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Everything posted by icehagman

  1. You can call people ****s as much as you like, it certainly don´t add power to your arguments. I have no more information than you about Surman´s injury, but it MIGHT be for real, and if so, your above statement will look quite stupid. How realistic it is to believe that Surman(and Lallana, for that matter) will still be with us come end of january is up to how bad our finances are, I guess...
  2. Our negative posters will probably state that all is fake and a part of the spin...
  3. You are a troll, aren´t you..?
  4. Here´s one more vote for Niemi!
  5. The same goes for me. I paid the amount just to support those good souls who provide us with this site.. It was certainly not for the ability to post more than three times a day. I would estimate my total number of posts since I payed the fiver is about ten to fifteen, and I have been a full menber since day one...
  6. This is exactly how I feel too. Our club is in dire need of a chairman who can both unite the supporters AND be economically responsible. As for Crouch, I do not think he fit into none of those criterias...
  7. Number 13 looks nice... ;-)
  8. What an embarrassing statement! At least those season ticket holders show their support for the team in their hearts in a way that can really help our club. What do YOU do to help SFC..?
  9. icehagman


    If you are a real saints supporter (I believe you are as you do post on this forum) what exactly about SFC do you SUPPORT? I mean, you want the team to lose and to be relegated, you want the true fans WHO ACTUALLY GO TO THE GAMES to suffer as they do watch the losing team. You even wish that the club would face administration and therefore must sell out all its assets (Among those assets are in fact some quality players raised in our own academy). And all this because of 2 people? That is really a childish standpoint... Do you really think that the SFC would ever recover and rise again, starting all over in league 2 with no money, **** players and just a few supporters left..?
  10. There must be a win tonight...
  11. A dissapointing result, but still nice to see the young players for the first time. I really think something good is beginning to happen with this club at last...
  12. This one is a "must see"..!!! Can´t wait to see with my own eyes the "total football" revolution everyone is telling us about. Prediction ? An easy 2-0!
  13. Great win!!! 3 points after the first 3 games are in fact more than I dared to dream of...
  14. Won´t you please stay away for another hour..? :-)
  15. I missed that, but it is nice to see that the media here still remembers him.
  16. A frustrating loss of one point, but not that unexpected. With this young, unexperienced side I guess we will be very vulnerable the last minutes of the games when experience is of great value... On the other hand, it is not at games like Cardiff away where we are supposed to collect our points...
  17. Sadly I think this thing with "naturalised" athletes will only grow bigger. For instance, look at all those track & field runners who used to be kenyan and now represents different arabic "sheikh countries"...
  18. I very much doubt that...
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