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LUKE9's Achievements

  1. 2 spare tickets for this - luke9sfc@hotmail.com
  2. 2 tickets available for this - luke9sfc@hotmail.com
  3. Likewise 07817251362
  4. One spare ticket for Saturday for sale
  5. I have a spare ticket for Sunday if anyone is interested? 07817251362
  6. Spare ticket for Sunday Face value 07817 251362
  7. The club offered everything else they could to accommodate him and he wasn't even taking the dog anyway. Lack of real news today then.
  8. LUKE9

    Red card?

    Never a red card, he got the ball albeit a hard tackle oh the whole point in a tackle. As above morons on here saying a red.
  9. I have a spare - Chapel 17-21 £7 07817251362
  10. Just sold my dads 1970 Mexico album for £935 My kids could be rich in 44 years time with this one 150 to go.
  11. 2 spare tickets, However one is over 60/65, the other under 21..... I'm sure they don't check as no one else in the league seem too. Luke9sfc@hotmail.com £63 for both ( ticket face value plus Cortese tax)
  12. I need one for a mate if anymore come up. 07817 251362
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