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Everything posted by Saint

  1. Lots of internet "research" going on here and copying and pasting from wikis. Be careful or you'll turn into Le Tissier. Was it too much to expect to hear an actual explanation? Probably. "Here's something I think. And here's a link to something that backs up my opinion." Do your "research" you commies. It's as easy as googling something.
  2. Is there even an option for him to sign permanently? From everything I've seen, there was never an option or obligation to buy. Bit of a moot discussion.
  3. Please explain what Marxism is. Seems to be a word that people like to use but generally don't understand.
  4. Saint

    BLM & Football

    The people responding don't surprise me at all. I'm not saying you shouldn't have an opinion. I'm not trying to silence you. But you would like to think that I am so you can start with the 'well actually.....' God this place is boring. The same 20 users analysing everything to death for the past decade and more. Trolling each other and responding to every piece of bait that's dangled in front of you.
  5. Saint

    BLM & Football

    This forum is such a garbage pile. Full of fragile older white men who just have to have an opinion on everything. It's so grim reading some of these opinions. Makes me feel ashamed to share a city and stadium with some of you. Yuck.
  6. Not really sure we need another thread about this when there are already a few discussing exactly the same issues.
  7. Why do people always forget about wages when discussing players returning? There's been rumours of so many players returning. Lallana, Ox, Chambers, Shaw, Clyne and more. We can't match the wages that they're used to. Supposed quality of said players and/or injury proneness is irrelevant when we couldn't afford them in the first place.
  8. This forum is full of morons.
  9. Why are people in this place so fixated on the past? Dodd, Williams, Strachan or Hoddle for manager. These sort of things are almost always a disaster.
  10. Yes
  11. Move on
  12. Everyone wear black? Pretty much everyone wears black coats or tops anyway. Hardly noticeable.
  13. Link?
  14. You*
  15. Gao*
  16. No it doesn't. It says the search for a new management team is underway, which is suitably vague. It suggests that they could have already started looking a while ago, as has been suggested by journalists, including Jeremy Wilson and, I believe, Simon Peach. Stop finding fault where there isn't any.
  17. What the ****. Shut up you mong.
  18. Anyone else struggling to secure their season ticket seat for the Europa bundle?
  19. Saint

    Claude Puel

    Nice to see the virgin media and under armour logos on show in the background, although aren't they a day early? I thought the deals began July 1st.
  20. I don't think people want to write all that everytime they mention it though. That would be rather long winded. That's why it's been given a name. Oh and while we're on the subject, can we ditch the football crap. It's 22 men running around a field trying to put a ball in a net. What puts that ball is in human players. The clever part is having the right players who can put it in there.
  21. Saint


    Haven't seen enough of the player to make a judgement, but that doesn't stop people expecting him to set the world alight with limited time. Plenty of people said the same about Clasie. Now he's a great player for us. Juanmi may turn out to be terrible, but at least let him prove that he's terrible.
  22. We're gonna get bannnngggeedd!!
  23. Lol at all of this
  24. Check you are sources?
  25. I can't actually believe that people would be happy with Townsend playing for us. I can only assume that you've never seen him play.
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