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Everything posted by saintalton

  1. I would like us to sign players with pace and height, dont have any names to mind, but i think to fit our new style we need better athletes. The Strachen-era proved you dont need to be technically the best if you want to compete at the highest level, you need to be physically stronger and fitter than the opponents. Man Utd are fine example of this, not the best individual skilled players but absolute athletes.
  2. If we really have a desire to stay in the prem this is a must win game, anything less than a win, is not good enough. villa are a poor side in poor form, and if we cant beat them it will be a massive confidence dent for the boys! i do believe we will go there and get the job done, but i think it will be close im going a tense 3-2, punch and ramirez x2 with the goals!
  3. Guly at the level he was signed whilst we were in League 1 was a fantastic player, in the Championship he brought a lot to the team and contributed well, this season although he has yet to score has also contributed well to the side, so to slate NC on signing Guly is nothing short of stupid. We were never going get 'world beaters' whilst playing at that level!
  4. I struggle to understand why we are not picking Boruc, i have thought this since we dropped him. I rate Gazza but he is too young and prone to the odd howler. Its no good playing well one game then making mistakes the next. His mistake against swansea cost us the win, he was lucky enough to only conceed 1 vs QPR when he was shocking, and he cost us the win last night. No doubt he will come good but this is not the time to be messing around. We need the experience from Boruc for Liverpool.
  5. Boruc clyne yoshida jos fox punch morgan cork lallana gaston lambert subs:gazza,frazer,fonte,davies,jwp,lee,mayuka
  6. Managers as with players come and go from every club, some sadly, some needing to go. The only one thing that stays constant is the club. I will always follow and get behind every team we play, and every manager we have. Dont be fickle enough to say if someone goes/comes in i will never go to a game again. If you do that you are not a true supporter of 'Southampton Football Club', you are like many others up and down the land are 'plastics' who only go when the going is good and suits them. Get behind the club. COYR
  7. How on earth has rob 'calamity' green got in the squad ahead of kelvin, and carroll ahead of rickie, absolute joke. Im not a fan of international football but would of been great for kelvin and rickie to of been called up, not being one eyed but i think they would of added more to the squad than those two. Coyr
  8. Stephen Ward is utter turd, alot worse than what we already have. We can and will sign better than this.
  9. my list of freebies, maybe kalou is a bit optimistic, but the offer of game time might be a big thing. Craig Gordon, Fitz Hall, Danny Murphy, Salomon Kalou, Junior Hoilett.
  10. i placed a bet when punch came back that he would score our promotion winning goal. now with chappers out he may get a shout. personally i would love either rickie or adam to do it, but i would take anything, an own goal, a deflection off a pigeon anything. its one of the biggest 90+ mins in saints history and we must roar them on to victory, as with our support to calm the players nerves so they can go out and perform to their best, we can and will do this. in the words of nigel 'together as one'
  11. i cant work out what but guly looks skightly different here! Any ideas? Haircut possibly?
  12. I had Delgado home and Chala on away when we signed them both! Ouch!!!!
  13. my knowledge of carlos vela can not be correct as it cant of been him as he played last night in spain, sorry guys i think its all the jan transfer madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I am not in the know, or do I have a source at the club, but I was at an hotel for a conference yesterday where I'm 99.99% Sure was Carlos vela of arsenal, might have nothing to do with us I am just hoping, could also be that he was on a leisure Break?! Just thought it was weird to see a arsenal player in a Hampshire hotel!
  15. The best solution would be to re-sign old man Kevin miller, George 'drunken' burleys great goalkeeping solution! Wow he was Forecast bad! The only issue with re-signing miller is if he agrees to once again step back from his window salesman position, big call.....
  16. old man kevin miller!!!!!!!!! sign him up!!!!!!!
  17. Nope I would rather bring imants bleidelis out of retirement than have that useless overrated self absorbed idiot back in our team, he is bad news and better of else where. If Nigel doesn't rate him, then I trust his judgement!
  18. Yes I think so, his anti-cortese rants made him look like a bit of a spolit brat at times. Complaining that he had to buy tickets etc. Yes I agree he was an amazing special player maybe the best player ever in a saints shirt. But that doesn't make him any more special than say Mick channon, who I'm sure if he wanted to come to a game would have to buy a ticket, rather than be an ex-free loading player. Those days of free bars for ex players are long gone, thank goodness, as we've been in dire financial position before an we done need ex freeloaders feeding of us. He was a great servant who earnt good money but that doesn't mean we have to carry on paying for him now he is retired.
  19. he is he biggest waste of space ever, gid rid nicola, he makes us look like a tin pot club that can only afford that piece of crap, bring osman back!
  20. guys be realistic, lloyd may not of been playing well last night but he wasnt the only one and he is treated far too harshly by some of u. hammond had a shocker giving the ball away far to often and easily, semi as usual was awful, punch has one move to cut in and has been worked out and took the pace off moves by passing behind people the entire time and his set pieces were awful why he takes a short corner when we can load it up with height or hit a lil free kick to some1 standing 1 meter away is ridiculous, seabourne again was rubbish cant header gets turned to easily, why we signed seabourne and not ward is something i cant work out, so to blame it on lloyd is mornic. just remember how well he was playing before he got injured.
  21. what u idiots who boo NC have got to remember is that NC made ML buy the club, so respect him for that, if there was no NC there would be no ML making there be no SFC. what do u booing fools want, rupert lowe back? get real. these guys have the club at heart and they wanna take us to the premier league. and i for one would like to see saints back in the top flight. remember how bad things were after 2003 and now start to be grateful for NC and dont believe cr*p in the papers.
  22. jay lucas, jacinto ela eyena, dani rodrigues, cederic baseya, aaron davies, nile ranger, josh dutton-black, kyle davies, totti, scott bevan, alan blayney, adrian caceres, feliciano condesso, kyle critchell, mike poate, kevin gibbens, andrew mcneil, adam wallace, mike williamson, andy williams, phil warner....couldnt really think of many, sh*t me i am sad
  23. i am scared of being at a low height so yes i will swap ummmmm or u could of not been so tight paid abit more for a better seat on a lower tier, i will give u a wave from my club wembley seats
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