37 -
Everything posted by standy
Sorry - it needed doing
It's 100 days since they last won Happy Centenary !!
98 days since a win !!
Found guilty on some of the matters - probably enough to interest the football authorities (maybe) See Section 43 The Tribunal Ordered that the Fourth Respondent, Mark Silas Jacob, solicitor, do pay a fine of £5,000.00, such penalty to be forfeit to Her Majesty the Queen, and it further Ordered that he do pay the costs of and incidental to this application and enquiry fixed in the sum of £3,750.00.
Shoch Horror !! Appy on BBC says 'pompey fans as good as any other fans in the country'. Doesn't he know they are the bestest*tm
What is there to stop Chinny reducing the size of his origional bid. He now knows the weaknesses in the Trust's bid and may even be offering the same discounted deal to the players. If so, well done Mr C.
I have a source at Radio Solent who overheard the conversation between BC and the sports reporter this morning. Not only has BC withdrawn his offer but Portsmouth City council are now trying to get out of lending the trust the agreed loan. However Radio Solent are not allowed to report about it.
Ive sent my reply by E-Mail but do not expect any reply Sir I am a UK tax payer and as such a crediter of your football club. I am absolutely disgusted with the way that Portsmouth Football club has acted. You have paid vast salaries to players, often outbidding revial clubs in the process. At the time you did not have the funds to afford to do this and as such ran up bill of £130million and then went on to do the same again. I understand that you wish for us 'creditors' to say how wonderful that we think your actions were. I believe that your actions were vile and probably criminal. Please feel free to quote me in your submission to the football authorities
I see David Cameron has critised Jimmy Carr for tax avoidance but was full of support of the DFCSBs. As such I wrote to the PMs office and asked the following question "Can you please explain to how the PM can critise people who avoid paying tax by legal means such as being paid via the Channal Islands when he offers support to Portsmouth Football club who have ripped the taxman off to the tune of many hundreds of thousands pounds. Is the message from him that its OK if you are a football club but not if you are an individual."
I spoke to the headmaster of KES and he assured me that for the first (?) admin that he was not so stupid to allow PFC any credit and had always insisted on 'cash up front' so were not owed anything by them. I wonder what has changed
There'll be a Tesco store where Pompey used to play There'll be a Tesco store where Pompey used to play a Tesco store where Pompey, a Tesco store where Pompey, There'll be a Tesco store where Pompey used to play to the tune of 'She'll be coming round the mountain'.
I'm Sparticus Advert on POL - Items for sale - football club How long till I get banned ?
I'm sparticus http://www.pompeyonline.com/forums/index.php?threads/football-club.60319/"][/url]http://www.pompeyonline.com/forums/index.php?threads/football-club.60319/[/url][/url] Slightly worn with a cash flow problem. Comes with a dilapidated shed. Has proved popular with a campanologist in the past. Any reasonable offer considered. Must go soon or else I shall have to bin it. Please contact Mr Birch (Terry).
I log onto POL as PompeyLass !!
Dear Sir, I note that football is trying to 'clean up its act' and that efforts are being made to keep the game fair and competative but ensuring that football clubs spend only what they can afford. With this in mind I find it incredulous that Portsmouth FC are docked only 10 points for entering their third administration and their second in as many years. They have not paid a penny back of the debt that they racked up last time, living beyond their means effectively buying them selves the FA cup in the process. Local charities and schools are still unpaid, and yet Portsmouth FC carry on with a spend, spend policy, buying players and offering them so high wages that other clubs in the Championship are unable to get a look in. Do you condone that the tax man (ie you and I) should be subsedising them? Do you not agree that this is tantamount to cheating? And yet you only penalise them with a 10 point deduction. What sort of message does this send out. Does FAIR PLAY consist of just sewing the relvant badge on your football shirt or do you actually want the game to be played fairly? I await your reply with interest The League replied - Thank you for your email. As you may have noted, Portsmouth Football Club has been deducted ten points in accordance with Football League rules and regulations. For the latest official statement from The Football League please visit our website here http://www.football-league.co.uk/footballleaguenews/20120217/pompey-given-10-point-deduction_2293334_2614922. The club is now in administration following an application by the directors to the High Court. The High Court has determined the appointment of Trevor Birch at PKF as administrator, having being nominated by other creditors including HMRC. The League will now work with the administrators as they seek to find a purchaser for the club. Any football club that is in administration will be subject to a transfer registrations embargo. The principle being that where clubs are not able to afford their current playing squad they are not permitted to sign anyone else. In view of any embargo The Football League cannot allow a club to sign any new players, unless they are unable to field a team, i.e. name fourteen fit players for any match (11 starters plus 3 ‘usable outfield substitutes’ – which is usual Football League policy). However, we only take account of players with any first team experience and young professionals who haven’t played at first team level are therefore discounted. At present The League cannot currently comment any further in relation to Portsmouth and any further statement will appear on our website in due course. Thank you for contacting The Football League. Regards, Andrew Pomfret Customer Services Officer The Football League Limited Email - enquiries@football-league.co.uk http://www.football-league.co.uk
It was me !!!
Does the 8000 season tickets include those who have been charged for four tickets when they only bought one. If so have they only sold 2000 or is that being a little hopeful
Its sad. He's only got one friend but then they are 'the few'.
It must be very difficult trying to type having had a Portsea Island education - not to mention the webbed fingers. Does our fishy friend mean ... only way...
Close but not quite true - I was the investigating officer from the Hampshire Constabulary Fraud Squad. The money was described to me as a loan from the Russian bank which was supported by written evidence. The Gaydamaks were the reported owners of the bank but the existance of the loan could not be disproved. There was no link between the theft by Daddy G of millions of blood money from Angola and the deposit of 50 million dollars at the bank. It was placed in the too difficult box by the police at the highest level and I was not allowed to proceed. Believe me I was more than ready the conduct a full money laundering enquiry into the fishy few.
Yesterday I heard a story about Uttaka. It was recently said in the press that he was on £30k per week and he had replied that he was on nothing like that. Apparently he is on £60k per week. Also he declined to join the team and get on the bus for a recent away game despite being virtually ordered to do so. He later had a dose of second thoughts and caught a taxi there. There is a lot of unrest within the team over it .
Next they'll be singing Kumbayah!
Every one seems to think that HMRC are interested in the amount that they can get back from pimpley. They are interested in maintaining the principle that - if you owe tax, you pay it in full and on time. Think how big their budget for the year is. Well how much tax do we each pay. It makes pimpleys 30 odd million seem trivial. Well it is in comparison. But what if we all thought, they got away with it, so will I. I'll only pay them 20% of what I owe. That is what they need to avoid happening. Hence why they will refuse an offer of 99p in the pound. No. HMRC will appeal andPimpley will be toast. Come on HMRC. (and hurry up, please).
The CVA has not as yet been agreed and needs to be voted on. Hence why HMRC have increased their level of claim by imposition of the penalty and somewhat contentious claim re image right related tax. I wonder if this has been done to try to trigger AA to mount a legal challenge. I'm sure HMRC would love to go back to court to challenge the level of the other creditors debt and to revisit the SOA figure as opposed to the current level of debt.
Like most of us, I was initially horrified by the deal. However, haven't the HMRC now got the right to check through PCFC's books to look for irregularities. Surely this should give them all the ammo they need to disprove the inflated debt that AA has conjured up to try to reduce their vote to less than the magical 25% to block the CVA. I can see HMRC blocking the CVA and taking the matter back to court. Still toast !