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Everything posted by ruddick

  1. Ha ha good knowledge! Nope I am not - I am Ruddick! I don't know Oldknow but I have had a very small involvment with the Extra Time centre and one of my colleagues knew someone that worked there and does know Oldknow also. Just to be clear I am not ITK!!
  2. Hmmmm worried bout our back 4 still - esp with Lancashire - 3-1 - Lambert to score the opener!
  3. Lets hope he does. Tonight! Cheers Tac-tics for the updates - is your role working in a similar way to the Everton Extra Time facility? It is a study centre in Goodison where local school groups go to be taught how to use computers and digital media stuff by interviewing players, making films in the ground etc? Great little facility.
  4. Various letters in a certain order. An order that once rearranged says something different.
  5. ruddick


    Love this post - with this level of humour and clear intelligence (plus the BBC Four viewing) I think you ARE a Saints fan.
  6. Hmmmmm I might sleep forever on that news.
  7. Tres annoying - anyone emailed them?
  8. ruddick


    Well I would imagine that ML isn't too bothered about types of players, def not names of players and I would imagine he has enabled Cortese to do the bidding and negotiating as Exec Chairman. But if it is true that ML read the boards or Echo comments or whatever then maybe he has said the fans want such and such but no more than that - if that. Cortese is the man in charge!
  9. ruddick


    Hmmmm I doubt this was the reason for frustration or the deal being done. Men like Liebherr don't make their money or run companies by tracking every penny or signing off every investment but enable and support the right men like Cortese to do it for them. I would say the protraction and then completion would be on terms or contract specifics or changing deal to do with other offers. As well as Nicola running around loads as he has to sort 20 different things at once and difficult to prioritise as they all need doing.
  10. ruddick


    Sorry! Just my job as a press officer so I know how fast papers are at gettign photos up as compared with whoever is organising the photo-shoot! Doesnt rule out another signing and doesnt explain lack of AP quote which could be because there will be a double quote!
  11. ruddick


    Agreed. With double wages from last job he will have high expectations - needs to be top goalscorer in the League or thereabouts if he gets enough games and keeps fit.
  12. ruddick


    Good call.
  13. ruddick


    http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~1749693,00.html Not a great start - new striker and the OS can't spell his first name properly!
  14. ruddick


    It will probably have been a press photo-call at Staplewood - so the OS prob will have sent a photographer but Echo can just email it back as soon as it happens. I would imagine a release went to the paper with details of the photo-call in, say, an hours time after the release is sent.
  15. ruddick


    Just posted this in other Lambert thread ... Echo site now have a pic and Lambert WILL be he new No. 7. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/453...ns_for_Saints/
  16. Not sure if this has been posted already? Echo site now have a pic and Lambert WILL be he new No. 7. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/4537845.Lambert_signs_for_Saints/
  17. Hmmmmm my Saints Player has worked fine so far - commentary not fantastic but when I couldn't get the match on my laptop it was good to hear what was happening - the videos are a lot fuller than the transcripts that appear on the OS and you can select other commentaries so championship matches etc at diff times if you want to. For £4 a month not bad really esp if you don't live in Soton - mind you if you did live in Soton I spose the only real benefit is the video interviews.
  18. Er ... never in discussion. The point was that he highlighted again the fact Pinnacle failed due to no money and that it became clear through exclusivity which raises questions as to why the people involved kept the facade going - (MLT excluded and absolved as he clearly was kept out of the know to avoid him asking questions) That is all - but as I said earlier prob a stupid question as we shan't know now - maybe ever.
  19. It was the radio solent commentary wasn't it?
  20. Certainly! Mind you on that - is that scarf now sewn on to Liebherr?!
  21. Point taken - old issue, not important now - I agree! Ignore idiot in the corner who keeps harping back to P*****le!
  22. Great to hear MLT was at the game, cheering us on and got a gr8 response from the crowd I hear which is good! He did an interview for Soccer Saturday b4 the game and was asked about Pinnacle - he said there was obviously this problem with the league but he moved on very quickly and said but of course the as we went into exclusivity I realised the funds weren't there. Interesting - we all know the Pinnacle thing delayed us and delayed new admin's pre-season and that any problems were not MLTs but I think it keeps open the question of when the non-fund problem was realised by the guys involved.
  23. Vid interview with Pardew on Saints Player is the source - interviewer says he just talked to Nicola and that is what he said. Slight worry is Pardew then went "surprises as is players coming in?" er I would hope so Alan!
  24. Yes I don't think anyone seriously thinks he is about to take over from Pardew - just good to see him there and interesting to see him in the box - clearly invited and clearly supporting the new administration.
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