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Everything posted by NorthamSaint

  1. R.I.P. Ron. Never did see you play but have a memory of playing snooker with you at my Uncles one Boxing Day. I always remember my Uncle telling me how he gave you lifts to games at The Dell. He drove around for a while with one of your Wales Shirts in the car. On giving it back you turned around and said you thought one of the Saints Players had nicked it.
  2. Yes same here by "Plum" !!!
  3. I had that, I recently changed my address online, so I tried my old address and it worked using my old post code. It then offered the chance to correct my address. They must of used an old data base when they started setting this new thing up, I guess. Sorry Steve someone replied while I was replying to you.
  4. I didn't put anything in and got Row 10 HH ? Odd but it's confirmed and says paid. Also odd thing the printer friendly copy comes up with nothing like a ticket confirmation.
  5. YES !!! GOT ONE. Online popped up after trying and trying on telephone.
  6. I forgot, I didn't get a reply from Number 10 about Penny.
  7. LOL. !!!!!! Louise Redknapp on Something For The Weekend, talking about making "Bulldog Cakes". A nice going away pressie for Arry !
  8. Reading through Penny Mordaunt's Twitter page I see she doesn't find it fit to justify herself, or answer any of the questions and points raised. Can we take it she regrets bringing the subject up ? I think an MP's time is best used looking after the elderly and honest tax payers, not a business that fails to pay its tax and increases its debts. There also needs some investigation by the government in what she may of seem in the way of records and emails from HMRC. If she has seen ANY documents then she needs to be sacked. Her number one interest at the moment for the people she serves should be the dock workers and the defence cuts there. Especially at when you look at the way things seem to be escalating in the Falklands. What also about Health Workers ? How many nurses would their debt pay for ? I have put my points over to the PM as many others have, but can't see us getting a reply. If you help one business in anyway then you have to help everyone. In the meantime I hope and pray that I'll refresh this thread and see them gone forever, and of course seeing Harry gets locked up !
  9. I was going to vote but didn't want a load of Skates sending me abuse.
  10. http://www.facebook.com/pages/David-Beckham-Please-Buy-Portsmouth-FC/286886231355747 LOL !!!
  11. R.I.P. Deano
  12. http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=28402
  13. Few views of Southampton here, got to try to ignore the buses though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCK4Pb0s8j4
  14. Just thought, you're thinking about opposite Oxfam, that was a second hand toy shop.
  15. it was That was before the Precinct was there and it was close to the road and opposite Iceland (before Iceland was there). I can remember my mum taking me in there for Matchbox cars.
  16. I can remember Currys being there. Along with in later years along that row of shop, HMV and Mr Clive who sold leather jackets.
  17. No not old enough. But my dad was a Bus Driver and Conductor, back in the 60's when it was Southampton Corporation Buses (or what ever it was called). This was also when the Conductor went around the bus for fares. I also remember when they had inspectors who would check to make sure you had a ticket and the correct ticket.
  18. Saturday Bannana, gets scary at 2.24
  19. I was in the audience once for Saturday Bannana, Bill Oddie was on it and a right a grumpy old git. They had Shawaddywaddy on that week.
  20. Was the Odeon I use to go to. Think I only ever went to the Classic once, seem to recall some of the films were of an adult content and was only around nine or ten at the time.
  21. Where Virgin Megastore used to be ?
  22. I remember the Odeon, my parents used to dump me and my brother in there on a Saturday morning while they went shopping. The Gaumont used to be good for concerts but wasn't it The Pogues who stopped all that. The were about the first band to visit after it was refitted and renamed the Mayflower, and a lot of damage was done to the place ? That reminds me of the Tom Tackle Pub !
  23. I can remember when there was a small cinema near Parkhouse & Wyatt, Two WH Smith's, Two Boots the Chemist, the Echo Office, Sainsburys and Mac Fisheries. Woolworths used to be on three levels, the basement had toys and DIY stuff, the first floor had a biscuit counter where they sold biscuits by the lb and they had a wooden floor. Not forgetting the Bird Aviaries in the park and Southampton Zoo. As for Trevor Mitchells aren't they out near Rownhams / Chilworth. I remember the place in Hanover Buildings as there was a rather nice girl there who would "accidentally" rub her breasts on the back of your head, well she did mine !
  24. http://www.flickr.com/photos/59322050@N04/5430543388/in/photostream/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/59322050@N04/5429936463/in/photostream/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/59322050@N04/5430542240/in/photostream/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/59322050@N04/5429935473/in/photostream/ Some 70's Pictures M271 and Itchen Bridge under construction. These are poor quality as they were old slides which have been scanned into the PC. There is a nice one of the Itchen Bridge halr built and the Floating Bridge in the foreground.
  25. Re John Lewis this is quite interesting http://www.johnlewis.com/Shops/DSTemplate.aspx?Id=37
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