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Everything posted by BarnetSaint

  1. 78th is far too high for them. All their massive cup success and then lots of empty, shiny blue seats the following week.
  2. Barnet-Thats a nice 5 minute walk for me then!
  3. Saints are coming-both versions are superb.
  4. Good suggestion 70s-won't happen though. They will get 3,200 at ours and we will get approx 1200 at theirs, i would imagine they will try and buy extras in th erest of sms so see this as being a data base only match.
  5. Shove the away fans in the corner of the chapel-the itchen crew can then relocate directly opposite them and we get the whole of the northam.
  6. Looking forward to this, my gillingham supporting mate got us tickets in their main stand which means going under cover, but also entry into their supporters club under that stand. I would imagine they will be 1 of the few sets of fans who will create a decent atmosphere this season as its important-nice to be at a match where we can relax. Still wanna win tho!
  7. I used to live there and they hate the fact we have a lot of fans in the area. Basically, its their "nutters" who hate us-the barmies, shirters or whatever you wanna call them are indifferent about us.
  8. A young lad up my way (saints fan) got nicked that day and banned for the rest of the season-i saw the "incident" -Two opposing mobs exchanging verbals, followed by a swoop by Hampshire's finest and hey presto-the skates continued on their merry way, free to lob coins etc
  9. Did anyone hear that thick skate on 6.06 last night? Alan green let him drone on and on about "their magnificent support"-god its boring now and the biggest myth in football. According to the skate ,their support is not only the best in England, but the entire planet! Apparently, and according to the thicko, the propspective new owner plans a 40,000 stadium so that their huge fan base can all get in. Please let them be humiliated today.
  10. They shouldn't even be in the cup. Blatant financial irregularities. The skates have cheated but the spineless FA have done F.A and allowed them to field players while insolvent. Not keen on tottenham but really hope they stuff the skates.
  11. In an ideal world, the Skates for their financial irregularities.
  12. The ref was not shocking, the one we had for the leeds game was. We've brought in so many players this season, patience people. To start all over again with yet another manager would be a disaster. Keep the faith in pardew.
  13. We started slowly as i suspected we would after Sunday. They were a fast attacking side and could have been 2 up in 20 minutes. Overall, we deserved a draw and took the game to them in the second half, we looked good when using the full width of the pitch. Have to give credit to their fans, in an open athletics stadium they were quite noisy at times but it was weird hearing them sing stuff about redknapp. Some of our fans did sing the homophobic stuff which they probably get every week, but in this day and age the stewards and police appeared and warned of nickings if it continued. Look forward going to their new ground at Falmer in a couple of seasons-we'll get a couple of thousand for that and it'll be more like the old games between us. Brighton is an excellent town for a day out.
  14. Sour Mash-I don't think we are poor-who has outsung us this season? Certainly not the skates-now they were poor.
  15. Overall, we sing far more than 90% of other teams both in the prem and the footbball league. Of the 10 away games i've been to this season, only Millwall in short bursts impressed. There were thousands of "singers" present on Sunday but the acoustics and lay out of the place prevented a decent atmosphere-its the same at the England games i've been to there. Poor design for singing.
  16. And you've missed out the worse of the lot in my view. That fat ars$d scouse skate Thickey Quin.
  17. And another thing. The DJ announced with full confidence, drinking laws meant that we could drink 30 mins before kick off and not the 1 hour which the venue suddenly decided was appropriate. So of course we rushed to the poxy little bar and found a community police jobsworth ordering the bar staff not to serve any more drink at 12.30. Shambolic doesn't do the place justice (not having a pop at NI btw who at least tried something), which had it been as billed, would have been perfect.
  18. ESB I had seen your message and tried desparately to get you tickets for you and your lad-I did have 2 spares but was swamped by requests. i'll be there with my 15 year old and living up here with all his mates supporting arsenel and chelsea etc its great for him to to have days like this. Hopefuly you'll both be at wembley again soon.(ie a nice cup run next season)
  19. I have a spare one-lower block behind the goal-£27 simonsaints1@aol.com If i don't get back to you, it would have gone. Cheers
  20. Hey Langley-who are the band and what stuff do they play? I could always pop down from Barnet-just a few stops on the Northern line.
  21. SFKA SOUTH WOODFORD Does that Basingstoke bloke still want a ticket? If you can get hold of him and he does-email me at simonsaints1@aol.com asap.
  22. TT Can you email me. simonsaints1@aol.com
  23. I would like to think that with what we have managed to obtain from elsewhere in the stadium, ie the Carlisle end and all the corporate and club wembley tickets etc etc-we will top 50,000.
  24. Great article. Lets hope he sticks around long enough to see us back in the Prem. Sounds like he eats and sleeps all things Saintly as we do.
  25. The prospect of a journey back to Barnet when we've lost a night game.
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