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Everything posted by Jamyj2

  1. Obviously couldn't do all of the interviews and get it printed before the game tonight. Vain attempt to erase all traces of Pardew from the club?
  2. Can't seem to send PM's. Can i have some more details? Colour, what the 'few bits of work' are? Cheap and easy to fix? Thanks,
  3. Unfortunatly i'll be working that same carnival. Will make sure to keep him in my thoughts, and maybe wear my saints shirt.
  4. I'm not buying it. Today.
  5. What material is it made from? And liking Fonte's new haircut! Unless the backdrop of the Photograph is the same colour as his usual do'?
  6. Got a bit of it due to the two morons in front of me talking about how they are glad pompey are relegated...Good video from the bits i got. On youtube or anywhere?
  7. Solid 15 or so minutes of 'Alan Pardew's Red Army, Redknapp must die!' in the standing terrace at rovers away. Followed by 'I hope he dies soon, I hope he dies so-o-on, Harry Redknapp, I hope he dies soon.'
  8. I fail to see why going to St Mary's is such a big thing for them? Am i missing something? Other than the fact they are just down the road...
  9. Glad i held out for Terrace tickets. Look out for me in the 'Bolts 16' Shirt!
  10. I for one was looking forward to getting a "Johnstones Paint Trophy Winners 2010" Patch on one or both of the arms of my shirt... Also, my JPT Lettering has stayed on my shirt and it's been washed about 8 or 9 times since i got it!
  11. Saw it last year. Buggers turned me down for 3 different Jobs. My paperround isn't paying enough to make trips like those yesterday!
  12. "Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be will be, We're winning the JPT"??
  13. My guess is that it's a fake, Aren't the programmes printed on Match Day, or a day or 2 in advance?
  14. Jamyj2


    Would of been wearing my Saints shirt (All nice and printed for the final!) But some light fingered little bastard decided he liked it more than me. So untill mine can be replaced i am going to be putting my £12 saints flag on a pole and taking that with me. Might also try and get my hands of one of those Half&Half Scarfs for the occasion, depending on the weather...
  15. I'll take my mate stanley? He hasn't seen light of day in a while. He needs to get out more.
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