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Everything posted by LA77

  1. No doubt Mark 'sparky Hughes will get a job in the championship now
  2. Same as for me. I ordered 2 seperate tickets using MK Dons stubs and they arrived yesterday. I phoned the ticket office and asked about my original 4 tickets (I ordered them on the phone the day they started selling) and the guy was very helpful. He said certain tickets have been processed before others, so tickets might be delivered at different times. He checked out my order number and said everything is fine and they should arrive soon. I didn't receive them this morning, but there is no need to panic so chill
  3. LOL. So because I think you're a boring dullard, and a pathetic wind up merchant, that makes me a 21 year old Northam stand chav that barely remembers the Dell. Let me guess (or tell the truth) You are a bit of a weirdo that spends far too much time on the internet taunting other Saints fans behind the safety of your keyboard. You probably don't attend that many games (11,000 posts LOL), but you're highly motivated to post argumentitive replies. Whatever floats your boat I guess.
  4. Oh shut up you dullard. What a pathetic WUM you are. with fans like you we should down size to a 10K ground.
  5. Man united need a new stadium. Just off the M6 would be perfect. 76,000 is too small for them, and salford is a **** hole. Green and gold seats, and a hotel (hotels solve everything ffs). FC united can slum it at old Trafford.
  6. I agree that the old bill are keeping an eye on the "yoof", but the ones that are on this round of photos are mainly in their 30's and 40's, with one or two in their 20's. The skates should've been kept in for half an hour, like you say. The coppers are more than happy taking a backward step and then filming it (or just let the youtube brigade to post up evidence ffs). That fatty and his skate mates outside the alfred took a hiding because they thought they could hide behind the police, but the coppers were happy to let them get a slap or 2 before they moved in. It was as if they said "you're silly enough to encite a slap, so get slapped before we can be arsed to step in"
  7. LA77


    Saints foreva and others that wanted a scarf. The asian guy had the half n half scarves outside the king Alfred (just by the tunnel). 8 quid each and they're much better than the ones with the massive saints crest. It simply says JPT FINAL 2010 Southampton The Saints, with the halo and scarf at one end with the Saints under it. The other half has carlisle and blue army. He had loads there so get one tuesday night.
  8. Indeed. Good interview. It's great we're lucky enough to have good professional people running our club!
  9. I agree with Exit2. As much as I am grateful that we all have a club to support after admin, I would hate the thought of our soul ripped out. If ML and NC were planning on some out of town super stadium then for me next years 125 year celebration and special shirt would mean zilch. We are a City club rich with history and tradition. If we moved to say Eastleigh or hedge end then it wouldn't be Saints anymore in my opinion. We'd basically be a franchise. People might say i'm being far fetched, but that is honestly how I feel. If we had no other options, ie still at the Dell with a 15K capacity and had to move to the outskirts, then there's logic in that and would have to be a goer. We have a great home now, and yes we've been through a lot more bad times than good at St. Mary's, but that's part and parcel of football. As far as redeveloping our current site, and maybe building on the surrounding waterfront and chapel area, then that could well be really exciting. I am not so sure why so many people are fascinated with the idea that a stadium in Stoneham would be such a great idea. WTF is there? Parkway is near ish and the motorway. What else? Colchester's new ground is right next to the main drag, and with a gate of 8,000 it still took ages to get out. I hate what's happened to hampshire with the cricket ground playing in a souless middle of nowhere venue, with the latest fashion accesory a "super hotel ffs". I predict county cricket to implode soon, with silly money being thrown at something that would barely be used for the majority of the year. Who's to say a massive out of town complex would be a financial success anyway? We have no debt at St marys, and for 30 Million it was a bargain, and there's no reason why we can't get back to the premiership and have a very healthy future. As far as im concerned you can stick your complex/Frankie and Benny's/pizza hut/hotels/JJB up your arse As it's also been pointed out, maybe we should wait and see what NC has to say on the matter.
  10. Our stadium is perfect as it is. Location, size, etc. As already said, it's our home now. How can anyone seriously think moving is a good idea!
  11. I'd hate the thought of moving ground ffs. We have a ground in the part of our City we started out at. Imagine a souless out of town ground off the motorway, like Bolton's and Coventry's. This has to be a joke.
  12. Good post Chrisobee. Sounds like the lad has been through the toughest thing ever. Sorry to hear about your sad loss, stay positive and I hope things work out for you.
  13. Without joining you on your abuse of a poster, I have to say that it is funny seeing fans from all clubs that think wearing a coat or a jumper with a label makes them cool and "casual". Part of the casual scene was to move on and be different from the rest. I do laugh at the sheep wearing ill fitting stone island jackets that are far too long in the arms and tacky. The worst thing is seeing some of the trainers these people wear. An old casual wouldn't be seen dead in the trainers some of them wear. Maybe with size opening in town they might smarten themselves up with some decent trainers. Again, i'm not joining in on this blokes personal abuse, just making a general point. And if anyone saw that silly tranmere teenager head to toe in chav labels my point is proved
  14. You are truly a pathetic wind up merchant. Always little digs and snidey comments. Pretty much every post is negative garbage from you. Idiot!
  15. Anyone know how much them big foam hands are? I wanna give my missus a good fisting with it
  16. LA77

    Seating Plan

    To be safe wear stone island, Lacoste and old school trainers. If they refuse entry you will look the part if you kick off.
  17. It sounds like Chas n Dave and the Jam. Love it
  18. LA77

    New York

    Take a road/train trip to Boston. I've not been to NY or Boston but i'll be looking into doing both one day I hope. NY to Boston is 189 miles so loads to see and do
  19. LA77

    New York

    The streets will make you feel brand new, the lights will inspire you.
  20. Did anyone else speak to his dad in the pub before yesterdays game? He was a nice fella and he said his nipper deserved a crack at the prem. I said "he will get there, with saints of course". I think he will be here next season and if we don't go up he'll be off.
  21. 3 skates go out of their way to watch a 3rd tier match, they sit right next to the away section wearing pompey shirts and then wave a flag at the Saints fans. This, virtually straight after winning an FA cup 1/4 final. I think I know which set are obsessed. And if you were there you'd know that there were 3 pompey fans (1 bald fella and 2 "females"/sisters/wife/cousins/or all). When the stewards moved them the tranmere chavs got their flag and carried on waving it. As for the rest of it goes, I agree to an extent. I hope we don't sing about them during the cup final.
  22. I knew it would be "one of those days" the minute the skates won, and then the **** of a ref that totally ruined the game. He is the worst ref I've ever seen. The 1st goal was not a free kick. Even the lino didn't raise his flag and he was right on top of the so called foul. I can handle losing fair and square, but today took the p**S. Tranmere didn't deserve the win, and If you thought Colchester were bad with their time wasting tactics and blatant fouls, then this lot took it to another level. I'm looking forward to seeing their pen as well. Again, before the usual "bad loser, can't blame the ref brigade" start it was truly a shocking display by that midget ***** ref. Barnard was pushed in the box, it was as clear as a bell. I don't blame the lads today. We didn't play that well or bad but it was just one of those days.
  23. I've been off the beer since the Yeovil home game. It's easy to stay off it. Let's face it, the majority of people are sheep and only drink to be cool. Lager tastes like ****, deep down a lot of people would admit they don't even like beer, if they were totally honest.
  24. LA77


    FFS, have to use up my last post to comment on my **** laptop and ****y keyboard. above should read "no skates? they let them dirty fookers in when they won the cup" see you all in 24 hours
  25. LA77


    no skates? they let them dirty fookers in whe theywon the cup
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