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red robbo

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Everything posted by red robbo

  1. worth the money just say a proper goodbye to Sir Rickie!
  2. RIP jim top lad at least he had the balls to stand up and put himself in the firing line because he was passionate and like most of us at the time hated the way the club was going(the branfoot era) as part of the original set up of SISA i didnt like the politics part of it but Jim always spoke his mind.He was a popular lad and the courage and fight he showed during his battle with the tumour is nothing less than admirable and im sure he will get a send off befitting a true saints fan.
  3. RIP Docker i grew up watching him a great pro,his son used to drink in testwood club and one christmas brought his old man down we had a great few hours listening to his stories wish i could remember them unfortunately several beers were consumed as you do! top man
  4. great read its taken me til now to calm down,roll on sat a trip oop north
  5. i remember it well paul(resign) davies too all we wanted to do was get rid of branfoot happy days!!
  6. its been reposessed!
  7. Guys just to make you aware that AFC Totton are holding a Q&A night with both of these Saints legends David Armstrong will be having his Q&A night next Thursday 7th November Tickets are just a tenner! The Q&A evening will be in the Monarch Suite at the Testwood Stadium. The doors will open at 6.30pm, needless to say that the bar will be open. David will be starting his stint around 8pm. David will also be signing copies of his new book 'The Bald facts' on the evening. Like me, many of you will remember David as a player, David had made his name with Middlesbrough in the 1970's before he was signed by Saints legendary manager Lawrie McMenamy in 1981 for £500,000, which was a fair whack back then! David was a very astute signing and a consistent performer for Saints. If my memory serves me correct he was voted Saints fans player of the year in Saints greatest ever season to date 1983/84. For you younger fans here a couple of Armstrong's goals... A video of David scoring for Saints v Man Utd in 1983 can be seen here.... Also David can be seen here scoring for Saints v Blackburn in an FA Cup tie The Matt Le Tiss Q&A will be held at AFC Totton in the Monarch suite on Thursday December 5th. Again the doors will be open from 6.30pm Obviously Matt needs no introduction except to say he is simply the best Saints player ever! Tickets for the Matt Le Tiss Q&A are £20. If you would like to attend both the DA & MLT evenings then you can purchase both tickets for just £24!!! Saving yourself £6.... which is a couple of pints! Tickets can be requested via theenquiries@afctotton.com email address, or by sending cheques to AFC Totton, The Testwood Stadium, Salisbury Road Totton, Southampton, SO40 2RW. Alternatively you can call Mark Stupple on 07506777742 to request tickets. Tickets will be available at the door IF any spaces remain. Thanks guys.
  8. ive got one no makers name got it off my uncle
  9. the saints in millbronx
  10. scum army will do me,nice to have a beer or two with the lads in evian, im not spotty or youth!! just an old warrens lad!
  11. Weathers not good beers not cheap coyr
  12. ill be there in 3 weeks lads get the beers in!
  13. red robbo


    loved the comment about buying borus fencing shares ive invested in sports direct= fortune made.note to sktes we WILL see you
  14. dont forget that due to the bank holidays the post is all over the place youll get them tues.
  15. got mine cant wait another day in the sun!
  16. paris im going to said gathering been to a few always a top night,but this one is special KC = legend!
  17. a few old faces go in mavericks (haymarket) ah more memories!
  18. absolute crap second best all game and yes i went thanks saints for a 400 mile drive no drink and no f*****g idea from you how to play these teams! CGAF about the fa cup.
  19. the police will never admit to getting it so wrong,it makes sense to keep the away fans in the surrounding area can be cleared and monitored on cctv thats the way its been done in the past.I think Hants plod just want to justify their exsistance and keep the FIO's(most inapt title!) in a nice cushy job.I thought Daren's piece in the pink was spot on i bet there's no response from ob.
  20. i had a rant at him as he came off,just grinned at me.........utter *****
  21. the police f****d it up yet again,fans are still being held back at games all over the country so thats the human rights thing shot.for a man in charge of football days with" 26 years experience at football" once again you were either incredibally nieve/stupid in letting everyone out together you just know what is going to happen...........or is that what you wanted to happen? hmmmmm
  22. ha ha Mr P is a tranny at weekends! His stuff is class tho
  23. thats my mate laying the wreath from the lads from the plume of feathers,thanks shrek great pics
  24. good luck to the lads,there really are some sad people on here,the skate game is one of many games since we have been at SMS where the away fans should of been kept behind and the area cleared(anyone been to millwall?) but the ob seem to want to justify their existance,it all could of been avoided,the amount of times away fans have been led by the plume knowing full well its full of our "risk element" hoping it will kick off!
  25. the police have erected a large metal fence outside the northam to pen in the fishy few saw it being put up today.looking foward to ending their season sat!
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