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About ruddick

  • Birthday 15 December

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  1. ruddick

    MLT contact

    Er apologys/poore/spilling - it was clearly a joke at my own expense - never mind, you might understand it one day.
  2. ruddick

    MLT contact

    Quite. Dodgy keyboard. Apologys for my poore spilling. Ta all for your help/offers of toilet assistance/stalking suggestions - all help greatly received!
  3. ruddick

    MLT contact

    Hi all, Wonder if anyone can help me - I am a freelance broadcast journo as well as being a Saints fan. I am attempting to make contact with Matt Le Tissir for a project and I wondered if anyone had or could point me in the direction of his agent's contact details or any other way of getting in touch? Cheers in advance! Peter
  4. Saw that email - did you see skate Claridge shake his head on the monitor behind email girl as the comment about us poss going for play offs was being read out? He really, really doesn't rate our chances. Can't stand that show some times - how can our match and those goals come so far down the running order?!!
  5. Although admittedly nowhere near as good as the Sunderland official site version of this - http://www.safc.com/page/LatestNews/0,,10281~1783912,00.html
  6. Daily Echo have a great live update chat where they will be posting any transfer rumours they get or any that are on Twitter hashtagged with #saintsfc. Await to see how ITK they prove to be but I shall have it open all day in vague hope we see some news there. I believe anything the Echo get rumour wise will appear here and anything Radio Solent gets will appear on Twitter hastagged with #saintsfc so will, by default, also appear here. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/4573765.High_hopes_for_new_Saints_arrivals_as_transfer_window_closes/?ref=rss
  7. I love this phrase - I think we just need to start taking the game by any part of it - neck or otherwise. I do agree with your post though - crap ref isn't enough excuse - we will face a lot of them for a long time unless we get angry at something else.
  8. He cares tis true but I just hope in the next crucial month it is enough.
  9. He is on 5Live with Simon Mayo 2mrw too I believe!
  10. Certain she has.
  11. Well I won't ever get those 45 seconds of my life back.
  12. I have refused to go to Millwall more times than I care to remember...
  13. A CB who can score - hurrah! Can we change the title of this thread to Neal Trotman now as he is one of ours I feel we should spell his name correctly!
  14. Agreed - with the scarf!!! Dubai eh?! Very nice - I know he has a place out in Switzerland but Dubai too I spose and prob a few other places! Alright for some!!
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