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Everything posted by Gambol2K9

  1. Anybody got any spares? I'm in need of an adult Northam ticket.
  2. Really? I thought the restriction were a lot looser on this game compared to Milan. Might have to try touting over there then.
  3. Desperate for a Prague ticket if anybody has any spares. Flights are already booked, need to get a ticket sorted somehow!
  4. It's feasible if unlikely, would love to push them all the way though
  5. Our set-pieces have once again been absolutely shocking.
  6. Good result against a difficult side to break down. Koeman can't be happy with how we closed it out though. Sloppy passing errors and shots from 35 yards. With 5 minutes left we should be keeping possession and slowing the game down. An easy problem to rectify however, onwards and upwards.
  7. If only the council had built that ice rink.. no ambition..
  8. I thought it was hilarious personally
  9. I get what you're saying but every person reacts differently. Some are motivated by a kick up the arse, others need an arm round them. I always think great managers always manage the man not the player.
  10. Sounds like agent talk to me. Touting names of clubs as 'interested' in the hope of catching someone's attention
  11. Just Vlaar now and we'll be looking in good shape. Wouldn't mind another attacking option but I spose we can't be greedy.
  12. Why do the board hate us so much...?
  13. The word itself isn't offensive, only the meaning you place behind it and the intent of the person using it.
  14. Wouldn't you though? If he's got nothing to work with then he can only harm his reputation by being here. If I was him I'd be having serious doubts.
  15. This ones annoyed me more than any of the others. Just one season out of him then off to the highest bidder. We could easily have made him stay, this says it all about our ambition
  16. That message being: help yourselves it's a fire sale
  17. I'll chip in a tenner
  18. The biggest threat for a player on strike is to make them see out their contract training with the kids. It takes deep pockets and stubborn principles to see it through though!
  19. I don't blame individual players for wanting to move up the ladder but there must come a point when we say no more. It's not in the best interests of the club to have to gel a new team next year, we can withstand two or three losses but not four or five.
  20. That's interesting, I've never thought of that. I see him as fairly well rounded defensively and attacking wise, I think he's in the right position.
  21. Spurs spent £110 million last season, did it win them the league? Point is it's all very good throwing money about but don't assume for a minute that it will grant instant success
  22. FFS I despair sometimes. Nobody has left, nothing has changed, until we know for definite why not just stop p**sing the bed and take your head out of the oven.
  23. We haven't lost anyone, it isn't up to the players and don't believe every bit of transfer gossip you read.
  24. I know for a 100% fact that this isn't true, she's enjoyed being at the club and surprised herself by becoming more involved than she ever thought she would, even putting some of her other business interests to one side to focus on the running of it. I won't name my source at the club so treat it with suspicion by all means, this is the truth however.
  25. Christ alive, you know it's a melty topic when even the troll known as Dalek is more positive then the OP....
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