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Everything posted by sapphireblue

  1. Well I am still coming down. See you in the Guide Dog at about 1.00!
  2. Greetings Saints fans. We shall be coming down now, weather (pun returned) the game goes ahead or not. Train tickets bought, accommodation booked etc. See you in the Guide Dog!
  3. As an addition to my previous pub post, any of you Saints arriving by train will be greeted by the "Huddersfield Food and Drink" festival, taking place in the square in front of the station all this weekend. If plod will allow you to mingle, there are dozens of food stalls - some selling top curries - as well as an Elland brewery stand. Check out the Nettle Thrasher if you can. (BTW a previous poster recommended the Vulcan as a place to drink, he's a wind-up merchant, avoid)
  4. Yeah, that's the Kings Head (renamed in homage to Jimmy Hendrix, but everyone apart from landlord/staff still calls it Station tavern). Was in there last night and they had 10 wickets up (not down like England), starting with JHB Oakham 3.8% at £2.20 a pint, up to Pictish Blue Moon at 6.0% at £2.60 a pint. BTW James May was a complete **** (to use one of his phrases) with the barmaids when he was in there, whilst Oz Clarke was a perfect gentleman.
  5. Town fan in peace here. Hope to see lots of you up in CleckHuddersFax for our first home game of the season. Some boozing advice for you. Real Ale fans - two good spots at the rail station if plod will let you move about freely, Head of Steam and Kings Head. Best of the two is Kings Head (Station Tavern) to the left as you exit the station but very busy on match days. Best pub (just out of town 7 mins walk from station, 20 mins from ground) is the Grove, with 18 (yes eighteen) handpulled ales on at all times, plus 8 (I think) proper continental beers on tap and a bottle list second to none. On way to ground is the Gas Club. £1 in to non-members. No real ale but basic food and drink as cheap as you will find anywhere, no singing though as you will be "asked to stop or leave". In the ground itself you can get lager and smooth beer in the away end (but it is pricey, and staff can be a little "care in the community". All the best for the coming season (apart from the two obvious dates!) Cheers SapphireBlue
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