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About lambertsrightleg

  • Birthday 09/07/1988

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  1. haha yeah my mate got that job. I'll tel him to get his finger out.
  2. Cork's house is on the market FWIW
  3. Shaw chose Man United ahead of Chelsea because he didn't like Mourinho. He refered to shaw as "a boy" and told him that "he had potential" when they met.
  4. any pics from training on the OS?
  5. Be interesting to see who has a black eye on Saturday. At least we've got a week or so to flog him
  6. pretty sure you can already watch ths on the sky sports website
  7. does he like sushi?
  8. I'd be surprised if he wants to leave. He lives just around the corner from me, nice place as it goes. His mrs is heavily pregnant and he always seems pretty happy and content when I chat to him when he's out walking his dog. That said he isn't getting a look in and I'd drive him somewhere that wanted to pay 4-5 mil for him
  9. when's the draw?
  10. **** off is Floella Benjamin a WBA fan!! She presented me with my degree a couple of weeks ago, mad as a box of frogs!
  11. my housemate at uni lives in Brazil in the holidays. Apparently we bid £17m euros, they want £25m euros and his agent has admitted to being in talks with an english which arent spurs! all this after he nearly spat coffee all over his laptop on saturday when i told him.
  12. Got a bit of a soft spot for talksport. Got me through my degree.....
  13. Scoring goals is not the be all and end all. Unless we dominate games Lambert is pretty ineffective because he doesn't offer us an outlet in behind when we are under the cosh. Roy likes to play on the break and to do that you need pace and power. Lambert hasn't got those attributes so we move on.
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