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Everything posted by LVSaint

  1. Do a search for XP windows power tools. MS has an image resizer tool for easy download. Once installed, rightclick on an image and the option is fourth down. Just select all images for batches. I am sure Photoshop will give you better quality results but for use in a digiframe, this might be sufficient.
  2. Did you ever get to see any Setanta/FSC Prem games without knowing the scores beforehand today? :yawinkle:
  3. off the bar Reading
  4. oh **** noooo
  5. Too many Reading crosses going in.... Hold on SAints pls
  6. Yeah, we can build on this now. Might just make that last 6th spot. C'mon!!
  7. getthe****in!!!!one1111
  8. True, I won't get much reassurance from a win today. It will merely keep us from going into the new year 'not bottom'.
  9. Jingle Bells, Rupert smells We all miss Le Tiss Portfliet's on the wacky backy and this club's going to p!ss
  10. **** 2-0
  11. almost 2-0 down . Corner FFS
  12. Oh David James with a howler clearance again, almost 3-1 Bolton
  13. saints corner
  14. Oh yeah...
  15. If we lose this one, doesn't it mean we are hungry for revenge last game of the season, keeping us up and sending Forest down?
  16. Dr Jekyl please show yourself
  17. Did he go off for a "wee-wee"? What e;se did he say?
  18. Make it a good teamtalk Jan. FFS
  19. Admins feel free to delete this thread. TUS - it works normally now. (I wasn't closing it in the same state it reopened in). Bizarre. Thanks.
  20. I am opening firefox windows and the history sidebar always displays automatically without selecting it. I have to keep closing it. No biggie, but is there any way of stopping it doing this each time I open a browser window?
  21. Not really. I presume I can still make the assumption that the vast majority of viruses are written to infect IE users?
  22. After being a long time AVG user, I was told by some built in Windows virus checker that I had a trojan infection. I also found out that it could just be a conflict between the two scanners. I did a couple of online scans which seemed to show the trojan. Uninstalled AVG, then downloaded and ran AVAST free which showed a clean system. What do others think about AVAST?
  23. Not worried about the current IE scare? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7784908.stm I use Firefox and like it. Doesn't take much time to adjust.
  24. Thanks, I will need the dvd now.
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