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Everything posted by lambertsrightleg

  1. so what's his english name?
  2. there was a game called of for a waterlogging. first season we were in the championship I believe!
  3. http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/transfer-news/Southampton-Watford-Marvin-Sordell-4million-January-bid-article796302.html
  4. marvin sordell seems to have gone under the radar. we had a £4million bid turned down on deadline day and were rumoured to be going back in for him apparently. fits the young, english talent everybody bangs on about
  5. Living 2 minutes from Exeter's ground Rickie's winner there was nice. Bournemouth away Going ballistic at work when Fonte scored Plymouth away and especially Lambert's penalty was amazing Kissing Rickie on the pitch after Walsall De Ridder's equaliser against Reading, sat right next to their support which was appaling all game. Being down to 10 men and 1-0 down and bringing it back to 1-1 was priceless. Lambert's header at the Skates. Being stood on my seat in the backrow gave me a great view of everything that happend afterwards and I can honestly say that I've never been so impressed with our support.
  6. Markus died in 2010.......
  7. Lambert, no question. Big mentions for Frazer and Chappers. Hoovield has impressed me, Fonte has improved and Hammond has pleasantly surprised
  8. I hated him until i followed him on twitter but he seems to be very complimentary towards us. Does he deserve a 3rd chance? no doubt he has talent but it's up to NA
  9. had a conversation with Adam Lallana whilst waiting at traffic lights on the cooperdean roundabout. kissed Rickie Lambert Packed Le God's shopping whilst working at Waitrose
  10. "it's easy to be committed whilst you're winning"
  11. easy to criticize whilst sat on your fat arse behind a computer screen. I'd love to see you get up there in front of a stadium full of football fans and a live tv audience and not get nervous. ****ing inbred
  12. went to norwich away when we won 1-0 and best scored. during celebration i somehow head butted the old man and he ended up watching the rest of the game whilst trying to stem the blood flow
  13. you're being serious aren't you.................
  14. that's matt. how have you handled the crash of being a nobody again by the way doc?
  15. NA has given him two chances, will he get another? i very much doubt it. However, he always mentions us in a friendly manner on twitter
  16. 12 hours on and i'm still hard with excitement.
  17. row G for me.........no way am I sitting down though!
  18. i remember that like yesterday. I was 4 rows from the back and remember the ensuing OWTSGMI being one of the best I've ever heard
  19. so if lallana walks out in january to go to a club paying him more you won't feel aggrieved? He does a job, he's paid to do it so why should he show any loyalty? It's not just a ajob though is it, these people give their lives to something that we love. It's not just a paid job
  20. what sort of footballer changes his name. the most irritating part of todays commentary
  21. did anybody else see the way that immediately when the final whistle blew Curtis Davies went up to Rickie and gave him a massive hug. He's an ex England international and probably one of the best centre halves in the league so for him to congratulate Rickie like that speaks volumes
  22. my mate got the three lions tattooed on his arm whilst away with the army somewhere. when he came home we all realised that it was back to front and he hadnt realised because he'd only ever looked at it in the mirror
  23. loved wayne thomas. everybody needs a player like him. not afraid to put is head in where it hurts and I'll never forget his touch line bust up with Incey.
  24. Dan is a year older than me. I can assure you that if I was in his position then I would certainly be going out when I had the chance and probably trying to entice a few young ladies. I'm sure that 90% of people on here would be doing the same so it's a bit rich to criticize him. Something obviously went on inside Junk, something went on outside Junk but the most important thing is that Dan makes a full recovery.
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