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Everything posted by Simples

  1. Did a flight, Dublin - Geneva - Dublin, a couple of days ago. Only heard three other aircraft on each French frequency we were on whilst over French airspace (due to the ATC strike). After about 20 mins on one frequency with no chat whatsover (normally very busy airspace) , we cheekily asked for a radio check. Was told it was fine and was given another frequency to contact with the French lady saying "there might be more chatting on there". There wasn't, it was a boring flight, but the controllers on all frequencies were having a laugh about it. Always ask for updates on the fotball score whilst over UK airspace, very friendly chaps! Simples :cool:
  2. dodger
  3. I think a lot of this has been down to, (this year A LOT), our status as a club who is too big for this league. As has been said by many people on many threads this year; coming to St Mary's is most teams 'cup final'. Therefore, many teams start of the match as not wanting to be humiliated, but to come away with a marginal loss. Therefore, with ten or so minutes to go, being one behind or on even terms, they will go for it like their lifes depend on it. Just like when you see an underdog performing in a cup game. Therefore, with this pressure on most of our matches in this league, we are always going to be under so much pressure at the end of games with teams desperate to 'be the hero' against a 'bigger club'. Simples :cool:
  4. I think this is the best post on this thread, and many others I have read. Realistic...100% Makes us fans happy...100% Simples :cool:
  5. Agga do do do Pompeys ****ed, the poor blue few Agga do do do Watch us rise and trample you Agga do do do Liquidation, relegation Agga do do do Saints south coastal domination Simples :cool:
  6. Isn't that his right leg? Simples:cool:
  7. What's the difference between Tiger Woods and Father Christmas? . . . . . . . . . Father Christmas stops after three ho's. Simples:cool:
  8. Laid. Simples:cool:
  9. Bloody cold (-9) where I am, got blue balls. Hope nobody kicks mine :mad: Simples.
  10. I agree with most of the comments on here so far. I think, due to the timing of it all, and knowing how the momentum factor can influence results; lets put our best team out on Tuesday, get a good result, and then that will carry on to the Leeds game. Put a weak team out, loose, and then heads, hearts, and expectations will drop, we then might lose against Leeds, and three points are dropped. I see that this Tuesdays result might have an impact on the Leeds game. So lets win both, and rest our best players when we play lesser teams later on in the league, hopefully after strengthining our squad in January. Simples:cool:
  11. Hence a par 3 Simples:cool:
  12. If this comes true, then we have a Saints representative at the world cup
  13. Well thats what I saw on a documentry a while ago. Care to tell us what you think is the correct answer? Simples:cool:
  14. IIRC, OK was used in the old days when the old sailing ships came back from battle. A board would be put on the outside of the ship so people could see how many sailors had died on that particular voyage. So if say, for example, 8 people had been killed, or missing, 8K would be put on the board. If no-one had been killed, then 0K would be written on the board. So that would be good, as in okey, or, OK as it would look. Simples:cool:
  15. I must admit to not knowing the official figures with regards to modern, wide bodied airliners, my knowledge is based on my area, business jets. In this area, the Dassault Falcon (three engined varients), are considerably more fuel efficient and have much better endurance than an equivelent sized, traditional, two engined variety, no matter which manufacturer you compare them to. I suppose it all depends on the size of the equipment needed and therefore the size of the aircraft required. Plus, and agreeing with other posts on here, our governments insistance on using old 'British' technology, rather than using 'off the shelve' foreign alternatives. Simples:cool:
  16. Hi, Try http://www.faceinhole.com Hope you find the picture you need on there. Simples:cool:
  17. Why do you think the 777 is more efficient than an A340 because it only has two engines? The A340 has a longer range/endurance and passenger carrying capablity. Also, with more than two engines, the A340 would probably have a longer loitering capability by flying on two engines, like the Nimrod has, albeit at a lower flight level than having all four donkeys up and running. I know about fifteen years ago the then current Nimrod had the most advanced electronic equipment in the world onboard, I hope this is still the case with the latest version, but even so, surely there would be a better airframe than it's in now? Probable a version on the Bombardier Global Express, or similar kitted out business jet. Long range, higher flight levels achievable, and an even more considerable cost saving to the tax payer? Simples:cool:
  18. Don't think we should get a song going about any of our best players going to South Africa. Will highlight the quality we have in the team, and will make our best players stand out too much and attract attention from higher division clubs. Remember when we started singing Bridgey for England? Wasn't long after that Chelsea snapped him up. Lets keep it our little secret about our best players:) Simples:cool:
  19. Probably a FlyBE Dash 8, not much better than a Sopwith Camel! Simples:cool:
  20. Great thinking. All of mans CO2 will stop. That means that a MASSIVE 2% of CO2 will cease, thereby curing climate change. Oh, hold on. Nearly 98% of the CO2 entering our atmosphere is produced NATURALLY, BY the PLANET. Read the FACTS, by the MAJORITY of INDEPENDANT scientists, and not be fooled and whitewashed into thinking what the government WANT you to believe.
  21. Oh dear, I better change my user name if it offends Simples :cool:
  22. 30 seconds are added per goal. 30 seconds are added per substitution. How many goals and subs were made in the second half? How many times did either physio come on. Any time wasting? It all adds up. As was said earlier, a shame they scored so late, but if we had scored.... Simples :cool:
  23. Can you buy a foreign SIM card without a foreign address though? I had a thought about opening a foreign bank account as I'm away so much, but like with many other things I wanted, I needed an address in that country. Simples :cool:
  24. If you want to use your iPhone abroad to browse the web, you have two options. If you have a wi-fi connection, put you phone into Airplane Mode (From the settings button), and connect to the wi-i. You then won't recieve any calls, voicemails or texts. The only other option is to use the data roaming as you would in the UK, but this is charged very heavily, and you will still recieve, and pay for, calls, voicemails and texts you recieve. Simples :cool:
  25. Due to my job, I'm always abroad, in Paris as I type! The roaming charges on O2 and Vodafone were reduced recently for a short time, now back to normal charges, but only in certain areas in Europe. You are charged extra to send messages and on calls, this varies upon your tarrif. You are also charged to recieve CALLS, this is because you are charged the roaming rates as the people calling YOU are calling an ENGLISH or UK number. The charges do vary, but work on being charged around 50p EXTRA PER TEXT and around 18p PER MINUTE on calls recieved. Hope this helps. Simples
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