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Everything posted by Gigersaint

  1. Seeing as there are a lot of people using smart phones out there nowadays, I thought maybe posters on here could share the Apps they have come across that have been useful, fun, or just plain handy aside from the every day Apps such as FB, eBay, Tapatalk, etc on both iPhone and Android. I couldn't see that there were any dedicated threads to Apps and thought if anyone has any they find useful, fun, or handy then to post them here and share some good stuff that some us may not even have thought about!
  2. Post of the thread for me.
  3. Nope, still not activated to full membership here yet either, I keep thinking I'll leave it another day or so and then maybe send another message to Admin but haven't done so far yet... starting to wonder if Skintsaint didn't forget the grinning smiley on his response and was actually being serious afterall!
  4. Okay, Okay, got the message! I knew I'd get told to get off the fence! If I had to pick a poster I liked the bestest... For overall posts on all topics I see on here I'd have to say... Dune. And for all football related topics I'd have to say Hypo. There, I'm off the fence. Happy now?
  5. To be absolutely honest, each and everyone who posts on here could say what they really thought if they really wanted too but, many choose not to, myself included. Some of us like to read a debate with interest but not be part of it, others like to get heavily involved in a debate which may upset others who equally want to get their point across. As I’ve posted in a thread by Turkish in the Lounge it’s the contrast of members and opinions who make this site what it is and why I enjoy reading many of the threads and posts here. I may not always like what any of you say in one thread but may like what you say in another. Without posters who can say how they feel about a subject without care of how they are perceived, this or any other forum would become very sterile. Whether pleasant exchange or heated debate I’m happy to see all of you here for the contribution you provide to make this site what it is, therefore it doesn't matter if I like any you or not but I do respect each of your decisions to air the opinions you have.
  6. Thanks for all the responses, I didn't want to appear that I was being impatient as I wasn't sure how long it took, from memory I thought it was a couple of days the last time. I paid on the 13th June with my Username as reference and my Account confirmed payment on 14th, I gave it a day and then sent a message to Admin but to date I still haven't received a reply or had full membership activated. It's not like I post on here often but there are days when I would like post more than three times a day and find the restriction annoying so decided to pay my £5.00 again, just didn't think it would take so long.
  7. I’ve been quite lucky that neither my ex-wife or my current one has had a problem with football. Coming from a family of Saints Fans my ex wife was a Season Ticket holder with me, used to go to away games, would have a few beers and enjoy the day. She knew her football, knew who the players were, knew her Saints History, and knew our season upon season results. The new Mrs isn’t so much into it, but still enjoys it. She had a season ticket with me for a year but only didn’t renew due to expense so I could still go. She does however realise I love a beer with football so still drops me off and picks me up afterwards for home games. At home she’s pretty good about it too, she knows I like to watch all football and often watches her programs in the spare room so I can sit in the lounge. On other occasions has also been the taxi for friends and I for England games in the pub. About the only time she gets a bit narked is if I’ve been to football, come home and watch football and then spend hours on here too without spending at least sometime with her… which I kind of understand and relent a little. Afterall I wouldn’t want to take advantage!
  8. Just wondered when paying for Full Membership how long after paying the £5.00 it usually takes until Full Membership is activated?
  9. I reckon we'll get something like West Ham at home or Forest away, either one of which will be a wake up call that we're back to the Championship! As far as results go, we're more than capable of getting a draw from either with our current squad... getting a win I'm not so sure about but I would be ecstatic and it would certainly help give us a good start on our way in the new campaign. Can't wait!
  10. I have a car I'm about to sell due to MOT failure and value of getting it fixed up far out weighs value of the car. It's a shame really as in appearance it looks in excellent condition and as a car just passing 10 years of age only has 78000 miles on it. I was offered £50.00 by webuyanycar.com but was hesitant to as I thought that parts sold as spares alone from it must surely be worth far more and wondered if I may be better off trying to sell it on eBay, the car itself is still drivable and engine wise runs really well. In the opinion of others here who are better at this sort of thing, what would be your best advice in addition to bug187's question, should I go eBay or scrapyard route? Any advice is also appreciated.
  11. I do agree with Turkish, and although I've only been present here for two years I've noticed that during this time that the number of good threads, posts, etc have been in decline. From discovering this site when I first joined and for months after I was hooked on here. After coming home from a long days work and much to the Mrs' annoyance I would be on here for hours catching up, with mainly good new threads and new posts continuously being added I knew that once I'd caught up I would probably be on here a good while longer reading all the new stuff that had been posted again in the meantime! With regards to the further comments posted by LTGL, Dune, Smirking Saint, and Micky, I also agree that a lot of people do need to lighten up and not take other posters views on a forum so seriously. Having seen a lot of posters at odds with each other on here I found myself thinking that rather than post and get involved in a spat with someone that I'd rather leave commenting on threads to others which I really shouldn't be doing on a site where I want to contribute and be involved. There have been plenty of times when I would have liked to have made comment or made a remark but found myself hesitant and refrained just on the 'off chance' another poster took umbrage as I want to enjoy the time I spend on here, instead the few posts I do make I find myself being careful limiting them to threads where I can't see what I'd post would offend anyone. Although I don't necessarily share the view point of some particular posts where I just find some to be purposely argumentative, distasteful, or offensive from some of the more regular posters, I still recognise that these very same regular posters do also have a valuable contribution to this site and equally add good opinions, thought provoking views and humorous remarks too and find it a shame when some either move on or find themselves banned. A regular poster that may annoy me on one thread can also make me nod, think or smile on another, and to be honest if I really didn't like anything they posted I would simply just put them on ignore. I tried 'ignore' once on one poster (who was banned at least a year ago) but due to other contributions he could make I had to take him off ignore as I could see through other posters quoting him how much he was contributing to some good debates which I enjoyed reading. I can't imagine how good this site must have been in the years before I joined seeing how many comments I see regarding the 'old days'. Although it appears to have become more sterile since I first joined I still spend many hours on here and although I very seldom post I do find there is a lot more waiting before a chunky new thread comes along that all and sundry jump into to post on. I really do hope that this site can lighten up more and then despite the hours in a week I lose on this here already I'll be able to see what I've been missing in a return to the days I've read so much about!
