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Everything posted by Gigersaint

  1. Story can still be found here. http://www.allthesoccer.com/wsn/guardian.php
  2. I've seen something similar somewhere but with a coin in a bowl. When each mobile calls the one ajacent it makes the coin jump about in the bowl. Can't remember where I saw it done though.
  3. I don't think it was banned, just not successful enough to sustain sales in the UK. I travel to MK regularly where my stepkids live and there is a shop there that still sells it imported from the USA. Link below for mail order. http://www.letseatdirect.com/acatalog/Soda.html
  4. The Fishers Pond? Still there, few refurbishments over the years but still good food. Well, it is again now since the last one.
  5. I remember the Wendy House in the corner of that garden, used to be under a huge willow tree. Quite a big garden too, shame they knocked it all down and built flats there. Redondo Saint - I remember the one on Moorhill Road too near Telegraph Road but that one was up a tree.
  6. As I recall it didn't become WH Smith as it was there at the same time. Mac Fisheries was quite narrow and was tucked inbetween WH Smith and one of the other stores but I can't remember which side and why I thought it was either next to the old M&S or BHS or close to.
  7. Dont see fresh produce in Southampton High street either these days. There used to be a fresh fish shop called Mac Fisheries I think that was sandwiched somewhere between WH Smith and the old M&S or BHS. Must have disappeared sometime in the late 70's, early 80's?
  8. Is Gobern still on loan with them? I'd imagine he would be sat in the stands as an observer if he is.
  9. Was he removed for just the Spurs game or is he now banned for good from FP?
  10. Wow, from a few didys and a lot of dings you come up with that! :smt103 You're good!
  11. I think he is trying to outdo piquionne for the lead boot award so he at least wins something this season.
  12. Gigersaint


    I wondered why the bell ringing stopped midway through the highlights on MOTD, found out this morning that their No1 fan was thrown out... something to do with an A4 Judas poster.
  13. I wonder if any of the original Wimbledon fans still follow them or if they all now follow AFC Wimbledon instead. It must have been really difficult as a fan to see their club go through that.
  14. Did this originally used to be the start of the old Allington Lane?
  15. Today was the 2nd time... she egged me on for Ladbrokes special bet 'D' at the Yeovil game to win us over £400.00 too! (Not that i needed much encouragement though)
  16. Great result, great day. The Mrs placed us a Ladbrookes double this morning with a Saints 3-1 win, Pompey lose 2-1 and just won £416.00. Saints off the bottom too.
  17. Oldham 0 Saints 2 Two first half goals from Lallana and Lambert.
  18. I'd forgotten a lot about the old Southampton until this thread popped up. I remember the Gaumont when it used to have its name up on a roof gantry in illuminated red letters that could be seen from the Rose Garden roundabout outside the Civic Centre. There was also a London Steakhouse restaurant there where KFC and Sta Travel is now. Not seen the BMX track down by the old Pirelli site mentioned yet, spent a lot of time there at weekends in the early 80’s. Got numerous bumps and scapes coming off my bike there. Anyone remember the small Newspaper stand that used to sit where the Bargate Centre is now, I think HMV used to be just inside behind there before it moved to Hanover buildings? I’m sure traffic flowed better around the Six dials roundabout coming out of Southampton back then before it became all road and traffic lights, I don’t recall much being in the middle though other than a mechanics garage surrounded by overgrown grass. Bitterne too wasn’t pedestrianised and was a straight through road that carried on down Lances Hill, I used to have to help my Mum with shopping back to Thornhill Park and on the way back she would let me stop at the pet shop to look at the animals just before catching the bus home from outside the Mann & Co Estate agent hut.
  19. Currently not too many for me, hopefully will take in several more away games over the next few seasons. Once the kids are grown up and I have more time and money I will be going to far more to make up and get started proper on the 92. http://www.footballgroundmap.com/gigersaint
  20. Im gonna have little lucifer, running off to purgatory, with his tail between his legs, Im gonna teach him a lesson... he's never gonna forget. All the vultures & crows are fixin up some tombstones They wont be chewing the meat off my bones. Mercy Beat - The The
  21. Best GD in the bottom half of the table too and some of the top half.
  22. These are superb, I love this type of creative art.
  23. There is a company called A2C in Petersfield, they specialise in refurbishing PC's from large companys and moving them on... maybe an option if you're still looking?
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