583 -
Everything posted by Barfy
Went to the Carphone Warehouse site to see what contract options were available for the N8 and this caught my eye http://www.google.co.uk/nexus/# I am now torn again. Is the N8 still a better option than the potential of the Nexus S???
I was going to upgrade to an Android phone this month as amonst other things it has proper flash support (does it?). Looking at the spec for the N8 though it seems to also have flash support, is this right?
Probably going to go with a new slim ps3 now, if I can persuade enough people to chip in for the Christmas present at least. I'd like to get as much data off the hard drive as possible, does anyone know what the best method would be given that the ps3 doesn't switch on? Thanks
Yeah spoke to them today, the offer was £130, will probably go with that. Though may bite the bullet and just upgrade to a new PS3 slim, just hoping there may be some p/x value in the very expensive brick. One other thing though, the electronics guy at work got it working, so I put the Black Ops disc back in, is there a non-destructive way of recovering it?
My PS3 succumbed to the "Yellow Light of Death" last week. An electronics engineer at work went through the repair process, but that only gave me a chance to recover my Black Ops disc, so it looks like I'm going to have to replace the old girl... Does anyone know if there is anywhere that does part-ex on consoles? I'm guessing there won't be much discount, but anything is better than full price Failing that, what are the best options to get a new console? maybe a new mobile phone contract or something?
I think it's on the lobby page, you can press select and it brings up a menu where you change select various game search options. I switched it to locale which searches locally first then broadens to worldwide. I would love to be able to tell you more, but I think my PS3 turned into a brick last night
I made a change to the match search engine so it searches for more local matches first. Reduced the lag in game, but didn't change host connection problems. My big dilemma now is whether to go prestige and give up my G11... I'm sure I will as soon as prestige is available, but the G11 really is a good weapon! Helped get my K/D ratio back up anyway So being the geek I am, I've been playing with the Theatre stuff (there's a couple of little segments that I'm a bit proud of). Does anyone know how to get it from the game so it can be shared?
I managed that with my RC-XD
Anyone tried much of the wager matches? I was made to look very bad in a few yesterday, especially the one where you have to get a kill with one weapon in order to move to the next, lost a fair amount of CoD points after being bankrupted repeatedly!
I was starting to get bored with the fact that every map seemed to be set up for SMGs only, but now I've got to know the maps a bit more, I've started using assault rifle setups (FAMAS with ACOG scope has been very useful) and have even made a sniper class. Though there's no chance of camping, but a couple of maps have some good vantage points if you can get to them, and claymores seem to be so much more useful than they ever were on MW2. Still would be nice to have a few maps like Wasteland, Underpass, Afghan etc. One thing I want to know though, how come GingerMJ is so bloody good? what's the secret????
I got a Blackbird SR-71 in a care package the other night, am I missing something or is it just an enhanced spy plane? seems a bit pointless to buy that as a killstreak reward!
Mine so far is a triple kill with the RCX on cracked. Do you need a Youtube account to upload these clips? Just finished the single player game and straight in to a Zombie game... LOL at JFK, Castro & Nixon
I'm still not completely sold on single player, though will try and finish it today and maybe have another run through in the next week or two. Played for a few hours online last night, though it seems everyone just wanted to play Nuketown. Most of the maps I played on do seem to be set up for close quarter banzai style play, I don't think I saw many using anything other than SMGs, and I didn't see anyone using sniper set ups. I also think they seem to have fallen between the cracks on the character and weapon upgrade process. Although you have to use COD points to buy new stuff, you still have to advance to the right level to unlock it, it would have made a bit more sense to me to just make the better/later stuff more expensive and do away with level unlocking. That said though I do like it, and will no doubt become more obsessed with it in no time and the RCX is going to be fun... So who's going to be the first to put up some of their highlights then?
not been overwhelmed so far, though just got to Nam. hasn't helped that i had to restart the level after it crashed. Will go back to it later, but maybe jump to multiplayer before completing single player.
I think I am just about starting to get bored of MW2 online, though would like another prestige level by Monday. Got this on pre-order, and next week booked off work As I tend to only play the single player mode a few times, it's all about online for me, and I'm just a little bit curious as to whether they've tried to cram too much into that side of the game. I'm sure by tuesday evening that'll have been forgotten though Only 114 days until Killzone 3 comes out anyway http://www.vgreleases.com/ps3/ReleaseDate-62530.aspx
hear hear, even if they were valid, today of all days is not the time. as for where i was, i was heading back to work after lunch, and heard the news flash on the radio. i got into the office just as the second plane hit. i think i spent the rest of the day in disbelief trying to read watch any news source i could find.
The ending is spectacular, and I guess emotional. I'm keeping the save file for the ending of the game so I can play it again when I have a HD TV because I imagine it will look outstanding!
I think I'd echo a lot of what has been said in this thread already. Obviously I never knew him, but when he decided he wanted to be a part of Southampton FC and in such an important way he immediately elevated himself to a position alongside those on the much discussed banner at the top of this page. Therefore his passing is more than just a footnote... Yes I do feel a sense of sadness as I would at the death of a friend or maybe distant relative... However I'm also a realist, without Markus there may not be SFC as we know it. Now we are back in a position of uncertainty (albeit more secure than previously). The rumours and hearsay will spread until announcements are made, and the only hope is that these sad events will galvanise the team, staff and fans of the club and that we can at least begin to push towards the objectives that he laid the foundations for regardless of any contingency plans that had been put in place. Oh to be a Southampton fan... you never seem to be more than a few steps away from a kick in the nuts!
I heard this news late last night, and I am truly stunned and shocked... like everyone else here my thoughts are with his family at a time like this. In some ways I don't think there could be a tribute that the club could make that would be fitting for what he did for Southampton Football Club, but a return to the premiership would be a start RIP Herr Liebherr
On pre-order with amazon already so your chance will come again
One less shotgun to the head then
I had a game like that last night, not quite 20:1 but managed about 50:20 in HQ and managed to call in the Pave Low twice, Like you though, I did hide a bit more at the end of the game. The form didn't last though
You'll probably be glad you didn't play in that last HQ match last night! The other team were a clan whose only tactic was to set themselves up with grenade launchers and rocket launchers with the Danger Close perk. And yes, I'm sure you did kill me
I thought it was just me that struggled after lvl 40... This prestige (4th for me I think) I went to the mid-30's in no time, but then everything just seemed to go wrong! Do they handicap higher levels in some way? The other reasons not to go prestige again... AK47 and akimbo Model 1887 shotguns
NorthamSteve, you are my lucky charm the game I played after you left I went back to being cannon fodder