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Everything posted by martyg1950

  1. Even if we won only 2 of our last 4, WHam would have to win all 4 and we would still probably have Goal difference over them.
  2. Oh it does happen, he would normally be referred to as 'the defendant'
  3. Curious timing for such an announcement, and probably not unconnected with this http://www.wired.co.uk/magazine/archive/2012/05/features/the-black-box What I can't get my head around is that if they'd announced that they were going to open and examine every parcel and letter that passed through the Royal Mail it would cause a stir. This seems so far to have had a very muted response. It's one things to target intelligence led 'bad guys' but this is just general state surveillance of anyone and everything. As stated atm they will monitor everything except content. I wonder how long it will be before a minor amendment is made down the line to rectify that.
  4. I use this. I have a HDMI leads from the computer vid card to the tv. That said, the bitrate can be very low, even if you select high quality, in my experience it's rare that the quality is good enough to look good on a big screen. Not quite as bad as the skyplayer vid quality, but often not much better either.
  5. Why on earthy has Windows server 8 (beta) got the Metro interface on it? I can't imagine a more bizzare way to interface with a server !
  6. Outside the UK you really need a proxy, easy to set up, when I was touring Europe a lot I used to use one that cost me about £5 a month. I could see any UK or USA 'free to air' content I wanted from wherever I happened to be. I use to use local tv for the F! season for instance with 5 live commentary
  7. Why should they ? Flash works perfectly well on every other make of Smartphone, it doesn't work on yours because the designer was a cock. Works fine on my Galaxy 1. When your contract's up, get a proper phone. Sorry, couldn't resist
  8. I have just the one, because I believe in quality over quantity Oh.....
  9. Because the Baggies need men with experience for their annual relegation battle of course !
  10. Top of the league Our MOJO is BACK Who's laughing now
  11. Damn... most of us have to do it for free.....life can be so unfair
  12. That has to be some sort of local in joke ? this ? http://www.conniespizza.com/archer-ave-chicago.html
  13. Can't wait to see that one !! Welcome the purple archer
  14. Now that was a brave call !! kudos I wimped out and went for 2-1
  15. Great to see Chappy back, strange decision having Harding start, lets hope we have our shooting boots on today COYS!
  16. lol, saints player live league table still shows Pompey with 35 points.
  17. Well we are overdue now to catch someone with a compete stuffing
  18. I was interested that the judge seemed to be quereying the Portpin debenture. Presumably the new administrators would require evidence that it was completely valid. If it were found not to be, that would put them in a rather different different place financialy, cashflow notwithstanding of course. Edited to add - sorry Hypo, must have been typing mine while you posted.
  19. So come on Football League, whats the delay now ?
  20. Unfortunately this is taking place in an alternate reality - PFC vs The Law - Normal rules seem not to apply.
  21. Gosh, thought they had a clause that said they had to protect the needy ?
  22. Well, could be interesting, if the court appoint a 'proper' admin practitioner, it will be the first set of fresh eyes on the books in a while. Whatever happened to that 'detailed forensic examination' that was supposed to have happened 2 years ago ? It prolongs the comedy at the very least
  23. Ta for that, so assuming say 250 full time, on say 15k average and assuming they've not been paid for two months either, thats another £625,000 unpaid (plus employer NI etc) . Thats a lot of assumptions but probably fair ones.
  24. Seriously ? 530 ? what on earth do they all do ? I have no clue what our payroll is but i'd be surprised if it was that many. Unless of course that includes matchday staff, but mostly they'd be agency wouldn't they ?
  25. http://www.expressfm.com/player/
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