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Everything posted by Gambol2K9

  1. I don't understand what this has to do with customer service
  2. I'm confused by the mixed messages on here. I shall protest by dressing as a clown for the remaining home games.
  3. I have a sneaking feeling that SRL won't fit in with the way the new gaffer wants to play. I fully expect to lose him.
  4. Brilliant post and the first thing i've read that really sums up how i've felt today.
  5. There's nothing wrong with people being disappointed and wanting to protest Cortese's disgraceful decision. As long as it doesn't effect the team on the pitch then i support ppl in that. Is it wrong to take pride in your club being well run and doing things the right way? Sadly we're probably seen as one of the worst of the bunch.
  6. Agreed, protest outside the ground.
  7. Agreed, don't boo him or the team. Boycott on Monday.
  8. Gambol2K9


    Cortese needs to know how ****ed off the fans are with this disgraceful decision. Our relegation rivals will be delighted. I think that a boycott would send more of a message than 90 minutes of chanting Adkins name. I feel sick to my stomach.
  9. Disgraceful decision. What a joke. What will that say for Cortese if we now go down.
  10. You see a lot of footballers that end up with gambling problems, the financial incentive isn't there, must just be for the buzz.
  11. It's called enjoying football, fair play to him. I'd rather that than your tedious wrist-slitting.
  12. Gambol2K9


    He can't even speak English!
  13. I'd hold my hands up and say that I'd all but written him off until lately. He's massively improved over the last few games.
  14. Interesting start from Boruc.
  15. I predict that Stoke will teach us a lesson in working hard tomorrow. Can't see us getting anything from this unfortunately.
  16. I don't think anyone in the northam has an issue with ppl trying to get a song going. You do get a couple of mongs tho that insist on screaming the word c**t every two seconds, like they've just discovered swearing for the first time.
  17. Haha brilliant
  18. I was more upset that the megastore had run out of foam fingers
  19. What a miserable bellend, it's just a bit of fun ain't it? You shouldn't be so self conscious, i'm sure no-one will start bullying you for finding something funny, cracking a smile or clapping.
  20. You'd put a central midfielder in goal?
  21. Good thread, now that Guly isn't getting much match time I was completely lost for who to appoint as the new whipping boy responsible for all the team's mistakes. Glad I've been set straight
  22. Nothing wrong with a bit of emotion, it's the over the top hysterics that begins to grate after a while.
  23. There's no place on this forum for common sense and a calm attitude. Anybody would think you ENJOY following football?
  24. I don't think you'll find many on here that'll disagree with this. I never understand why some people bother following football it clearly gives them no joy in their life.
  25. Boruc has the CV but IMO looked unfit and disinterested when he had a run of games. If we do bring Boruc back into the fold as first team keeper then he needs to remain so for the season. We can't keep changing keeper every few games and expect any sort of consistency.
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