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Everything posted by BarnetSaint

  1. Not having enough bar staff on at the King Alfred. And why don't they open the upstairs bar? Agree about the slow version of OWTHS getting hijacked by the rear wall bangers. Having music and some mug bellowing into his microphone just before K.O Please Mr MC-STFU and let the crowd dictate the atmosphere.
  2. Well said Andy-gutted we went LOL Train BTW did cost £27 for me and my 15 year old and i can get 4 adults on my rail card which is handy to know.
  3. Tho I love Queen am but not keen on one vision-Green Day/U2 is brilaint and has Saints in the lyrics.
  4. i got 2 day returns for the Leeds game on my national rail card, took my 15 year old and came to £27-i think you can get 4 adults on these too!
  5. Why not get the train? 10pm departure after the game tho, which means a mad sprint back to the station.
  6. Bang out of order child76. Only in this country would such a scenario happen-no flexability whatsover and if someone, be it Ilingsworth or anyone else are prepapred to get off their backsides and highlight this absurd situation then good on them. As i said previously, the "problem" is easy to overcome-leave the first few rows empty and hire a few stewards up there.
  7. I've got a simple solution to the concern that Saints fans from above would lob things down below-keep the first 10 rows empty, either netting or stewards-Job Done. Simple innit.
  8. Well done Hemel for getting a response but what an absolutely pathetic reply. They made it sound like a couple of dozen people will be disappointed at missing out. I can only assume the FA/Wembley are so flushed with money they can afford to leave thousands of seats empty. What would it take to create a bit of netting and a line of stewards to divide the 2 warring factions!
  9. Well done Nick and anyone else, prepared to get off their back sides and whether it be writing, phone calls or emails to lobby for more tickets for fellow Saints fans-good on you all.
  10. I tell you one thing we are in desparate need of, and that's decent metal badges-the ones in the club shop are awful, great big things which are only really suited for kids-there used to be a bloke outside the Alfred selling them.
  11. Colin Tomkins-from New Milton-not seen him recently but up until the early part of this season still went home and away.
  12. and may I add that in terms of their vocal backing in the cup match-****** poor.
  13. Great post Mark-i'm very optamistic for the future-travel down from Barnet for games with my 15yr old and he wouldnt swap places with any of his school mates, who you can imagine, support the big bore four! With our lovely neighbours in meltdown, i can see us hoovering up more neutrals-bring on the expansion of SMS
  14. they will get away with this again.Disgraceful and the PL/FA will do F. all.
  15. not gonna happen i'm afraid-by hook or more likely crook-they will somehow survive, storrieteller confident he has some mug lined up.
  16. Anyone know what the all time stats are when we've played the fish-ie in cups and leagues? I think we've beaten them more times than they've beaten us, but a revolting little skate called guderian (who pops up on many message boards) thinks they've beaten us more times.
  17. i still reckon they will somehow get out of it-just read a post on their fansonline site. "lets give what we're famous for against stoke today-our unbelievable, non stop support" pmsl-christ they like to big up their own importance. They were dire last week at sms
  18. i bet they get bought at the last minute. Would most of their fans have any sympathy for us in this situation. No way.
  19. Anyone know if the stand up and singing collective are definately going to congregate in certain blocks?
  20. to reinstate us would just be the best thing which could ever happen,sadly wont happen tho.
  21. I may watch the highlights in 5 years or so-until then it will remain a painful memory.(though our support was some consolation-briliant atmosphere)
  22. Mind you-it helps when both sets of fans make noise. Once again ,the skate support was absolutely woeful.Many teams who come to SMS with less fans, support their team better than the skates. Was briliant the way the Northam and Kingsland corner united in chanting and this spread right along the kingsland and beyond. Awesome.
  23. Tube from High Barnet at 7am-1 hour to waterloo, with engineerng works the train will be diverted, probably through havant and waterlooville and therefore close to their vile P. village
  24. They are a pitiful little outfit and their meagure support has been well and truly exposed.
  25. someone please post a bleeding radio link
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