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Everything posted by martyg1950

  1. LMAO!! Post of the match that one
  2. Delighted bout the good news for tapatalk users, but here on a PC, this board is pretty much unuseable on a match thread COYS - another 3 please, GD could be important come the mid season wobble.
  3. Of course they'll fight back, then we might have to get out of 2nd gear
  4. How many people are on this thread ? can't see it, I'm looking at the saints forum on Not606, they have 116 atm and it's running fine, why does this one struggle, are there thousands on here ? Loving the game, the board is a disgrace.
  5. We played at Barnsley, they got booed by their own fans, same at Ipswich Should that be telling us something?
  6. Board needs another shillin in the meter :@(
  7. Good pitch too, has all the makings for a great match.
  8. Ipswich 1 Saints 2 - I'm feeling confident.
  9. me too, so when do the tables get updated ?
  10. Off and running great to watch, rocky start by Martin, got better as the game progressed, harsh harsh pen, wasn't much he could have done to avoid it.
  11. Isn't it normal practice for a player to be told (even if in confidence) the financial details of his transfer ? I thought they got a percentage of any transfer fee.
  12. Jimi Hendrix - all along the watchtower. Took Dylans original, a very simple song, and blew everyone away. Great thread - absolutely agree about Joe Cocker.
  13. Wonderful Glad to finally see it, my contribution, like many, many others was purely financial, so a huge vote of thanks to those who did all the clever bits to make it a reality.
  14. Well the nay sayers will say "impossible, we are the saints" In reality, unless we want a future of scrabbling around trying to hang on at the top level and scraping up the odd crumbs, this is the only course that makes any sense at all. Bring it on
  15. Yeah but - thats old style Saints fan thinking For the 1st time We have a chairman with a 5 year plan, I would expect that within that plan, the play offs next year would be the fall back objective with automatic promotion the primary. As a fan, I could go with next year as a year of consolidation and adjustment with a top half finish as an ok result. I don't think that would be acceptable to NC though. All aboard for the bus and another white knuckle ride! We live in interesting times.
  16. We have a chairman with a 5 year plan, I would expect that within that plan, the play offs next year would be the fall back objective with automatic promotion the primary. As a fan, I could go with next year as a year of consolidation and adjustment with a top half finish as an ok result. I don't think that would be acceptable to NC though. We live in interesting times.
  17. The wheels on the bus go round and round.... Thanks Nigel, here's to next season!
  18. wow @ OXO's mum sounds very positive for next season !!
  19. Fantastic !!! The first of 2 back to back promotions - look out World, the Saints are coming JPT aside, it seems like forever since we had such a positive day! TY Marcus and family for saving the club from oblivion, ty NC for having a plan and sticking with us, ty AP for what you did here, ty Nigel for saving this season and delivering the goods, ty to all the squad for making it happen. Can't wait to do it all again next season. COYS !!
  20. Can't wait to see the vid of all this !
  21. Just wonderful !! White knuckle ride tho it was at imes, well done everyone, happy happy day
  22. For sure Great feeling tho innit, it's been a long old time
  23. For once, with cause, we have the bragging rights we did it ! Fantastic !!! The first of 2 back to back promotions - look out World, the Saints are coming
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