Yes, without the full knowledge of exactly what you get and what the full costs to the club are it is impossible to suggest a reasonable price!
I am sure though that if and when a price is announced you will make endless presumptions about administration costs etc etc and that we are all being ripped off! (without full knowledge of the facts)
Those points may show that the club are not neccessarily maximising season ticket sales. However if the club were trying to sell as few season tickets as possible (as you stated), don't you think that they would just not sell them at all!
There are clearly commercial reasons for the decisions that the club are taking, i may not fully understand them (like many others) but i am willing to trust the club with them. If you dont trust them then dont hand over any cash.
The tickets are available, the prices are available, the seats are available. IF YOU WANT ONE!
Go on, pick up the phone, you know you want to!
This is ridiculous! You may as well say that all these season ticket holders are spoilt brats, sat at home in a huff, refusing to phone the club to renew.