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Everything posted by djharvey

  1. We won't be winning the league, ffs (said the leicester fan).
  2. The Toluca home kit from last season has a very similar style, probably the same template, and yes I know it was also spuds away!
  3. Yep, like them both!
  4. That image of the yacht sail is also stuck in my head, the shape of the White band across it with the saints and UA motif, surely that is a big pointer?
  5. Villa UA kits now officially released. Same as leak. Bit meh!
  6. The sail on post 569 could add some weight to this design.
  7. The Spurs training shorts are the same design as the leaked saints training kit. If you zoom in on both you can see the only difference is the red type colour flash at the side, this flash is still there in the Spurs shorts but it's the same colour as the rest of the material.
  8. The Spurs training kit in that colour is called Orange!
  9. We now know what villas UA kit's look like!
  10. Villa's UA shirts now leaked on Footy Headlines site.
  11. Yeah, the words black and grey speaks volumes!
  12. So are you saying you have seen the kit?
  13. The home is really great, away pretty good too.
  14. That would be an awesome away or 3rd kit.
  15. Ok then, just extend the Northam like a kop.
  16. Hmmm, good idea! (See post 49) ?
  17. The powers that be will not let us move the away fans so lets just water down their support in that area of the stadium. Expand the northam with another tier by between 3k and 5k all these extra seats can be taken by saints fans. Split the away fans over the two levels (like they do at man city), we would then end up with about 2/3rds saints and 1/3rd away fans in the northam. Would change with cup games but still an advantage for league etc.
  18. At West Ham prices I reckon we could probably shift 35k season tickets, so with away fans and other match by match sales I also reckon regular gates of 40-45k would be very achievable.
  19. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=under+armour+southampton+fc+kit&client=safari&hl=en-gb&prmd=isnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj34pazkMHMAhWMD8AKHUZ1CNcQ_AUICCgB&biw=320&bih=372&dpr=2#imgrc=U_j-RwfsFg69XM%3A Not a bad effort!
  20. Note the date on the article!
  21. We actually need a combination of creating our own home end and denying the away support one!
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