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Everything posted by BarnetSaint

  1. Point is and as docker has already said, the way the club is selling them may prevent people getting tickets-you have to wait until the 10th to get extras on your season tickets-leaving precious little time to dish them out to fellow,fans who live far and wide. The skates are having a field day, insisting we can't sell out for "our cup final"
  2. Great post Col. If you're struggling Tim drop me a line. I have several other people lined up for my spare ticket but i reckon you deserve one before those guys.(not least for your prolific writing on all message boards)
  3. One of the skate boards are getting excited that we won't shift our tickets and think they will be given more. As i understand it, STHs have to wait until 10th to get more tickets.
  4. Yes-from 10am but you will need your match ticket to get in.
  5. I think we should move them-firstly, i hate seeing away fans celebrating and showing off during televised games. Secondly, it would hopefuly be better for the all round atmosphere at SMS-at the moment-all the noise comes from just one end of the ground. I sat in the Chapel for the Stockport game and as i looked to the left,right (ok well done the itchen corner) and Chapel, total silence.
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