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Everything posted by Barfy

  1. Amazon.co.uk haven't got a release date yet, so...
  2. Time to re-acquaint myself with pc gaming then
  3. ignore me...
  4. 7 weeks will that Metro 2030 (or 2033 :confused:) be coming out on the PS3?
  5. Sorry if this has already been covered, but after 149 pages, I'm not going looking Is there still a huge pot of money from the big Asian TV deal signed a few years back? I seem to recall that even the bottom team (for one season at least) would receive £30m in "prize" money :confused:
  6. Sorry I didn't appear to accept invites last night. I tried, but each time it just told me I couldn't connect to the host
  7. even without akimbo those things are the dogs danglies! Pair them up with sleight of hand pro and they are virtually unequalled on the tight or small maps, especially favela. I'm probably going to delay going prestige a 2nd time so I get to spend more time with those and the AK-47
  8. Also useful if you have Akimbo shotguns as secondary weapons.
  9. A new favourite of mine is the UMP45 with rapid fire, sleight of hand, stopping power (or lightweight) and commando pro. Works wonders in Rust, High Rise and Scrapyard
  10. For accuracy, I'd go with the SCAR with red dot sight or holographic sight. Even better with bling so you can have the grenade launcher too Once the ACR is available, it's a much more accurate gun, though a bit less damage.
  11. Playing against the PS3 in the missions, is so much easier than playing against kids with decent reaction times, decent broadband connections and too much time on their hands to practice ps, good to see you in team deathmatch last night Arizona
  12. Sorry, when I saw that there weren't too many online I decided to have a crack at getting up a few more levels sadly I was a bit sh1t last night so the plan didn't work
  13. Seemed to be, there were a couple of glitchy moments for me, but nothing out of the ordinary.
  14. Sorry, had to get some sleep last night, my old bones can't handle late nights anymore Shame about the network problems, I would offer to host but my upload speeds aren't that great. I think if there's 6 in the party we should be getting online and into some team deathmatch games
  15. I know still it means I get to make my fair share of payback killings
  16. Barfy74
  17. I'll take that as a compliment, but I still don't think I'm that good as I have a bad habit of being killed far too easily ](*,)
  18. Have pity on those of us that haven't got HD at all I'm sure my ratio would improve if I could see half of what is going on!
  19. You won't lose them, they just won't be on your new PS3 profile, so you'll have to start from scratch. Not tournaments, but just playing as a team in the online games rather than private games. I don't know what team sizes there are for each of the types of match, but if (e.g.) there are 6 of us online we could go play an online deathmatch game as a team, rather than 3 v 3 private match. That way we still get the XP, and a chance to kill other players and not just Baj, Arizona and RedAndWhite91
  20. Unless the four horsemen of the apocalypse pitch up beforehand, I'll probably be there. Just send an invite when it's all set up. Rather than just playing matches with 5 or 6 would it be better to go take part in online matches as a team? He uses the "1era" clan tag then? On the subject of clan tags, is everyone now using SFC?
  21. My kill to death ratio is about 1 (around 9k each, give or take a few each way), which I'm relatively happy with. Never look at the accuracy stats though! RedandWhite91 was it you or your brother on last night?
  22. He was on my team wasn't he? very close to my rank too After the few games last night, I went off and played mercenary team deathmatch, I was 18 kills 0 deaths in rundown when I got signed out of PSN I will never ever get a streak like that again :mad:
  23. Being broke after Christmas, I'll most likely be on during the day. But will definitely be on after 8.
  24. Hey I'm just there for target practice for the other team
  25. Only use sights to get the bonus XP for completing the challenges otherwise iron sights all the way! I do like my grenade launcher though I shall also be around tonight, and open to any invitations.
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