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Everything posted by Foxstone

  1. I do not think that Crouch has lied to us but I do firmly hold the view that he misled us - albeit unwittingly but IMO naively. Emblazoned on my mind was his unshakable assertion that investors were just around the corner during his tenure at the helm last year, when it seemed increasingly apparant to many that no such people existed. I just regarded it all as desperate and naive rather than dishonest, but it certainly marked my opinion of him as a football club chairman in line with my views on Lowe and Wilde too - Just Not Good Enough !
  2. Was taken in at the time and have vowed never to be again by what turned out to be weasel words with no substance. The man was unceremoniously dumped just 6 months after riding into SMS on his white charger, basically for non-delivery of assurances and just being a blithering idiot quite frankly. He has no spine, no leadership qualities, no money and IMO just possesses a fantasist dream of being a provincial football club "mogul" ! Jonah was the wise man back in the summer of 2006 and was pilloried for it - I bet many wish they listened to his opinion now. I certainly do...
  3. I was very heartened by the march if nothing else it publically showed that the passion and commitment with those who support Southampton Football Club is alive and well. I had feared that apathy was becoming so institutionlised at the club and I will be honest and have to admit that I have felt highly apathetic towards the club in recent times. It really does drag you down wondering how we deserved to be thrown into this unholy mess by being controlled by 3 useless amigos and inbetween times by a bunch of tossers like Hone and Orange man to name but two. But seeing how well the march was supported and conducted was a real positive boost and well done to all. I hope that this can energise and galvanise the club to prevail in another rearguard action to save our CCC status - Then hopefully we can deal once and for all with the leadership of this club.
  4. Same Old, Same old ! Cut the spin and the rhetoric Leon and come up with something constructive that would win big doubters like myself onside ! Otherwise leave the deckchairs alone !
  5. You are absolutely correct that Dowie is most certainly a proven CCC manager who would be a brilliant acquisition for us. However knowing our luck we would be lined up with Glenn Roeder !
  6. Now that did make me smile ! Any chance of sawing Wilde in half while he's at it.
  7. Have to agree with that - For me Leon's ability to shoot from the lip and publish his aspirations without much in the way of substance leads me to consider once again why I should trust him with the leadership of our club. He is big on rhetoric but when he had his chance this time last year I was very underwhelmed by his leadership and perceived lack of control of events at the time. And again, how can he return to the chair without the shareholding of the blithering idiot Wilde ( The worst of the lot IMO) swinging his way. I truly despair of the situation at my club and am royally fecked off with all 3 of the amigo's. But unless Leon can come up with a concrete viable alternative thats different to the usual game of "deckchair shuffling" thats been rife at this club for all too long, then I personally don't welcome more and more rhetoric that raises the expectations of the long suffering fans only for it all to fall flat again.
  8. In my opinion, this time last year we were sinking at an equally alarming rate with D&G given the helm until the end of the season where most could see they were not up to it. Belatedly Crouch appointed Pearson which I give him credit for but it was almost too late to save the day. Additionally our finances were exceptionally parlous with a whole plethora of overpaid and underperforming players, but Crouch other than the badly handled loans of Skacel and Rasiak (where there was no time to bring in replacements) seemed to want to keep his fingers crossed and hope for the "expected financial backing to arrive" rather than take the bull by the horns and reduce our wage bill to a more safe level. Crouch is no doubt a good bloke and his heart is in the right place, but he does not now, nor will he ever convince me that he can successfully run a football club.
  9. I actually concur with a lot of NI's article - There have been a number of contributors towards the unholy mess we find ourselves - So much so I wonder what the hell we as a club did in a former life to warrant the attention of such a disparate and motley bunch of reprobates we have had the misfortune to be saddled with... Lowe - Totally divisive figure who has made one mistake too many.. Wilde - Blithering idiot prone to panic attacks and discharging his duty of responsibility. Crouch - Out of his depth. Two managers who had crucial times did not give a toss ( Step forward George and Harry). And a plethora of "helpful" and "supposed wealthy" fans who quoted much and delivered nothing. I fear now that relegation is inevitable and with it the spectre of administration bringing with it the possibility that the rest of the division will have a 30 points head start on us, and the bugger is that I cannot see where salvation will come from. Miserable, miserable times...
  10. Poortvliet is one top man and a bloody top coach ! Love him already !
  11. Can be easily obtained in the Lapstone or the Fox and Hounds instead ! Only drawback is that those pubs are over 200 yards walk from the ground !
  12. Just back from holiday although I have been keeping abreast of the Poortvliet revolution while abroad ! I can't wait to get to SMS tomorrow and see for myself how well this team of young guns and wise old heads is playing. The write ups in the press have rather wet the appetite shall we say, and my Brummie supporting work colleague ( who is normally a pessimistic and cynical old bar steward), was highly complimentary in how we took his side apart in spells during both our games against them ! Viva Le Saints, Viva Jan Poortvliet !!
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