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  1. I'm sure like many I have had a drink tonight to celebrate something that happens only once and a while....a mighty Saints win at one of the 'homes of football' Worthy of a post to say WTFILN and we really are a proper club in this madness of a Premiership So looking forward to going to work on a Monday morning and just saying 'look who is 3rd in the table' after all the crap about the bubble bursting in December.... Maybe just maybe people might start to take us seriously now as a team that shakes up the routine crap of the big clubs sharing out all the bloody glory ! Koeman you really are a God !!
  2. I was there yesterday afternoon when they were visiting. My Mum is currently in the High Dependency Unit and all the nurses suddenly appeared with posters of the team and some other Saints gifts. They were all buzzing about it so I went downstairs to see my 'heroes' and just saw them leaving in two black mini coaches. Llallana was in the front of one and was waving at everybody and everyone was waving back as they drove off. I joined in and then thought 'this is bloody ridiculous' I am 55 and waving at a load of footballers half my age and my mum is poorly upstairs. All the kids seemed to enjoy it though and if it makes people happy in what is a fairly miserable place then fair play.
  3. Night games were amazing! Anyone remember when we beat RANGERS 2-0 in the Texaco Cup? How the Archers stood up after that I never know ! Pre segregation it could be quite nasty and if we were playing Man U or Chelsea there would be scraps all round the ground for hours before and during the main event. We seemed to have mobs in all parts of the ground and were excellent at dishing out abuse at the likes of Summerbee,Hunter and co. They loved it though and gave it back tothe crowd Spent spells standing in all of the stands but 'under the west' was my favourite.
  4. 30000 Saints fans all suffering from vertigo!! Jamie Redknapp loves us and wants us to be the backbone of the England team. References to the Leeds v Saints passing nightmare from '73 in the second half and it was us doing the passing ! The media finally giving us some credit after 40 years of abuse.It wont get much better than this so enjoy it whilst it lasts. Bloody brilliant!!
  5. I have had the pleasure of working for lots of the big retailers over the past 25 years and am always amazed at the cack language they love to use but their inability to speak basic English. I find that using the shorthand ' J F D I ' usually works in getting a message across to my team although the customers claim to have never heard of it ! Anyone who over uses the office speak jargon is told to bugger off and sign up to 'talking ******.com'. It generally works but people get easily upset these days and accuse me of being a dinosaur but hey ho!
  6. Excellent thread - good to see so many liberated types out there! Took mine to Brighton away in 82 -I think - where we drew 1-1. Might of been the same game as ericofarabia as it was Xmas time and about 2500 Saints fans right next to the Brighton fans with 100 odd coppers all with yellow riot helmets on keeping us apart. Steve Williams scored an equaliser and I remember a burger stall getting turned over and loads of buns/ketchup being thrown about. The language was particularly choice and most unfestive like. She said "is it always like this?". I tried to explain that it was a normal away game atmosphere but dont think she believed me. Hasn't been since which suits both parties but still together !!
  7. Phil Boyer and Ossie in the mid seventies with Jimmy Steele and Nick Holmes plus Mick Channon. What a mix of characters who made that era so memorable! Clearly an age thing but I think we all love Sir Rickie for the impact over the past 4 years and putting us back where we belong.
  8. Truly sad day for those of us old enough to remember the golden days at the dell when we were growing up. It was always Paine,Channon,Davies,O'Neill,Sydenham as a line up that made you think what a great side we had. Big Ron lived in Pirie Close in Shirley during the sixties and seventies and we would often go round his house after school so he could show us his boots! He always obliged and was happy to give his autograph and spend a few moments with any fan that knocked on his door. A true gent and one of the all time Saints legends. Such a bloody shame
  9. Thanks a million! Made me cry watching the highlights from the best ever day!Brilliant video to accompany those words. Good old Jasper!
  10. Really glad I was at Villa on saturday to see the man in action doing his job properly before he got shafted. He always gave the fans a wave and got the biggest chant of the day from the fans at every away game. Simply gutted for him. Thanks for making the last three years a joy to be a Saints fan again after all the years of woe!
  11. Was that the White Hart? Never been to such a miserable craphole in my life.Hull is truly desperate - the most run down knackered place ever! Town was deserted after wards and we got a cabbie to take us to the 'best pub in town'.Place was full of Saints fans which was fun. Walked back to the Ibis at about 12.30 and heard 'we are top of the league' coming from th eboozer opposite the Wetherspoons in the town centre. Obviously only us out for a pint last night.
  12. Its companies like Spirit and Punch,Mitchells and Butlers who are killing it. I work for a firm on behalf of Spirit and they are driven by one thing only.. the revenue they can get from food. Wet pubs are are a dying format not because of non smoking but because people cant afford £3.20 a pint and a crap surrounding. Blokes dont do all day sessions any more and pubs are having to gear up around 'events' to get the punters in ie the football,rugby etc.. Was in Shirley High street a few saturdays ago and most of the pubs had only smokers as their customers and they were all outside soaking up the sunshine!! Kids are'nt interested as they dont have the beer mentality that we all had in the past. Shame but life moves on and pubs will become fewer and fewer and more specialist to suit their locality.
  13. Another one drawn out of the shadows by this thread. 53 ex Shirley,St.Georges and Taunton. First home game was Chivers last ever home game which I think was a 3-3 draw with Sheff Utd but not sure. Cant remember away game but probably in London in early seventies. Used to go in the Archers and jump over the wall at the back and then stand half way down the East stand in a little 'mob'. Still get tickets from Lets B Avenue for a few games every season as lived in sunny Essex for 30 plus years and he'll no doubt correct me about the above game!
  14. Thought their support was awful last night. They couldn't cope with us shouting 'HOOF' everytime they literally kicked the ball forward and had no response at all !! Talking to a few of their fans on the way back on the Tube and they were grateful for the draw and pleased with the result, plus they thought Kelvin was outstanding in goal for us. There was no noise on the journey back to Upminster from a crowded train and they all seemed like they had gotten away with a point rather than lost two on the rest of the league. Felt sorry For Sharp as he should have buried the chance he had in the first half and fluffed afew balls afterwards. Can t believe the young numpties who were shouting abuse at him as though he was the worst player ever for missing a chance so we need to support the bloke until he settles in and starts banging them in for fun. You can see the potential for him and Ricky to really get it together and make life hell for some opponent in the next fe weeks.
  15. I used to go round to Rons house in Pirie Close in Shirley when he was at the height of his fame.Didnt want his autograph but we wanted to see his boots for some bizarre reason. His wife Chris was always brilliant and would make him come to the door and say hello. If we were lucky he would bring a boot! Crazy things you do when you are a lad. They were really genuine people who never made a fuss about what a real star Big Ron was.. To this day the only song that always comes to mind when I think of Saints is 'bless them all.., bless them all... Ron Davies,Mick Channon..Frank Saul!.." Really appropiate right now
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