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  1. Yoshida has been brilliant
  2. There's the difference Tadic whacks it straight at the keeper, Lingard places it in the corner.
  3. Knew that was going in as soon as Romeu dived in. Silly challenge.
  4. If there is anything that drove the British public to vote leave it was Blair campaigning to remain before the election. The guy has long since reached legendary status in the combination of his complete absence of any self-awareness and his deliberate ignorance of how universally hated he is from all sides of the political spectrum. I don't think there is a more powerful political force in Blair campaigning for one thing will guarantee the British public will vote in their droves to do the polar opposite Wouldn't be anything to do with it receiving millions in EU funding in the run up to the referendum, and trying to declare it in the books as "other grant income" would it?
  5. There is a huge problem with hooliganism over there but a lot of it is highly organized. I very much doubt Putin will want it all to kick off when the world's eyes are on his country. If he has to he'll press the right buttons and certain individuals will disappear for the duration of the world cup. The racism issue is the one I think could rear it's ugly head
  6. The one against Leeds literally went in off his arse
  7. The chap tipped to be Trump's ambassador to the EU reckons the Euro is 18 months away from a complete collapse
  8. I wonder how George Osborne's emergency budget is coming along. . .
  9. You have to be very careful not to categorise all the "homeless" as the same. They'll be from all walks of life. There are homeless people out there where if you gave them £1 million today, they'd be back in exactly the same predicament in 18 months/2 years. Then again there are also homeless people who have tried to do everything right/gone through a run of unfortunate life events that would result in pretty much anyone ending up in the same situation. Each individual will have their own very unique story.
  10. Is the religion the cause or merely a tool being used? Islamic State are called 'Islamic State' for a reason. Commit 10000 atrocities with that name and people will eventually think it's 'Islam'. Tell the same lie 10000 times and people will think it's true. They don't even have to rely on immigration, with social media they can brainwash/recruit anyone with the right psychological structure/life experience anywhere. Break them down, play their anger/psychopothy like a violin, mentally separate them from the world around them and after some careful brainwashing/grooming you've got a teenager/relatively young person lacking critical thinking skills driving a truck at a large crowd of innocent people.
  11. Looks like the driver was either Afghan or Pakistani and arrived in Germany in February. The guy in the passenger seat appears to be a Polish national who was the original driver but had his truck hijacked.
  12. A lorry's been deliberately driven into a Christmas market in Berlin by the looks of it.
  13. Jay's back!
  14. Only cleared the crossbar by about 10 yards this time TBF
  15. alpine strikes again
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