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Everything posted by djharvey

  1. If thats what YOU want to read, then go buy the echo. I dont remember NC jumping up and down, in fact i think he has remained cool calm and collected. Its all the journos and chumps who spread rumours that were jumping up and down!
  2. Firstly it is just a bad spreading a rumour as starting one! Secondly we will get an explanation about the programmes when the club is ready to give it! Finally to say that journalists dont make things up is laughable! That would mean that every story ever printed has had some element of truth to it then eh! Have a word Grant!
  3. It is being widely rumoured that the Echo Sports Editor Simon Carter's future is in doubt. He is to be summoned to a meeting with Editor Ian Murray in the coming days and its possible that his future is on the line! Widely rumoured! Possible! This is just an example of how it is possible to make up a headline to sell newspapers and cover your ass at the same time! See how they like it!
  4. I have just e-mailed the ECHO asking them to address the poor reporting that has eminated from them. I have stated that they should be supporting OUR local club and not undermining them. They have lost credibility and numerous readers. Here' my message: Mr Murray, Please can you urgently look into the saga that has been unfolding between OUR local team SAINTS and the poor reporting that seems to be eminating from the ECHO. I really am fed up with the negative rumours that seem to want to undermine the club and supporters of OUR club. Surely you will sell more papers by giving good honest facts in tandem with OUR club. It is clear to the vast majority of supporters that there has been poor reporting and Mr Cortese will not allow you to put the clubs prospects in jeopardy. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE sort out this depressing situation. The ECHO is losing credibility & readers. E-mail them today, they need to hear us! newsdesk@dailyecho.co.uk
  5. Here, Here! excellent shout.
  6. Well said that man!
  7. -Better beer -Quicker beer service -Clear panels at top of stand changed to red or some sort of banner design maybe -Super bar where fans can have comfortable pint before/after game -Away fans pushed more around/on to itchen stand. Put them right in the corner. -Saints fans stop speeding up the slow chant of OWTS.
  8. Turns out optimism is always the best! COYR
  9. Excellent news and quality statement from NC. NC really is a force to be reckoned with and i like him more and more each day. He will not take or fall for any of the sh*t that people spread. COYR
  10. Thats ok! fairly conservative but no real probs with it.
  11. Totally Agree! nicely put.
  12. That pinch of salt wasn't large enough to stop you from passing on the rumours and hence FEEDING the FRENZY! I do understand that its hard, but sometimes we all (including myself) need to just keep stum until we hear the facts! COYR:)
  13. If all these rumours turn out to be complete rubbish, then NC will have put himself in a hugely strong position of trust with the fans and maybe even the press! Hmmm, i dont really know what to expect, but am optimistic.
  14. DJHARVEY! prob better than the cack pipe so many seem to be on at the moment!
  15. Thats pathetic!
  16. Rumours!! is there any chance of some positive rumours for a change as gettin real bored of all the negative cack!
  17. Yes, enlighten us with more RUMOURS!
  18. ? :confused: Because of all the rumours flying around OR because you seem to be believing them all !
  19. at the end of the day if it came to Cortese or Pardew, i would take Cortese all day long. Dont actually think there is anything in these rumours anyway!
  20. Anyone know how staplewood is coming along? Have they started any demolition works yet, been a bit quite in the press and OS.
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