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Everything posted by martyg1950

  1. RIP Mr B and thankyou for all the music, Lets Dance ! Put on your red shoes and dance the blues
  2. There are a couple of Yanks that I discuss things with online fairly regularly. I'd previously regarded both as normal and non extreme people. So imagine my surprise when I asked both of them what they thought about Trumps pronouncements and they responded along the lines of 'well he's the only one who talks any real sense atm' I wonder if in a land where our 'right wing' would be considered dangerous lefties and liberal is a term of derision, he's their equivalent of UKIP ?
  3. Thanks so much for recording all that info from your tour. Your memory must be excellent
  4. oops sorry mate! lazy thinking out loud typing.
  5. We show fantastic control this season and individual ability to keep and then accurately pass the ball. We seem to have frustrated Stoke out of their game plan atm. Breathtaking at times and to use a Merringtonism, Different class
  6. Adams off! dirty git
  7. Mane Off and running
  8. Stoke travelling support looks very poor
  9. Don't bother with branded versions, the ones made to look like ciggies, generally they deliver an expensive and frustrating experience. Buy a good Ego type battery (2 so you can use one while t'other charges) and a couple of CE4 type clearomisers. These screw onto the top of the battery and contain the e-liquid. Google these terms for UK mail order suppliers. E-liquid comes in many flavours and strengths, if you smoke 20 or more cigs a day you will need to start on at least 24Mg E-liquid. If you are able to entirely swap your ciggies for e-cig use you will find you can reduce the liquid Mg strength over time. There is NO eliquid tobacco flavour that actualy tastes like a ciggie does. After a fairly short time this will reveal itself as a good thing Go to a shop that has samples you can try, you will find something that you like. I started vapeing in May 2012 from a 45 year laterly 30 a day smoking habit. Never bought another pack of cigs since its arrival, gradually weaned myself off the nicotine content using it. Running costs can be as low as £20 a year for the hardware and £5 to £10 a week for the e-liquid. Less if you shop wisely It worked for me, your mileage may vary.
  10. Kruger - "So which team is The Southampton Saints? "
  11. Too early to tell, but with as many changes as we are going to have to make, I'd say we are certainly at risk of a relegation scrap this season. There are sufficient rubbish teams in the lower reaches of the Prem though that we'll probably be OK. We have an opportunity with a new manager and a warehouse full of money to build something special. If we can get through this seasons anxietys we could all be smiling again next year.
  12. You didn't and I'm sorry no dig at you intended I was t odds with the spirit of your thread, it's just me, 2 years ago I would have been laughing at her too but I'm beyond laughing at these dangerously simplistic people now. They worry me too much!
  13. Just the usual miss informed drivel from a right wing pseudo religeous sock muppet with a deluded and completely insular view of white American superiority. leaders of the free world ? do me a favour.
  14. Baj, sorry distracted for a couple of days, it happened using FF29 on Ubuntu 14.04LTS 64bit and I was simply moving from page 1 to page 2 of some thread using the site links at the time. Instead of serving up page 2 it served that. Beyond that it's all lost in the mists of time I'm afraid. Oh and it's not happened since. Good hunting
  15. I'm on Ubuntu and using Firefox 29. Today out of the blue while doing a page change mid thread the site served up a blank page with a box in the middle saying my flash needed an update - click here to update. Page source shared in my dropbox - ive run it and it looks the same as I saw. It's a scabby scam page https://www.dropbox.com/s/uxgwmwm2p1fy0y3/flash%20exploit%20seen%20on%20Saints%20web.html
  16. RL's pass for the 3rd was a joy
  17. The Dell had CHARACTER and came from an age when most football grounds did and the fact that we used to crush 30+ thousand in there gave it an incredible atmosphere. You just had to remember to take turns to breathe No modern stadium can ever be as dangerous, scary, exciting and fun!. As a younger man, I loved it, at the stage of life I am now, I'm delighted to sit with my son at SMS where we still manage to create a decent atmosphere and drown out the opposition.
  18. I'm not normally pessimistic but I have voted no. IF everyone stays fit and avoids suspensions we have enough about us to avoid the drop. Personally I think it's to big an if and that events will find us wanting. Goes without saying I hope I'm wrong.
  19. Thanks for posting those ! Fascinating read, now salted away for my Grand Children
  20. There's a sky sports radio on their website, haven't tried it tho, there's always talkshiiiite - but that offends my ears.
  21. Done, hope you win, enjoy the day!
  22. Good Luck Alps - hope all goes well for you. COYS!! 3 points please and no heart attacks - thankyou very much.
  23. Not even in my worst nightmares did i consider that scenario - but having been a saints supporter for 50 years, I realise you are your mindset is the right one ! Anyway - onwards and upwards to the Title !! COYS!!
  24. Makes no difference other than to the Goal difference - unless they've started deducting points for losing Title would be nice though.
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