583 -
Everything posted by Barfy
I only got to the stage he was building to his big attack, but I took the chance to heall and get the synergyst to work. Never managed to get there again Restarting isn't so bad though I just need to work out the weapon mod. system properly. Did you heavily modify the earlier weapons? or use resources more sparingly on the later weapons?
when you say full crystarium, at what level is that? at the end of chapter 9 I hadn't quite managed to fill up all of the level 3 crystarium (which is probably why I had no chance at the end of said chapter!). Also, how are people dealing with weapon modifications, I've been doing it quite randomly, and I'm wondering if this is causing my parties to be a bit weaker than they should too?
I kind of undersatnd what you mean, but in ff10 going after the dark aeons and penance was virtually another game in itself, and ff7 with Ruby & Emerald. I think it's just after the anticipation, it's not what I was hoping for. If I was able to avoid comparing it to earlier games and just play it for what it is I'd probably have no complaints, but.... I did re-start yesterday as I got to the end of chapter 9, and I was stuck, retried countless times, but just hadn't developed things in the right way to even get close to winning.
ok, so I've played it for about 25 hours in all now, and as much as I want to love the game given how long I've been waiting for it, I cn't help feeling a little disappointed Graphically it is amazing, the story isn't bad, I think the battle(paradigm) system is the best in an ff game so far. Development of the characters & weapons seem simple enough, though it does require forward planning. The disappointment comes from the simple fact that the game is totally linear from start to finish, there isn't (as far as I have been able to work out) anything of any note outside of the story, or freedom to explore. Is it sad that I am disappointed by this? anyone else thinking the same?
ff10 was my favourite and would be a good one to start getting acquainted with the games. The graphics are generally good, the story moves on reasonably quickly for the most part, and could probably be completed in about 50 hours of gameplay, though there is enough in the way of sidequests to bump that up to 150 to 200 hours without getting too boring (Penance!!!). ff7 was fantastic, though graphics don't look great anymore, the game was simple enough to get to grips with, and barring a few points the story moved along well enough. Like 10, there were also plenty of things to do around the story to enhance the game (Golden Chocobo + Knights of the Round ). ff8 was the version for ff geeks, the whole character building system was very complicated, and time consuming, and I never really got into the whole card game thing. That said though, by disc 3 I was totally hooked as with 7 & 10, although I have never managed to find time to complete the game ff13 really looks the part, and no random battles I was beginning to get bored of the battle system, but just after gaining the ability to customise the weapons the enemies have become much harder. Using the paradigm system is therefore much more important. It's all still quite linear though, and I'm really hoping it will open up a bit because I just don't think it will be in the same league as the three ff games above if it doesn't.
for those wanting to try ff games, 7 or 8 (ff7 is a lot more user friendly than 8 though) is available for download from psn for about £8. It's hard to describe the appeal, you either like this type of game or you don't. Personally I love 'em Fwiw ffXIII is superb, yes it is linear at the moment (about 6 hours in), but there's no chance of getting bored as they introduce new things (paradigm system, eidolons etc) as well as building the storyline, even the character progression is completely different, and requires careful planning to combine with the pardigm system. The graphics are amazing (even on non-HD). Worth the 4 year wait? So far I'd say yes
woo hoo it's here, bye bye real world :-D
MIne seems to be back to normal this morning, and I did switch on last night (curiosity got the better of me ). Haven't loaded any games up, but updated date & time via internet and all seemed to be good!!!!
http://www.breakingnewsandsport.com/ps3-error-code-8001050f/619825/ That report makes it sound like you can still play games. I've been playing FF8 in anticipation of next weeks big release. As that won't have any trophy data (being a PS one game) anyone think it might be safe to play??? If I spend another night at my pc, I'm going to go bankrupt spending money at Screwfix, Amazon and other special interest sites!!!!
nearly had to talk to the mrs! come on Sony, only you can save me!!!!
so can someone explain for a simpleton like me, does this mean I should just not switch on the PS3 tonight? even if not connecting to the internet????
I'd be more interested to know if Dan Brown has registered here recently with all the new conspiracy theories floating around :shock:
In case no-one has already pointed it out, Fenny Stratford is not romantic! Passing through is the best thing to be said about it, unless you want to stop and admire the MkDons bowl?
I'd also hazard a guess that any accountancy firm worth it's salt would not be interested in risking it's future merely to help pompey stay in business. After all if they produce a biased report now, and pompey subsequently go pop, then if the accountants are found to be complicit in lying to the court they will at the absolute minimum lose their FSA licence, but more likely face criminal charges (perjury??).
Just padding....
I apologise if this has been posted before, but I was looking at PCFC accounts with a Pompey fan at work: Year ending Net Assets/(Liabilities) 31/5/2000 £86,000 31/5/2001 (£651,000) 31/5/2002 (£890,000) 31/5/2003 (£14,112,000) 31/5/2004 (£17,668,000) 31/5/2005 (£12,304,000) 31/5/2006 (£20,763,000) 31/5/2007 (£45,118,000) 31/5/2008 (£73,736,000) I know they have reduced their debts since then but still... :smt119
What button?
I see so many of those on the roads that for a while I was on the hunt for a nationwide network of Saints Megastores.
well I'll be ****ed if I know what to do with this one! I can't even do anything with the duck!
I should be there this evening after spending the week ranking up a bit
That's a rather good piece of news I should have played FF13 to death by then!!!!
Megadrive: Kid Chameleon Sonic (pretty much any version) Loved Golden Axe 2, but played it again recently and it seems it's one of those that should have stayed in the past Spectrum Operation Wolf Sam Fox strip poker :smt081 Rock Star ate My Hamster Manic Miner PC: Original Championship Manager Sim City 4 And so many others that I just can't remember now
I know a few season ticket holders for Franchise FC and they are always going on about what great support they get at home games, and how they'll easily fill up more of the stadium as it gets built :smt081
Thanks for the heads up, I've already got the week booked off work
When are we likely to see that?