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Everything posted by Gigersaint

  1. Sounds like we're getting into this now, Puncheon just wide.
  2. Hopefully the next time a shirt is pulled I hope it doesn't get described as one of our players getting a little tug again... not against Brighton, Please.
  3. About too, and it's still texts being read out... can't remember the first one let alone all the rest that were read out!!!
  4. And it's still going.........
  5. They would be the 2nd, Swindon done the double over us. It's not going to happen tonight 3-1 Saints COYR's
  6. The Missus and I went up with 2 friends, parked at Denham Station and was in the Green Man just after 09:30. We were there before and after the game and didn't wait any longer than a few minutes to get served at any time. Would like to offer thanks to a couple of SWF members and that because of their posts on here helped in our planning to make the day a special one along with the team on the pitch. Morph - For the original suggestion of parking at Denham, Very quick and easy route in and out of Wembley. StuRomseySaint - For the suggestion and description of The Green Man (Great Pub, Great Atmosphere, Decent BBQ and above all else, decently priced beer that was served cold and in good time too even despite the numbers of us there.
  7. I planned on being in bed 2 hours ago... really looking forward to tomorrow and I'm far too awake to be able to sleep. Really got to try and make an effort to sleep soon or I'm going to tired as hell when it comes to getting up tomorrow at the equivilent of 5:30am.
  8. Thanks ESB, it's a shame that you can't be there to cheer on the lads with us. Hope you can enjoy the game all the same where ever you may be watching. We'll be sure to give them a shout for you too.
  9. Got 40 and I'm, err... 40. It got me right. If I begin to lay off the beer I have hope that I may improve.
  10. Same. Missus and I leaving early in the morning to pick up 2 friends then a drive to Denham Station to catch the 09:16 train to Wembley Stadium station. Few beers at The Green Man, The Game, then a couple of beers after to let the majority of traffic disapate before heading back to Denham for the tee total Missus to drive us all home. Happy days!
  11. As much as I'd love to see us get into the play off's I just can't see it happening this season. Although I feel disappointed that we may not make it back up this season I will be looking forward to the next one where I hope and think we can do even better and go up as Champions instead, one where we can enjoy a journey at the top of the league for most if not all of of it! Southampton FC - League 1 Champions is what I'd love to see, Top Team, Top Manager, Top Season, Top Finish, not 2nd placed runners up or Wembley play off winners.
  12. I think HMRC are re-scheduled for tomorrow for dotting i's and crossing t's, but don't see why there has been a delay in the PL deducting the points after the HMRC deemed the Adminstration legal last week once the paperwork was submitted. :confused: Then and again maybe the PL are still trying to be blissfully ignorant of what is going on at Pompey... no change there then.
  13. For nostalgia of The Dell i voted One Vision
  14. Got mine today, Block 529, Row 11.
  15. Glad you dreamt 2-0 too, I was thinking earlier today if the usual Stadium Ladbrokes 'Special Bet D' would be Saints win 2-0 against Leeds, Liverpool Win 2-0 against Pompey. I usually place my £10.00 flutter each Match day on these and if this is up tomorrow my £10.00 will be put on and I'll hopefully be several hundred quid better again off at the final whistle on Monday night.
  16. "Did you tread on a duck?" always makes me chuckle.
  17. Congratulations to you both.
  18. Brilliant, I love confused poster threads. Both the confused questions and equally confused answers had me chuckling. Classic.
  19. Brilliant, I love confused poster threads. Both the confused questions and equally confused answers had me chuckling. Classic.
  20. I wondered if it was a Huddersfield fan wearing a Pompey shirt as some kind of wind up last night, after viewing one of their main forums when I got home for their view on the game several of them mentioned that it was a Pompey fan amongst them.
  21. How about this one, have to join to see comments on the main board but of all other teams forums I've been lurking on this season, Huddersfields fans have certainly been the most complimentary about us without any bitterness or negativity. Best opponent fans forum of the season in my opinion. http://downatthemac.proboards.com/index.cgi
  22. Fantastic game and fantastic entertainment, the evening had it all. We looked a complete team against a very good side, and tonight everything clicked. Even early on when Huddersfield attemped to press us we notched it up another gear that they couldn't match. From tonights performance I couldn't pick a MOTM, but Puncheon certainly seems to have added an extra dimesion to our play and in a short space of time appears to link up very well with Otsemobor. Scoring 5 goals with 5 different players is really beginning to show we have the players it takes to win games convincingly and we could have even scored a few more. The crowd were great tonight too behind the team and was great to see the responses from Pardew acknowledging the fans whenever his name was sung from all stands of the ground. Overall a great night, with an equally entertaining mild distraction of a Pompey fan removed from the Huddersfield following after a minor fracas with the stewards and local constabulary. To cap off a great night upon getting home after a quick view on here I also took a look on Huddersfields DATM forum to see their view of the game. I have to say amongst all other forums I've seen in the past I have the utmost respect for Huddersfield fans, not one bitter comment from them on the main match thread or post match and plenty of compliments for Saints. For that alone I wish them the best for the rest of the season... except if it is at our expense of course.
  23. So it seems Pompey hit the headlines again for all the wrong reasons... proving without doubt that Peter Storrie really does believe that "There's no such thing as Bad Press"
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