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Everything posted by lambertsrightleg

  1. sounds good. what's the time for the tube?
  2. wouldn't really disagree with that article.
  3. does this mean adam lallana might resistor an approach from spurs?
  4. waigo must stay. Antonio is absolute garbage, I'd like to see Thomas stay and Perry will be on his way. Just my opinion though
  5. just checked the letter box and guess what.......I'VE GOT MY TICKETS!! block 135, row 8, get in!!
  6. without mentioning names that may not be wise for some people on this forum
  7. not your fat fingers then?
  8. nigel pearson didnt buy stern john
  9. i'd have to agree. pardew knew he would get goals from lambert, he has been proven in this league for a few seasons. harding however was out on the footballing scrapheap so for pardew to find such a gem on a free was a decent bit of business
  10. this is the wierdest thing i have ever read on this forum. i have read alot of wierd **** on here too
  11. i understand what you mean. the return of the plastic fans and all. i enjoy seeing 20k per week watching saints because they want to rather than 32k per week watching saints because its the premier league. i'm loving the backs to the wall siege mentality of being a saints fan in league 1 at the moment
  12. Eric Hassli!!!!! French striker signed in about 2001 i believe.
  13. Don't care about England and probably never will. I love Saints and love the fact that nobody else does apart from Saints fans. I hate football fans who sit in the pub watching football, whos sole care is the result of the game. I've been to Saints games before where we have lost but it doesnt feel like it because i've had such a good day out. These people have no grasp on what being a football fan is and I can't get into their way of "supporting" a team. Rant Over
  14. or just use the old grzegorz rasiak tune with morgan schniederlin
  15. good question. james ont eh right would be more solid but puncheons on fire. maybe holmes on the left?
  16. Lee Barnard, Barnard, He's better than Steve Gerrard, He's thinner than Frank Lampard, Lee Barnard, Barnard
  17. YES, GET IN!! thanks for that number, got straight through
  18. engagaed.....somebody please shut this thread before half of saintsweb tries to ring that number...............
  19. my friend of a female variety saw "jason dodd and some other shifty bloke that used to play for saints" in winchester at the weekend. she meant benali......
  20. fancy it but id rather they were leaving an hour earlier. i want to get as much beer time in as possible. bingo bus looks the best option
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