, that things might come to a sticky end. That their pyramid of cards may collapse in to the foundations of a Tesco extra. how could this happen? It's not right, or fair..... We have only 5,311 posts to go.
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