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Everything posted by Barfy

  1. I've swtiched to silenced FAMAS now and UMP45 for the smaller maps. Though if I'm in headless chicken mode, the uzi seems to do the job quite well If there is going to be a mass get together, I'll join in though like Mr From The Top if I'm in the middle of a good game, I may be some time
  2. I'm now a full convert to HQ played a few matches last night and managed to get good stats on most (one was shameful, but...). Having a silenced SCAR with SoH/Cold blooded/Ninja was a lot more useful on HQ than TD or ground war.
  3. Actually in ground war because there's so little time, the sentry gun seems to be quite useful. Likewise air support (Harriers especially) seem to last longer because there's not much time to line them up with a rocket launcher.
  4. Yeah I'm getting through this prestige quickly, mainly through varying my weapons and getting all the bonuses, though still no sniper rifles in my classes! I'm getting to grips with fuel now, I tend to stay away from the big open area, then use airstrikes or predator missiles to deal with the campers out there carnival though has me stumped, especially on my older low def tv Simply from the fact that it's the one I have most success with, Bailout is still one of my favourite maps overall, though I love having Vacant back I see a few people getting those kind of ratios on HQ, and seen more nukes on that mode in th past few weeks than in the last year. Though I can't remember the last time I got a chance to call in a Pave Low or Gunship that didn't come in a care package. Personally I'm enjoying Ground War still (Domination & TD) though trying to find space to drop a care package and collect it can be a bit tough at times!
  5. My K : D ratio has now dropped below 1 I seem to have one or two good rounds then a whole bunch of sh*t ones. I was wondering if my net connection might be a problem... what does NAT type open mean?
  6. I haven't been able to download the new map pack yet, I keep getting an error at the checkout... anyone else having this trouble? Edit... I had to update my debit card details. I have to say welcome back to vacant but I can't get to grips with Fuel yet...
  7. I think I'd probably agree with that too. As for the Stimulus pack, I'd say that the Bailout map is rapidly becoming my favourite overall map.
  8. Ground War domination in quarry - Barfy74 stats last night kills 2 : deaths 16 HQ for me next then
  9. awesome though?
  10. I've always found Mercenary Team Deathmatch the best option to use to "warm up" on, but I'm loving playing Ground war now the games don't last much longer, but if you can come out of one of those with a positive k/d ratio you're doing well
  11. S_S will you be my bodyguard too
  12. I was helping a friend's kid revise for their GCSE higher maths papers this year, and yes the first part of the paper seemed ridiculously easy. But it got progressively harder, until the last third of the paper which gave me plenty of cause to stop and think (I did A-level and degree level maths, as well as accountancy - albeit sometime ago). When you look at the papers along with the marking schemes, they are clearly designed to find the student's level. An A* student should be able to complete the paper with a good grade, but a C grade student (on the higher paper) will probably not even attempt the last four or five questions. I don't think the papers are any easier per se, the same things are taught as when I did my GCSEs in the late 80s. It's more the fact, that as others have indicated, the style of assessment and grading has changed over the years making comparison of O-levels, earlier GCSEs and modern GCSEs largely irrelevant... ... all IMO of course And just from the point of view of my own ego, I have just this week been awarded LLB(Hons) completed in 4 years whilst also working full-time and being addicted to the past three incarnations of Call of Duty!
  13. How have I managed so far without using the FAMAS? managed to get up 13 levels after going prestige again in 90 minutes last night using it! Even managed one match with a 14:1 k/d ratio only died when I ran out of ammo. I love MW2 again...
  14. Oh my god, how bad did I become while I was busy with ff13 & ac2!?? I also thought it would be a laugh to join in on Ground War On the plus side I like the 3 new maps and the return of the two old ones now where's my SCAR + Grenade Launcher
  15. I think 3rd prestige level 40-50 I think... just about got all my tactics in order by then too
  16. Having now completed FFXIII and Assassins Creed 2 I am really looking forward to getting this back from the person who borrowed it and getting back online though fully expect to be cannon fodder for a few weeks...
  17. ok, so maybe someone can explain this, or point me to the post that explains it... My general impression is that Lib Dem voters would, if pushed to decide, more likely favour Labour over the Tories. So if Nick Clegg decides to ally himself and the party with the Tories would that not in some way alienate the party's supporters? And yes I am making very broad generalisations abovce, so if necessary I am happy to stand corrected....
  18. Wait until you get into building your own levels then, can be nearly as addictive as the game itself! I'm currently CP grinding on FFXIII as I can't leave it unfinished
  19. Has anyone had a pop at attacus yet? if so, any luck?
  20. Completed it last night and although it's very linear for a ff game (something to do with having to release it for the xbox, or so I was told) it is a great game slightly ruined by having Leona Lewis playing over the end titles!!! Nevertheless, I would recommend it, especially if you can play it in HD, as I'm guessing it would look magnificent! Right, back off to Gran Pulse to finish all those missions
  21. I spent a while doing all of the c'ieth stone missions before getting as far as Oerba. Managed to fill up the Crystarium for each character and had some spare for when the crystarium expanded after Bart. The other benefit to doing this is getting loads of items for weapon modding (which helps a lot too!!!), and access to chocobos! By the way, don't forget to fix Vanille's toy whilst in Oerba That said, Taejin's tower seemed pretty good for CP
  22. I'm just working through some of the missions on Pulse now (Chapter 11??), probably constitutes grinding though really struggling with some of the monsters. Those Behemoth kings & triffid combos are a nightmare! What's the story with the reward spheres in inaccessible places? I assume this must be some sort of chocobo thing?
  23. That's something I haven't done yet, though now I have the full crystarium opened up, there's some good CP to be gained in chapter 10, and hopefully I can find someway of getting a nice healthy stock of perfect conductors for weapon modding too
  24. woo hoo got past chapter 9 this morning, was worth restarting and thinking more carefully about the crystarium. As for weapon modding I've only really improved Lightning's to any great extent (can't remember which one) which is up to level 20 now, I can't work out whether it's worth modding accessories though. Since sorting out how I'm using the crystarium, I've also got much more effective paradigm set ups too, so getting more 5 stars at the end of battles
  25. the battels are definitely one of this games best points. Even at earlier chapters with weaker enemies I've found that if you make the wrong decision at the start of the battle, you can be playing catch for the rest of the battle leaving you no chance of 5 stars! I 've got a good stock of weapon modding stuff, so might have play with that later to see what I can do. Might just focus on Lightning first though.
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