I think you'd be mad to get rid of the offside rule and I don't think video refs are the solution either, as when it comes to offside (a frequent call) it would hold up play far too much.
Personally I just wish they would be a bit looser when it comes to offside, the current rule is that 'when in doubt give the advantage to the attacking team'. It's simple, if the linesmen or ref think it's too close to call then wave play on. When it's pretty touch and go whether someone is on or off then you shouldn't see the attacking team penalised.
In regard to the video technology debate in general, I think it's mad that we don't have a video referee for penalty shouts and disallowed goals. There are some awful referees out there but to be fair it's impossible for one man on the pitch to get it right all the time, ref's need to feel confident that in situations where they are unsure they have a backup to call upon. Too many big games get ruined by poor decisions from the officials and with the amount of money in football at the moment it just isn't acceptable.