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Everything posted by Gambol2K9

  1. One thing I will say, the fans that booed when Guly came on (and there were lots of them), please don't come to St Marys again. Get behind the team FFS!
  2. I think Obama's first term has been shackled by the Republican's grip on congress. Regardless, he has seemed a bit underwhelming compared to the initial hype when he was elected. Anyone who would happily vote for Mitt Romney, with his ridiculous Mormon beliefs, needs their head checking. All religions are daft but Mormonism is one of the most nonsense belief systems in existence!
  3. Been great as a manager, seems like a grade A tosser though. He'd prob get on with Cortese better than most.
  4. He should be starting week in week out for Spurs, too good for us. Be delighted with signing him, just what we need.
  5. Would you spend £300 on a laptop?
  6. I'm gutted we missed out on him, looks to have potential.
  7. A hell of a lot of civilians have been killed in the Middle East by unmanned drones, they don't quite have the accuracy you'd want them to. This sort of technology is the future of war though.
  8. Serious question - do you actually ever get any enjoyment from football? Judging from your posts it seems to be a constant source of misery for you. I'm not sure why you still follow it.
  9. I'd be inclined to play with three centre mids in the short term, just to give our shaky defence a bit more protection. Would rely on Cork being fit as this is another area we are a bit short on reinforcements. We can't do much about the back four until January so need to look at some form of tactical change.
  10. Totally agree, it was baffling.
  11. It is hilarious that our official away kit is never worn and the kit we do wear you can't buy in the shops. Commercial disaster.
  12. You can argue back and forth the merits of Lambert starting on the bench but to me the biggest crime was starting Boruc in goal. Three keepers in eight games, can't be doing the defenders many favours.
  13. Being patient in possession and building up attacks gradually whilst looking for that killer pass is something all the world's best teams. Would you rather we just hoofed it to Lambert every time we got the ball?
  14. There's no proof of that, it's just wild speculation. I'll put my tin foil hat on.
  15. Unfortunately i think Nigel's time is up. Shame but he has made it an easy decision for Cortese.
  16. I've got to say on paper it does look like the sort of team we'd put out in a cup match. What system are we playing?
  17. I don't know how some people can have such a strong opinion either way on this without having any idea what was alleged to have happened.
  18. It's a shame free speech doesn't exist anymore. You've got to think the police could spend that time far more productively. A prison sentence for that is ridiculous. What a waste of tax payers money, is he really a threat to the public?!
  19. Just a bunch of savages in that country.
  20. Katie Price or Alan Carr for me
  21. They won't get rid of physical programmes completely, they've had them completely redesigned for this season. Wouldn't make much sense.
  22. You can't be worried about it unless you know the figures involved. Impossible to draw a conclusion.
  23. No it is true
  24. This is the new site's biggest sin in my opinion, beyond retarded...
  25. I completly take the positives but as a team our defending is abysmal. Needs addressing.
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