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Everything posted by Gigersaint
Don't know if this will help you Sevvy? I work for a Company specialising in Flash Memory who originally produce the software in the link below. I wasn't aware it was available on freeware and not sure how limiting this is from the full retail version we offer ourselves but maybe worth a try. Most files/photos are usually recoverable from Flash Memory including ones that have been accidentally formatted. http://download.cnet.com/ImageRecall/3000-2248_4-10235285.html#rateit
I'm itching for the new season to start and can't wait until the Leeds build up thread appears! I hate the time between seasons and especially more during the one's when there is no World Cup or Euro's to plug the gap.
I'm with Saintscott and Dubai phil on this one, I hate anything that smells or tastes like aniseed, disgusting stuff, so I don't go anywhere near Pernod, Ouzo or anything else even remotely similar. Gin, same again, hate it... I learnt a harsh early lesson when getting drunk after lifting an 80% proof Litre of Gordons Gin from my Dads alcohol cupboard, I necked half of it with orange juice at a School leaving disco in '86. I've never touched the stuff since, even the smell of it nowadays is enough to make me feel ill again!
Oddly, I started to feel hungry reading this thread... sorted now with a big bowl of Paella.
I really like the new shirt, the white looks great on the short sleeve shirt but not so sure on the long sleeve version. Happy to see we've returned to the stripes as much as I'd liked the sash for last seasons 125 year celebration. I don't know why, but I did wonder for a while if we were going to see something completely different that broke from all of our previous tradition. Thought the new kit seemed to be more shrouded in secrecy and longer for release this year, but that may just be me... I hate the wait between football seasons, seems they are getting longer as I get older but the years pass by quicker.
Top work and well done to all those involved who put in a lot of their time to bring this together. Can't wait to see it unveiled.
I'm not too fussy either, but love all of those you think 'orrible except the Gherkins which are first thing to go from a burger on the rare occasion I buy them... but not if I'm really hungry. My top 'orrible foods are... Butternut Squash Marrow Cauliflower Celery Rocket leaves (Absolute Yuk)
I too still have the original first version of Roller Coaster Tycoon that came out during Windows 98, I used to love playing it. Not been able to play it for years since due to it not being compatible with Windows since '98, but keep hold of it so if I ever got an old computer in the future I'd be able to play it again along with loads of other games I still have. Starcraft which still does work on all later versions of Windows I still play, and don't think I'll ever tire of it! Still have my old Commodore Amiga with all of its games, when I eventually get another house big enough I may hook that back up too... Cannon Fodder, Flashback, etc all waiting to be played again!
Apart from weekends my body clock usually means I always have to go at work, no matter how long I sit on the toilet for I know that I'm being paid for it. Over the course of the year and averaging around 15 minutes a time it adds up to 59 hours of pay, which is not too bad really for sitting on my ass
Being a night owl and staying up late I also stay in bed as long as possible in the mornings and seem to be the only one in a group of friends that does this. I start work at 9:00, my alarm goes off at 7:35 where I have two 20 minute snoozes. I have enough time to leave my house each morning, bathed, well groomed, and fresh for the day ahead with tea and toast also included. Usually it takes at most 15 minutes to get to work, where I have enough time to make another tea and be sitting at my desk for 9:00. I get absolutely caned by my friends for my morning routine being so 'last minute' and can’t understand why I don’t get up earlier and enjoy a longer morning before work, but surely I’ve done the same by having a longer evening? What is your routine for getting up for work, do you prefer a later night or earlier morning?
So unlucky he could fall in a bucket of tits and come out sucking his thumb!
I dedicate the reason I started supporting Saints to my Mum, although I don't recall much from the actual day of our 1976 Cup final win other than a Black and white TV, my Mum doing the ironing and then cheering and encouraging me, it was her who really got me supporting them. It was also my Mum who took me to see them showing off the FA Cup on Thornhill Park Road as they passed by when I was the tender age of six, as I grew up she took friends and I to the Dell and back during our teens, and was also there to pick us up from coach and train stations after away games for many years on end later too. When she fell ill this year I missed every game of my ST from January to help look after her which she knew about, she died in the early hours on the day of our Promotion clinching home game on 7th May. It was a hard day and an emotional rollercoaster to be at St.Marys several hours later, but knowing it's what my Mum obviously wanted for me, I'm so glad I was able to be there after she'd nurtured and grew my support for them at a pivotal time when I was so young and the next so many years later.
Not Stanley, and also don't want to sit here and let others think I was referring to SRS either. I actually found SRS could produce some great debates on here which led to some really good threads. Yes, he sure knew how to get a reaction out of people on here being more than a little controversial regarding almost everything happening at St.Marys. I understand he could also rub other posters up the wrong way but I also never considered his posts truly personal at them and were more as a vent of frustration when his points, and quite reasonably so could be misunderstood. I did once put SRS on ignore at the height of what appeared to be his one man crusade but found he was quoted so often and regularly offered such good argument that I took him back off ignore after only 2 days or so! Despite his controversy he is another poster I miss on here for the activity he could instigate, and I think should really still be here amongst other good and decent posters who have been banned.
