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Everything posted by saintmonkey1979

  1. I was wondering that.
  2. Better late than never I suppose. Hopefully a clean sweep right across FIFA will follow.
  3. Hastily arranged news conference due to start at 17:30. Delayed from 17:00 with Blatter due to speak.
  4. I'm wondering if Blatter was in Switzerland or not and if he was a target for arrest. Not sure what extradition agreements other European countries have with the US
  5. Waitrose? Is Bear no longer a price pikey? Lol
  6. Nope. Power stays on, fan continues to run, just the one beep. Totally baffled.
  7. The CPU was already in situ and the RAM seems to be inserted correctly. I made sure it was compatible with the motherboard first.
  8. Powers on, but nothing after that except a loud beep after about 3 minutes
  9. Hi all. I'm trying to build a PC but so far I am losing my battle. To my knowledge, I have done everything right and all is connected and wired correctly, however, I still can't get it to work. Is there anyone who is more computer savvy than myself who can see or think of anything I may have overlooked or done incorrectly? Any help would be massively appreciated Thanks in advance [emoji120]
  10. Had my Octavia for 8 years now and it is still going strong. I'd recommend them to anyone. The drive and build quality is volkswagen-esque while the equipment on board is fantastic and for better value for money than its vw/audi relations. I bought it just after its first mot and it hasn't let me down really. The only costly repair so far has been a clutch replacement which happened at 140k miles. It has 177k on the clock now and shows no sign of letting up. Highly recommended.
  11. They're trying to take over the world!
  12. Could it also be that we have set money aside to sign Bertrand, Alderweireld and Elia?
  13. Not even sure the pub is required for that conversation lou
  14. Done and circulated to the rest of my team
  15. I can't see a lot wrong in that tbf. It seems a fair and balanced assessment with a few big compliments. I know he had been a bit of a **** about us in the past, but that one seems pretty reasonable. Apart from saints not winning, obviously
  16. I hadn't seen the green flag! That is unreal! Especially as the official story says double waved yellows. Even in good weather it should at least be a yellow flag. Horrifying. Truly horrifying.
  17. Being judged by his peers I see. Oh...
  18. Is this "one more" Mane? Or do we reckon there is another to come? Probably not as cryptic as it seems to my tired mind, but have to ask anyway
  19. Fonte has looked comfortable so far. Really putting in a captains performance
  20. Fonte has looked comfortable so far. Really putting in a captains performance
  21. I have no idea in all honesty SOG. I would imagine it depends on what kind of encryption the scum have used. It may be worth a try though I suppose. Especially now there is no Microsoft support for XP. There may be someone who is more computer savvy than myself though who may have a better solution.
  22. Had that too. Nothing I tried worked to repair it. Whatever you do, don't pay the developer to repair/decrypt the files. After lits of research I discovered that it doesn't necessarily work and you end up hundreds of quids out of pocket. The only way I got round it was to reinstall xp. I lost most of my files, which was gutting, but by that time they were gone or not useable anyway. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
  23. Liking that a lot. 2 good kits this season. Well done Saints
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