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Everything posted by dune

  1. Both.
  2. There's a job for BTF on the raleigh shopper pacing bike.
  3. It's just sad and pathetic if you ask me, as is facebook and all those who use it.
  4. BT. Negotiate a better price and keep the best provider. I get phone, broadband 40 kb (or whatever) download limit which is ample, fee evening and weekend calls, line rental, bt vision (the full works including sky sports 1,2 and espn), free latest home hub etc - the full works, and the last monthly bill was 62 quid.
  5. Pendleton destroys the hun to go through to final.
  6. You say all that, but if you had wanted work you could have got work just like that by working for an agency. I applaud the current system of sending slobs out to work for a pittance, if they don't like it then get a f/cking job.
  7. I always imagined you mixing in Pony Club circles.
  8. It's not really my thing (I wouldn't watch it if it wasn't the olympics) but you can't help but marvel at what they get out of a horse. I'm off to Jerez at the end of the month staying in a hotel right next to the Andalucian riding school, but don't think i'll bother going (more interested in visiting the bodega's or a day trip to Cadiz etc). And it's another gold for team GB.
  9. Really amazing performances in the dressage. On a knife edge between us and the Krauts.
  10. Triathlon is harder to win with tougher competitors it is the professional event. Hence why we won it and the Aussies were nowhere to be seen.
  11. Anyone got a link for where I can buy an official (and not ott) team GB polo shirt for my holiday preferably for a discount price? Edit, quite like this one, but would obviously like to pay less... http://shop.london2012.com/Team-GB-Olympic-adidas-men%27s-polo-shirt/Clothing/Men%2527s-clothing/Team-GB%2520clothing/18063311-1,default,pd.html
  12. Amazing performance from the brothers Rule Britannia
  13. I reckon gold and bronze, but you never know he could catch the spaniard
  14. tut tut tut, you should know better than to contradict a middle class socialist housewife.
  15. Triathlon looking good for the Brownlee's with the pack dithering on who is gonna close the gap. ffs, thats only the first lap of 7, i'm knackered just watching, time for a toke on my electric fag.
  16. ouch, that hurt.
  17. Socialist types in moaning when they've got to do some work shocker.
  18. triathlon starting now. Brownlee brothers are favourites for gold/silver for gbr. f/ck doing what they are doing, they must be super fit.
  19. That's what you get when you put a banker in to run a football club.
  20. I hardly visited the old official site and i'll visit this latest one even less.
  21. "British Secret Service had deployed a special team to the Rock to arrest the men if they came to Gibraltar." http://www.gbc.gi/news/192/was-gibraltar-the-intended-target-for-suspected-al-qaeda-cell? So despite assurances from the RGP I think it'd be naive to believe them. Obviously they wouldn't want to cause public panic. http://www.gbc.gi/television/tv-player.php?programme=475&episode=4830
  22. It seems that all three had had paragliding lesson and the terrorist based in La Linea sought aerial photographs of a Gibraltar shopping centre. The obvious conclusion is that they planned to paraglide off the rock, and detonate some atrocious device on landing. "The judge made no reference as to the content of those videos but some media reports yesterday suggested they showed Mr Yalcin flying a large radio controlled plane. The implication, attributed to unnamed security sources and impossible to verify independently, was that he was rehearsing for an airborne attack during the Olympics." http://www.chronicle.gi/headlines_details.php?id=25646
  23. Can everyone please stop disagreeing with Frank. There's only so much riveting conversation one can take.
  24. Here you go and it would be a perfect compliment for your bracelets (he's even wearing one in the pic). http://www.80stees.com/products/Goonies-Chunk-Shirt.asp
  25. Or a catwalk show where fans can parade in their football costumes around the pitch to the benny hill tune.
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