I almost caused a Divorce of my in-laws with a similar sort of issue. Upon getting a trojan they handed their laptop over to me to fix it for them. Unfortunately I discovered the cause of it in the presence of my Wife, which she found extremely funny and was promptly on the phone to her Mother to tell her why in laughter... What followed was also an extremely uncomfortable evening for me... upon angry demand I found myself presenting hard core porn sites to my mother in law who wanted to see what her husband had been looking at to introduce such a trojan into their machine. The worst thing was seeing him sat there tapping his fingers and gazing at the ceiling and at me knowing he was being busted by the minute. The best I could offer to say to the Mother in law as they left was... try not to worry about it, at least you know it was all legal! It's not that bad! It is funny looking back now but at the time I was mortified to being put in that position and being asked to check history on the laptop for some months after!
I think it's a shame to see another two users banned, when I originally joined a couple of years ago there was a good diversity of posters. There was lots of different discussion, each and every thread had varying argument, people fell out but that's what is to be expected on a forum. I don't necessarily agree with some posters comments here but I wouldn't be offended if I'd appeared to have upset someone by my comments either, the same if it was the other way around. On an occasion here when I thought Hypo may have misunderstood what I'd posted I Pm'd him as I didn't want a post I'd made to be blown out of proportion with other users. We exchanged a couple of messages and all was good, all polite with no offence taken on either of our parts and both of us realising we'd misunderstood each other. I don't think banning Users is constructive to a Forum and whether people like certain users of a Forum or not, the overall quality of it is lost when many of the main contributors disappear. I'm not saying Users shouldn't be banned if there are overtly offensive and upsetting the Forum as a whole, but for all the posters that have been banned since I've been here I can really only see one worthy of the Ban they received. Thankfully, he has been gone for a good long while now, and deservedly so for some despicable posts.
I can never understand why these Celebs never think ahead and consider their childs future and the effect it will have on them when coming up with pretentious and ridiculous names. Do they think because of who they are that their child wont be exposed to ridicule at growing up, then and again I suppose it comes down to the Nanny to wipe the tears away while the Celebs continue promoting themselves regardless. It's about time many Celebs started putting their child first instead of thinking up other ways and using stupid kids names to keep their own name in the tabloids.
34. The weekend family gathering around Subbuteo resembles Fratton Park on Matchday.
I have an irrational dislike of Vauxhall Astras from around the late 80's, early 90's for this reason alone. Upon getting into a bosses Astra GTE all those years ago I happened to sit down into the car awkwardly and crunch upon my tender orbs under my own body weight! Aside from the instant and uncomfortable stomach pain both of my testes had a severe dull ache for several weeks afterwards. I hope it is something I never repeat, and although I have since got into a Vauxhall Astra comfortably I did once have an episode of Epididymitis which reminded me very much of my original ball crunching experience! Again, something I hope is never repeated!
Whether Dune is sincere in his post or not, I've always brought The Sun and NOTW for exactly this reason, I've always found other tabloids a little lacking in Sport coverage and for overall match reports during the Season. Despite both tabloids fall out with NC last season it didn't stop me buying either of them, Other than my love of Saints I just love football in general and always just found these papers to have the best overall coverage throughout the Premier and Football Leagues. I understand that both papers may not be everyones cup of tea and are regularly put down on here and that is fair and down to their preference or political persuasion, but aside from that and for coverage during the football season for match reports, stats, etc, I think they offer the best football reporting overall. If a Sun on Sunday happens to be the replacement for NOTW I think that is what everyone expected, although the only other thought I had was if the Sun has also been involved phone tapping too considering the close links between both tabloids? Not really knowing too much about the press I wasn't sure this is a possibility and what would happen then?
I'm a Purchasing and Stock Control Manager for a Tech Company mainly specialising in Flash memory and Portable power products. Been doing this for a fair few years now and quite enjoy it, it's amazing how quickly the technology progresses and the capacities of flash memory increase.
Bloody hell... its sure taken you a lot of time to think up all of your responses! If you've been masquerading on the Main Board as someone else, why is it you've been signing in on your Corp Ho username as seen by several on here regularly, surely you wouldn't have needed to if you had another Account?
I'm mid way into 41, wishing I was still in my 20's
I know, but with little else or ITK coming out of the club these days, it's all I have and is all I can do... I hope my patience remains the same!
For iphone, Downloaded Red Laser at the weekend, had a little trial with it scanning barcodes in the house and reckon it looks a great app for finding best priced items locally, not used it further yet. Living Earth is one I'm now going to install having looked at it, thanks. I opted for GoSkyWatch over Star Walk and have been very impressed so far and not had any issue with it, it knows exactly where the phone is pointed and provides a host of info in the Universe at a tap for the area in view on the screen, I was amazed. Sky Mobile was a 'must have' and was 1st App I downloaded linked to my subscription along with Sky+ for recording away from home. I got 'Around Me' for all local info when away, but not 100% sure it's the best App yet as it provides info for some places I know that are no longer in business. Handy if you know your local area but not so handy if maybe away at Leicester! I've now installed Voucher Cloud, found it on iPhone Apps too and duly downloaded but should I turn push options off to manual, lots of offers everywhere it seems! Also going to compare the Netqin to the Apple Calendar too. Thank you both, have a couple of new Apps already to try that I wasn't aware of.
Without wanting to get my hopes up, this sounds like the first significant official comments to be coming out of the Club for a little while. Although I'm not expecting any big news as now been accustomed to in the last couple of Seasons, I'm hoping to hear or read something that is going to give us all a lift. I really hope the Press Conference has something that can spark some excitement into the main board, such as confirmed news of something that will start some new jubilant and/or speculative threads!