  12. Heard about a bloke with five dicks the other day... ... his pants fit like a glove.
  13. I can see your point after what we have experienced in recent years but, I sincerely hope we don't return to the days where we are described as struggling Saints in the national press and that we actually do far better than 'anything' above the relegation zone. Considering how far up the Championship Norwich, Leeds and Millwall finished last season I'd hope we could at least match the lowest finish of any of them considering our apparent resources. Further to that, I too would like to see us sign players sooner rather than later but provided they're the right players that have time to fit in with the current squad during pre season and ready from the start at the beginning of the new season come August.
  14. Hopefully, this will be the only time the Skates will be above us.
  15. I remember this too and also couldn't believe the goal wasn't given at the time, and equally so with nothing much being made of it afterwards except for a replay of the "goal" shown in slow motion that proved the ball went in the net. I'm not sure if it was MOTD or one of the regional sports updates but, the emphasis seemed more to be on what the ball had hit in the back of the net for such a fast and solid rebound rather than why a clear goal by what seemed a well placed ref wasn't given! I recall that there may have been something (goal posts?) laid down on the ground behind the goal and the ref assummed the ball had gone wide and hit the advertising perimeter and not the posts that laid directly behind the netting? As Crab Lungs and Benji mention, not much was made of it or noticed and quite a few other Saints fans I know also don't remember it until reminded as so little was made of it at the time! Not only contraversial but forgotten too by most too even though it happened!
  16. I remember a game against Aston Villa on a freezing cold night during the mid 90’s. We had been leading 1-0 when Villa who were in trouble at the time equalised quite late on through Houghton. Thought we were heading for a draw but then Teale gave a free kick away about 20-25 yards out in the 90th minute and Le Tiss scored another great late winner which brought the Dell back into life!
  17. Was it! Damn, my memory ain't what it used to be
  18. And the following Season in the evening too being 0-2 down against them with 2 minutes to go... Newcastle fans thinking they'd finally beaten us at home after so long only for Madison (i think) to score on 88 and Le Tiss to score a screaming stoppage time equaliser and the Dell erupted!
  19. Not sure if it's the mild weather compounds it but I've found leather jackets around this time of year before. Found them most often when trimming lawn edges in cooler, more damp corners. Apparently they can live as a fully grown grub there for anything up to a year from early spring until emerging as crane fly in September.
  20. I think that during BGT, and with the additional remarks Ronan received, was commented on, was referred to, and reminded of, that the public were being led to vote for him... TBH, it wasn't even subtle even before the Ronan story hit the press this week. If... and whether true or not, the grooming story about Ronan hadn't surfaced this week I think the general public would have voted differently and he probably would have won BGT tonight. It appears to have been close but how many people may have chosen to change their vote for the winning finalist due to the stories that surfaced in the past week and not voted for Ronan because of it? If the story hadn't broke, I think the outcome would have been successfully engineered exactly how was described in the allegation... and given the amount of **** that went through as finalists this year makes the whole program now more of a joke that in the past years I thought had been pretty good. Hope there is no BGT next year.
  21. On a fruity front, although Melons would stay in... any comments involving a nice 'pear' would be out Also there's nothing sexy about bunched up bananas which have no resemblance or resonance to womens tits whatsoever... so "only" two is fine
  22. I think it's an odd song... and I'm not really sure what to make of it. On one hand I think it seems a bit disrespectful turning your back on team and what is happening on the pitch as turning your back is usually associated with protests and dismay against a club, but on the other hand and as Celtic displayed, in numbers and in rhythm it can look... and struggling to find a suitable word here... so will say, quite a visual spectacle. So, for the want of continuing to see what is happening on our pitch (don't want to be frowned upon for not joining in!), and that I can't see we would have the same visual impact in numbers, I would prefer to see it stay with Celtic, Man City... and now Swansea who seem to be the domestic clubs who have adopted it. As others have already said, would much rather we came up with something of our own. (Maybe OWTSGMI will become our own again one day as we hopefully continue back up through the leagues... I'm sick of hearing other clubs sing their own renditions our song... I don't recall these before we dropped out of the top flight.)
  23. Very emotional day with contrasting lows and highs, my Mum sadly died in the early hours of Saturday Morning, she knew I'd been missing games since she fell ill earlier this year and I wasn't sure if I should go yesterday. She died knowing Saints had all but won promotion and passing away when she did it was almost as if she timed it so I could be there and enjoy something she knew I loved. It was difficult fighting back tears throughout from the first goal to the pitch invasion but I knew Mum would have wanted me to be there. Although not a regular to St Marys Mum always used to follow Saints progress and when working at Tesco, Bursledon on the Customer Service desk would occasionally have a cheeky banter with away fans coming into the store before they collected their cars from the Park and Ride when Saints had won. So a very happy day and emotional day for Saints sealing promotion and a very sad and emotional day for saying goodbye to Mum. Congratulations Saints, R.I.P Mum and thank you.
  24. Get in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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